{ "en": "Report: Richard Corbett", "ro": "Report: Richard Corbett" }
{ "en": "23.", "ro": "23." }
{ "en": "Application and interpretation of the Rules of Procedure (amendment of Rule 201) (vote)", "ro": "Aplicarea şi interpretarea Regulamentului de procedură (modificarea articolului 201 din Regulamentul de procedură) (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Richard Corbett", "ro": "Report: Richard Corbett" }
{ "en": "24.", "ro": "24." }
{ "en": "Immunity and privileges of Alessandra Mussolini (vote)", "ro": "Imunităţi şi privilegii Alessandra Mussolini (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Klaus-Heiner Lehne", "ro": "Report: Klaus-Heiner Lehne" }
{ "en": "25.", "ro": "25." }
{ "en": "Request for defence of the immunity of Ashley Mote (vote)", "ro": "Imunităţi şi privilegii Ashley Mote (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Francesco Enrico Speroni", "ro": "Report: Francesco Enrico Speroni" }
{ "en": "26.", "ro": "26." }
{ "en": "Draft amending budget No 4/2007 (vote)", "ro": "Proiectul de buget rectificativ nr. 4/2007 (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: James Elles", "ro": "Report: James Elles" }
{ "en": "27.", "ro": "27." }
{ "en": "Translation expenditure (vote)", "ro": "Raportul special al Curţii de Conturi nr. 9/2006 privind cheltuielile de traducere suportate de Comisie, Parlamentul European şi Consiliu (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Alexander Stubb", "ro": "Report: Alexander Stubb" }
{ "en": "28.", "ro": "28." }
{ "en": "Minimising administrative costs imposed by legislation (vote)", "ro": "Minimizarea costurilor administrative impuse de legislaţie (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Jan Mulder", "ro": "Report: Jan Mulder" }
{ "en": "29.", "ro": "29." }
{ "en": "Law applicable to non-contractual obligations ('Rome II') (vote)", "ro": "Legea aplicabilă obligaţiilor necontractuale (\"Roma II”) (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Diana Wallis", "ro": "Report: Diana Wallis" }
{ "en": "30.", "ro": "30." }
{ "en": "Community action programme in the field of health (2007-2013) (vote)", "ro": "Program de acţiune comunitară în domeniul sănătăţii (2007-2013) (vot)" }
{ "en": "Recommendation for second reading: Antonios Trakatellis", "ro": "Recommendation for second reading: Antonios Trakatellis" }
{ "en": "33.", "ro": "33." }
{ "en": "Food additives (vote)", "ro": "Aditivi alimentari (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Åsa Westlund", "ro": "Report: Åsa Westlund" }
{ "en": "34.", "ro": "34." }
{ "en": "Food enzymes (vote)", "ro": "Enzime alimentare (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Avril Doyle", "ro": "Report: Avril Doyle" }
{ "en": "35.", "ro": "35." }
{ "en": "Flavourings and food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods (vote)", "ro": "Arome şi ingrediente alimentare cu proprietăţi aromatizante (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Mojca Drčar Murko", "ro": "Report: Mojca Drčar Murko" }
{ "en": "37.", "ro": "37." }
{ "en": "European Critical Infrastructure (vote)", "ro": "Identificarea, clasarea şi protecţia infrastructurilor critice europene (vot)" }
{ "en": "Report: Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert", "ro": "Report: Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert" }
{ "en": "Voting time", "ro": "Timpul afectat votului" }
{ "en": "The next item is the vote.", "ro": "The next item is the vote." }
{ "en": "(For the results and other details on the vote, see Minutes.)", "ro": "(For the results and other details on the vote, see Minutes.)" }
{ "en": "Convening of the Intergovernmental Conference: opinion of the European Parliament (deadline for tabling amendments): see Minutes", "ro": "Convocarea Conferinţei Interguvernamentale (termen de depunere a amendamentelor): consultaţi procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes", "ro": "Corectările voturilor şi intenţiile de vot: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "(The sitting was suspended at 1.15 p.m. and resumed at 3.05 p.m.)", "ro": "(The sitting was suspended at 13.15 and resumed at 15.05)" }
{ "en": "Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes", "ro": "Aprobarea procesului-verbal al şedinţei precedente: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Membership of committees and delegations: see Minutes", "ro": "Componenţa comisiilor şi a delegaţiilor: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes", "ro": "Ordinea de zi a următoarei şedinţe: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Closure of sitting", "ro": "Ridicarea şedinţei" }
{ "en": "(The sitting was closed at 12 midnight)", "ro": "(La seduta è tolta alle 24.00)" }
{ "en": "Opening of the sitting", "ro": "Deschiderea şedinţei" }
{ "en": "(The sitting was opened at 9.05 a.m.)", "ro": "(Die Sitzung wird um 9.05 Uhr eröffnet.)" }
{ "en": "Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council: see Minutes", "ro": "Transmiterea de către Consiliu a textelor acordurilor: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "PNR Agreement with the United States (motions for resolutions tabled): see Minutes", "ro": "Acordul PNR cu Statele Unite ale Americii (propuneri de rezoluţie depuse): consultaţi procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "1.", "ro": "1." }
{ "en": "Calendar of part-sessions for 2008 (vote)", "ro": "Calendarul 2008 (vot)" }
{ "en": "3.", "ro": "3." }
{ "en": "Mergers and division of public limited companies (vote)", "ro": "Fuziunea şi divizarea societăţilor comerciale pe acţiuni (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Report: Kauppi", "ro": "- Informe: Kauppi" }
{ "en": "5.", "ro": "5." }
{ "en": "Community action in the field of water policy (vote)", "ro": "Politica comunitară în domeniul apei (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Report: Lienemann", "ro": "- Informe: Lienemann" }
{ "en": "6.", "ro": "6." }
{ "en": "End-of life vehicles (vote)", "ro": "Vehicule scoase din uz (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Report: Florenz", "ro": "- Informe: Florenz" }
{ "en": "7.", "ro": "7." }
{ "en": "Waste electrical and electronic equipment (vote)", "ro": "Deşeurile de echipamente electrice şi electronice (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Report: Florenz", "ro": "- Informe: Florenz" }
{ "en": "8.", "ro": "8." }
{ "en": "Hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (vote)", "ro": "Substanţe periculoase în echipamentele electrice şi electronice (competenţe de executare conferite Comisiei) (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Report: Florenz", "ro": "- Informe: Florenz" }
{ "en": "Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes", "ro": "Corectările voturilor şi intenţiile de vot: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "(The sitting was suspended at 2.25 p.m. and resumed at 3.05 p.m.)", "ro": "(La sesión, suspendida a las 14.25 horas, se reanuda a las 15.05 horas)" }
{ "en": "Approval of Minutes of previous sitting: see Minutes", "ro": "Aprobarea procesului-verbal al şedinţei precedente: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Membership of committees and delegations: see Minutes", "ro": "Componenţa comisiilor şi a delegaţiilor: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Agenda for next sitting: see Minutes", "ro": "Ordinea de zi a următoarei şedinţe: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Closure of sitting", "ro": "Ridicarea şedinţei" }
{ "en": "(The sitting closed at 23.35)", "ro": "(The sitting closed at 23.35)" }
{ "en": "Opening of the sitting", "ro": "Deschiderea şedinţei" }
{ "en": "(The sitting was opened at 9.30 a.m.)", "ro": "(Se abre la sesión a las 9.30 horas)" }
{ "en": "Documents received: see Minutes", "ro": "Depunerea documentelor: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "Budget calendar: see Minutes", "ro": "Calendar bugetar: a se vedea procesul-verbal" }
{ "en": "1.", "ro": "1." }
{ "en": "Community Statistical Programme (2008-2012) (vote)", "ro": "Programul statistic comunitar pentru perioada 2008-2012 (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Becsey report", "ro": "- Bericht: Becsey" }
{ "en": "4.", "ro": "4." }
{ "en": "First railway package (vote)", "ro": "Punerea în aplicare a primului pachet feroviar (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Cramer report", "ro": "- Bericht: Cramer" }
{ "en": "6. Action to tackle cardiovascular disease (vote)", "ro": "6. privind acţiunile de combatere a bolilor cardiovasculare (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Motion for a resolution", "ro": "- Entschließungsantrag" }
{ "en": "8.", "ro": "8." }
{ "en": "Eurozone (2007) (vote)", "ro": "Zona euro (2007) (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Rosati report", "ro": "- Bericht: Rosati" }
{ "en": "9.", "ro": "9." }
{ "en": "European Central Bank (2006) (vote)", "ro": "Banca Centrală Europeană (2006) (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Mitchell report", "ro": "- Bericht: Mitchell" }
{ "en": "10.", "ro": "10." }
{ "en": "Palestine (vote)", "ro": "Palestina (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Joint motion for a resolution", "ro": "- Gemeinsamer Entschließungsantrag" }
{ "en": "13.", "ro": "13." }
{ "en": "TRIPS agreement and access to medicines (vote)", "ro": "Acordul TRIPS şi accesul la medicamente (vot)" }
{ "en": "- Motion for a resolution", "ro": "- Entschließungsantrag" }