import time |
import math |
import sys |
import csv |
import datetime |
import crtk |
import dvrk |
import numpy |
import argparse |
import surrol |
from surrol.robots.ecm import Ecm |
import pybullet as p |
import numpy as np |
from surrol.utils.pybullet_utils import * |
from surrol.tasks.ecm_env import EcmEnv, goal_distance |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import cv2 |
import dvrk |
import PyKDL |
from PIL import Image |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import yaml |
import math |
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R |
def reset_camera(yaw=50.0, pitch=-35.0, dist=5.0, target=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): |
p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera( |
cameraDistance=dist, cameraYaw=yaw, cameraPitch=pitch, cameraTargetPosition=target) |
def get_camera(): |
return CameraInfo(*p.getDebugVisualizerCamera()) |
def render_image(width, height, view_matrix, proj_matrix, shadow=1): |
(_, _, px, _, mask) = p.getCameraImage(width=width, |
height=height, |
viewMatrix=view_matrix, |
projectionMatrix=proj_matrix, |
shadow=shadow, |
lightDirection=(10, 0, 10), |
rgb_array = np.array(px, dtype=np.uint8) |
rgb_array = np.reshape(rgb_array, (height, width, 4)) |
rgb_array = rgb_array[:, :, :3] |
return rgb_array, mask |
class Sim_ECM(EcmEnv): |
POSE_ECM = ((0.15, 0.0, 0.7524), (0, 20 / 180 * np.pi, 0)) |
QPOS_ECM = (0, 0.6, 0.04, 0) |
WORKSPACE_LIMITS = ((0.45, 0.55), (-0.05, 0.05), (0.60, 0.70)) |
SCALING = 1. |
p = p.connect(p.GUI) |
def __init__(self, render_mode: str = None, cid = -1): |
self.workspace_limits = np.asarray(self.WORKSPACE_LIMITS) |
self.workspace_limits *= self.SCALING |
self.use_camera = False |
self.has_object = False |
self.obj_id = None |
self._duration = 0.1 |
self.distance_threshold = self.DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * self.SCALING |
self._view_matrix = p.computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll( |
cameraTargetPosition=(0.27 * self.SCALING, -0.20 * self.SCALING, 0.55 * self.SCALING), |
distance=1.80 * self.SCALING, |
yaw=150, |
pitch=-30, |
roll=0, |
upAxisIndex=2 |
) |
def reset_env(self): |
assert self.ACTION_MODE in ('cVc', 'dmove', 'droll') |
reset_camera(yaw=150.0, pitch=-30.0, dist=1.50 * self.SCALING, |
target=(0.27 * self.SCALING, -0.20 * self.SCALING, 0.55 * self.SCALING)) |
self.ecm = Ecm(self.POSE_ECM[0], p.getQuaternionFromEuler(self.POSE_ECM[1]), |
scaling=self.SCALING) |
def run(name): |
robot = dvrk.ecm('ECM') |
d2r = math.pi / 180.0 |
lower_limits = [-80.0 * d2r, -40.0 * d2r, 0.005] |
upper_limits = [ 80.0 * d2r, 60.0 * d2r, 0.230] |
sim_ecm = Sim_ECM('human') |
sim_ecm.reset_env() |
current_dvrk_jp = robot.measured_jp() |
print('current dvrk jp: ',current_dvrk_jp) |
current_dvrk_pose = robot.measured_cp() |
state = current_dvrk_pose.M |
position = current_dvrk_pose.p |
ECM_rotate = np.array([[state[0,0], state[0,1], state[0,2]], |
[state[1,0], state[1,1], state[1,2]], |
[state[2,0], state[2,1], state[2,2]]]) |
ECM_position = np.array([position[0], position[1], position[2]]) |
print(ECM_position) |
ECM_quat = R.from_matrix(ECM_rotate).as_quat() |
print(ECM_quat) |
sim_ecm.ecm.reset_joint(np.array(current_dvrk_jp)) |
print('current sim ecm jp: ', sim_ecm.ecm.get_current_joint_position()) |
print('current sim ecm position: ', sim_ecm._get_robot_state()) |
print('converted') |
while True: |
p.stepSimulation() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('-a', '--arm', type=str, required=True, |
choices=['ECM', 'PSM1', 'PSM2', 'PSM3'], |
help = 'arm name corresponding to ROS topics without namespace. Use __ns:= to specify the namespace') |
parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', type=float, default=0.01, |
help = 'expected interval in seconds between messages sent by the device') |
run('ECM') |