scholz's picture
license: cc-by-sa-4.0
- object-detection
- traffic
- vehicles
- car
- synthetic
- mobility
- infrastructure
pretty_name: SYNTRA Experiment Dataset
- 1K<n<10K
# About
This is the *SYNTRA Experiment Dataset*. It is a sample dataset from the NovelSense SYNTRA EU Hubs 4 Data experiment ( The experiment supported the development of a web application reachable under The dataset is a synthetic traffic infrastructure dataset e.g. for use for the validation, trainig and optimization of your traffic AI models.
# Datset description
The dataset has been created by generating 14 different visualization configurations. These include color spectrum of cars, camera noise, background, driving trajectories, among others. The dataset consists of png and xml files.
Each png files has a corresponding xml file which contians the annotation information in PascalVOC format.
The structure of the png and xml file names is a follows:
* XXXXXX -- string encoding of configuration
* C -- number of the configuration
* M -- video in this configuration
* F -- frame number in this video
# Limitation
The dataset was generated using a development version of SYNTRA and contains only cars.
# License
SYNTRA Experiment Dataset © 2023 by NovelSense UG is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0