Approved the second one-year extension of the country programme for Burundi (DP/FPA/2008/6) and the two-year extension of the country programme for Pakistan (DP/FPA/2008/8); 批准布隆迪国家方案第二次展期一年(DP/FPA/2008/6)和巴基斯坦国家方案展期二年(DP/FPA/2008/8);
注意到阿富汗国家方案(DP/FPA/2008/8)、厄瓜多尔和危地马拉国家方案展期一年(DP/FPA/2008/7)。 Took note of the one-year extensions of the country programmes for Afghanistan (DP/FPA/2008/8), Ecuador and Guatemala (DP/FPA/2008/7).
评价(人口基金) Evaluation (UNFPA)
通过关于人口基金内部的评价的第2008/12号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/12 on evaluation in UNFPA.
Adopted decision 2008/13 on internal audit and oversight in UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS. 通过了关于开发署、人口基金和项目厅的内审计和监督的第2008/13号决定。
Field visits 实地访问
注意到关于开发署/人口基金、儿童基金会和粮食计划署到海地联合实地访问的报告(DP/FPA/2008/CRP.1-E/ICEF/2008/CRP.11)和开发署和人口基金执行局到哈萨克斯坦实地访问的报告(DP/2008/CRP.3-DP/FPA/2008/CRP.2)。 Took note of the report of the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP to Haiti (DP/FPA/2008/CRP.1-E/ICEF/2008/CRP.11) and of the report on the field visit of the Executive Board of UNDP and of UNFPA to Kazakhstan (DP/2008/CRP.3-DP/FPA/2008/CRP.2).
Adopted decision 2008/14 on the annual report of the Administrator; 通过了关于署长年度报告的第2008/14号决定;
注意到开发署和人口基金关于联合检查组2007年建议的联合报告(DP/2008/ 23/Add.1-DP/FPA/2008/5)(Prst II)。 Took note of the joint report of UNDP and UNFPA on the recommendations of the Joint Inspection Unit in 2007 (DP/2008/23/Add.1 - DP/FPA/2008/5 (Part II).
开发署2008-2011年战略计划 UNDP strategic plan, 2008-2011
通过了关于修订的2008-2011年开发署战略计划的第2008/15号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/15 on the revised UNDP strategic plan, 2008-2011.
对开发署所作供资承诺 Funding commitments to UNDP
通过了关于向开发署及其联系基金和方案作出的2008年及以后经常供资承诺情况的第2008/16号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/16 on the status of regular funding commitments to UNDP and its associated funds and programmes for 2008 and onward.
Evaluation in UNDP 开发署内的评价
Adopted decision 2008/17 on the annual report on evaluation; 通过了关于年度评价报告的第2008/17号决定;
通过了关于对阿拉伯区域内净捐助国的评价的第2008/18号决定; Adopted decision 2008/18 on evaluation of net contributor countries in the Arab region;
Adopted decision 2008/19 on the evaluation of the United Nations Development Group contribution to implementing the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. 通过了关于对联合国发展集团为执行《援助有效性巴黎宣言》所做贡献的评价的第2008/19号决定。
Human Development Report 人类发展报告
注意到就人类发展报告进行协商的最新情况(DP/2008/30)。 Took note of the update on Human Development Report consultations (DP/2008/30).
Country programmes and related matters (UNDP) 国家方案及相关事项(开发署)
Draft country programme document for Benin (DP/DCP/BEN/1) 贝宁国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/BEN/1)
毛里求斯国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/MUS/2) Draft country programme document for Mauritius (DCP/DCP/MUS/2)
尼日利亚国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/NGA/1) Draft country programme document for Nigeria (DP/DCP/NGA/1)
阿拉伯国家 Arab States
苏丹国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/SDN/1) Draft country programme document for Sudan (DP/DCP/SDN/1)
注意到阿富汗、阿根廷、厄瓜多尔、危地马拉、大韩民国及特克斯和凯科斯群岛的国家方案展期一年和核准巴基斯坦国家方案展期两年(DP/2008/31)。 Took note of the one-year extensions of the country programmes for Afghanistan, Argentina, Ecuador, Guatemala, Republic of Korea and the Turks and Caicos Islands, and approved the two-year extension of the country programme for Pakistan (DP/2008/31).
Adopted decision 2008/20 on the annual report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services. 通过了关于联合国项目事务厅执行主任年度报告的第2008/20号决定。
项目15 Item 15
Adopted decision 2008/21 on the results-oriented annual report for 2007 of the Executive Director of the United Nations Capital Development Fund. 通过了关于联合国资本发展基金执行主任2007年注重成果的年度报告的第2008/21号决定。
项目16 Item 16
联合国志愿人员 United Nations Volunteers
通过了关于联合国志愿人员 -- -- 署长的报告的第2008/22号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/22 on United Nations Volunteers - Report of the Administrator.
通过了关于联合国妇女发展基金年度报告和费用回收政策的第2008/23号决定。 Item 17 Adopted decision 2008/23 on the UNIFEM annual report and cost-recovery policy.
项目18 Item 18
财务、预算和行政事项(开发署) Financial, budgetary and administrative matters (UNDP)
Adopted decision 2008/24 on UNDP engagement in direct budget support and pooled funds. 通过了关于开发署参与直接预算支助和集合基金的第2008/24号决定。
项目19 Item 19
Took note of the draft fourth cooperation framework for South-South cooperation (DP/CF/SSC/4). 注意到南南合作第四个合作框架草案(DP/CF/SSC/4)。
项目20 Item 20
Other matters 其他事项
举行了特别活动(小组讨论),讨论超越承诺范围落实千年发展目标5:人口基金及其伙伴的作用; Held a special event (panel discussion) on moving beyond commitments to deliver on Millennium Development Goal 5: the role of UNFPA and its partners;
举行了一次关于人道主义应急(人口基金)的小组讨论会; Held a panel discussion on humanitarian response (UNFPA);
举行了一个简报会,就关于开发署在朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的业务的外部独立的调查性审查报告作出说明。 Held a briefing on the report of the external independent investigative review of UNDP operations in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
执行局, Revision of the financial regulations of UNDP and UNFPA
认识到过去几年中对联合国人员攻击和威胁的次数大幅度增加,其严重性大幅度加剧, Recognizing that the number and gravity of attacks and threats against United Nations personnel have increased substantially over the past several years, and
确认联合国各组织应能及时和妥善地应对这类事件, Acknowledging that United Nations organizations should be able to respond to such incidences in a timely and appropriate manner,
1. 注意到报告中关于修订开发署财务条例的报告(DP/2008/41)和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相应报告(DP/2008/42); 1. Takes note of the report on the revision of the financial regulations of UNDP (DP/2008/41) and the corresponding report by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (DP/2008/42);
2. Decides that financial regulation 23.01, contained in document DP/2008/41, should read as follows: 2. 决定载于DP/2008/41号文件的财务条例23.01应改为如下:
"(a) 署长为了开发署的利益,可支付其认为必要的惠给金,每年金额不得超过75 000美元,这种付款应纳入已审计财务报表,但符合下文(b) 段规定的情况除外: "(a) The Administrator may make such ex gratia payments, not exceeding $75,000 per year, as he or she deems necessary in the interest of UNDP. A statement of such payments should be included in the audited financial statements, except as set forth in paragraph (b) below:
(b) 在紧急情况下,经署长酌处,如有必要为人道主义原因(如与开发署活动相关的受伤或死亡事件)立即支付惠给金,署长可根据上文(a)段支付这种款项,但这种款项不得限定数额。 (b) In the case of an emergency where, at the discretion of the Administrator, immediate ex gratia payments are necessary for humanitarian reasons (in instances such as injury or death suffered in connection with UNDP activities), the Administrator may make such payments in accordance with paragraph (a) above, except that such payments shall be without limitation as to the amount.
3. Takes note of the corresponding change in financial rule 123.01. 3. 注意到对财务细则123.01作了相应修改。
4. 注意到关于修订人口基金财务条例的报告(DP/FPA/2008/15和DP/FPA/2008/ 15/Corr.1)和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相应报告(DP/FPA/2008/16); 4. Takes note of the report on the revision of the financial regulations of UNFPA (DP/FPA/2008/15 and DP/FPA/2008/15/Corr.1) and the corresponding report by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (DP/FPA/2008/16);
5. 注意到2008年人口基金已支付惠给金47 609美元,这一数额将反映在人口基金2008-2009两年期财务报表内; 5. Notes that UNFPA has disbursed $47,609 in ex gratia payments in 2008, and that this amount will be reflected in the UNFPA financial statements for the biennium 2008-2009;
6. Recognizes that the above payment exceeded the limit of $25,000 imposed under financial regulation 14.5 for ex gratia payments; 6. 认识到上述款项超过财务条例14.5对惠给金规定的25 000美元限额;
7. Approves, on an ex post facto basis, the amount paid in excess of the above limit, in view of humanitarian and moral considerations; 7. 鉴于人道主义和道义上的考虑,事后核准支付超过上述限额的数额;
8. 决定载于DP/FPA/2008/15号文件的财务条例14.5应改为如下: 8. Decides that financial regulation 14.5, contained in document DP/FPA/2008/15, should read as follows:
"(a) 执行主任为了人口基金的利益,可支付其认为必要的惠给金,每年金额不得超过75 000美元,这种付款应纳入已审计财务报表,但符合下文(b)段规定的情况除外: "(a) The Executive Director may make such ex gratia payments, not exceeding $75,000 per year, as he or she deems necessary in the interest of UNFPA. A statement of such payments should be included in the audited financial statements, except as set forth in paragraph (b) below:
(b) 在紧急情况下,经执行主任酌处,如有必要为人道主义原因(如与人口基金活动相关的受伤或死亡事件)立即支付惠给金,执行主任可根据上文(a)段支付这种款项,但这种款项不得限定数额。 (b) In the case of an emergency where, at the discretion of the Executive Director, immediate ex gratia payments are necessary for humanitarian reasons (in instances such as injury or death suffered in connection with UNFPA activities), the Executive Director may make such payments in accordance with paragraph (a) above, except that such payments shall be without limitation as to the amount.
9. 注意到对财务细则114.9作了相应的修改。 9. Takes note of the corresponding change in financial rule 114.9.
2008年9月11日 11 September 2008
1. Takes note of the annual review of the financial situation (DP/2008/39) and the detailed information contained in its addendum (DP/2008/39/Add.1); 1. 注意到财务状况年度审查(DP/2008/39)及其增编所载的详细资料(DP/ 2008/39/Add.1);
2. 鼓励所有会员国支持开发署战略计划中所列的资源目标,并尽可能通过多年认捐,尽早为开发计划署2008年及其后的经常资源承付款项; 2. Encourages all Member States to support UNDP in reaching the resource targets set out in the strategic plan and to commit, as early as possible, their contributions to UNDP regular resources for the years 2008 and onwards, through multi-year pledges if possible; and
3. Recognizes the importance of funding predictability in helping effective programme planning by UNDP. 3. 认识到提供资金必须有可预见性,以帮助开发署有效开展方案规划工作。
12 September 2008 2008年9月12日
1. Takes note of the report of the Administrator on the activities of the Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office for the biennium 2006-2007 (DP/2008/43), recognizing that this will be the last report submitted on IAPSO based on the successful implementation of the partial merger of certain IAPSO functions with UNOPS on 1 January 2008; 1. 注意到署长关于机构间采购事务处2006-2007两年期活动的报告(DP/2008/ 43),认识到这将是在2008年1月1日成功实施采购处某些职能与项目厅部分合并基础上提出的关于采购处的最后一次报告;
2. Notes the implementation by UNDP and UNOPS teams the partial merger transition process, especially in relation to business transfer and human resources activities. Role of UNDP in the changing aid environment at the country level 2. 注意到开发署和项目厅工作队实施了部分合并的过渡进程,特别是有关业务移交和人力资源活动的过渡进程。
1. 回顾其第2008/24号决定; 1. Recalls its decision 2008/24;
2. Takes note of the report on the role of UNDP in the changing aid environment at the country level (DP/2008/53), and approves implementation of the pilot programme as set out below; 2. 注意到开发署在国家一级不断变化的援助环境中的作用的报告(DP/2008/53),并核准执行下文所述的试点方案;
3. 注意到该报告是DP/2008/36号文件的后续文件,也是根据执行局在第2008/24号决定中所提出关于再提交一份报告的要求提交的,请署长在向任何试点国家发放资金之前,先在执行局网站张贴第2008/24号决定第7段所要求提供的进一步资料,其中包括参与部门预算支助和汇集资金的更详细标准(第2008/53号文件指出,开发计划署将向其国家办事处分发这种标准,作为内部业务指导),并更精确地制订指标和基准,用以衡量试点方案的效率和成果以及开发署参与这种援助模式的潜力; 3. Notes the report as a follow-up to DP/2008/36 and as a response to the request of the Executive Board, in its decision 2008/24, for an additional report, and requests the Administrator to post on the Executive Board website further information as requested in decision 2008/24, paragraph 7, before releasing any funds to a pilot country, including greater detail in the criteria of engagement in sector budget support and pooled funding (which, per 2008/53, UNDP will issue as internal operational guidance to its country offices), and greater precision with respect to the indicators and benchmarks to be used to measure the effectiveness and results of the pilot programme and the potential for UNDP participation in this aid modality;
4. 回顾指出必须建设国家能力,简化程序并使之符合国家的程序和条例,并认为联合国发展系统依职权参与当前的新的援助模式是这方面最适当的做法; 4. Recalls the importance of building national capacity, simplifying procedures and aligning them with national procedures and regulations, and considers ex officio participation of the United Nations development system in current and new aid modalities to be the most appropriate option in this regard;
5. Encourages UNDP to pursue this approach with the United Nations Development Operations Coordination Office to ensure synergy and common approaches in the United Nations system response to the changing aid environment; 5. 鼓励开发署与联合国发展业务协调办公室推行这一做法,以确保联合国系统应对不断变化的援助环境时采用协同和共同的做法;
6. Requests UNDP to include, in its annual financial review of the situation, the status of expenditures of any such fund to which it contributes. 6. 请开发署在关于这种情况的年度财务审查报告中列入其供资的任何此类基金的支出情况。
1. Takes note of the present evaluation of the role and contribution of UNDP in the environment and energy and of the management response thereto (DP/2008/47); 1. 注意到目前对开发署在环境和能源方面作用和贡献的评价以及管理层就此作出的答复(DP/2008/47);
2. 注意到下列结论:(a) 环境和能源大大促进了开发署减少贫困的核心任务,(b) 在联合国系统内,开发署在环境和能源管理方面、特别是在国家一级具有潜在的重要作用,同时考虑到联合国环境规划署(环境署)在这一领域的主要作用,并强调就此在开发署的任务范畴内与环境署合作; 2. Takes note of the conclusions that: (a) environment and energy significantly contribute to the core UNDP mission of poverty reduction, and (b) the role of UNDP in environment and energy management within the United Nations system is potentially important, especially at the country level, taking into account the principal role of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in this area, and emphasizing the cooperation with UNEP in this context and within the mandate of UNDP;
3. Emphasizes the need for UNDP to strengthen national capacity development in the environment and energy, keeping in mind the mission and capabilities of the organization, as well as the need to respond to the national sustainable development priorities of programme countries; 3. 强调开发署必须加强环境和能源方面的国家能力发展,牢记本组织的使命和能力,并需要应对方案国的国家可持续发展优先事项;
4. Urges UNDP to improve its responsiveness to the national priorities, especially in view of the specific needs of least developed countries and small island developing States; 4. 促请开发署改进其对各国优先事项的回应工作,特别是要考虑到最不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家的具体需要;
5. 请署长确定并执行体制机制和奖励办法,包括与联合国其他组织合作和协调,把环境和能源纳入所有主要活动领域,并加强整个组织、特别是包括开发署国家办事处在内的环境和能源能力; 5. Requests the Administrator to identify and implement institutional mechanisms and incentives, including cooperation and coordination withy other United Nations organizations, to mainstream the environment and energy into all major practice areas, and to strengthen environment and energy capacities throughout the organization, including, and especially, in UNDP country offices.
6. 请署长在评价报告(DP/2008/46)并在最后确定与环境署的谅解备忘录的基础上,向2009年执行局第一届常会口头报告开发署关于环境和能源的战略。 6. Requests the Administrator to report orally to the Executive Board at its first regular session 2009 on the UNDP strategy on the environment and energy, based on the evaluation (DP/2008/46), and on the finalization of its memorandum of understanding with UNEP.
1. Recalls its decision 2008/17; 1. 回顾其第2008/17号决定;
2. 注意到进一步磋商期间和DP/2008/49号文件中所提供关于评价处2008-2009年工作方案的信息; 2. Takes note of the additional information on the programme of work of the Evaluation Office for 2008-2009 provided during the additional consultations and in document DP/2008/49;
3. Approves the independent evaluations contained in the programme of work of the Evaluation Office for 2008-2009 and in DP/2008/49, and stresses the importance of clear linkages of subsequent programmes of work with the UNDP strategic plan, 2008-2011. Evaluation of the third UNDP global cooperation framework 3. 核准评价办公室2008-2009年工作方案和DP/2008/49号文件所载的独立评价意见,并强调今后的工作方案必须与开发署2008-2011年战略计划建立明确的联系。
Takes note of the conclusions of the evaluation of the third global cooperation programme framework (DP/2008/44), and of the management response to this evaluation (DP/2008/45), and requests UNDP to continue to fully reflect them in the new fourth global framework (2009-2011) and in its implementation; 1. 注意到第三个全球合作方案框架评价结论(DP/2008/44)以及管理当局对评价的答复(DP/2008/45),请开发署在新的第四个全球框架(2009-2011年)及其执行中继续全面落实评价和答复;
审议了开发署2009-2011年全球方案(DP/GP/2), Having considered the UNDP global programme, 2009-2011 (DP/GP/2),
2. 重申根据开发署2009-2011年全球方案开展的各项活动将完全符合2007年12月大会关于三年期全面政策审查的第62/208号决议的各项规定、以及根据2007年10月执行局第2007/32号决定修改并经执行局第2008/15号决定认可的经修订的开发署2008-2011年战略计划(DP/2007/43/Rev.1和Rev.2); Reaffirms that all activities under the UNDP global programme 2009-2011 will be fully consistent with the provisions of General Assembly Resolution 62/208 of December 2007 on the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review; and the Revised 2008-2011 UNDP Strategic Plan (DP/2007/43/Rev.1 and Rev.2) as amended pursuant to Executive Board decision 2007/32 of October 2007, and as endorsed by Executive Board decision 2008/15;
3. 承认对能力建设和发展的支持是开发署协助方案国努力实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标做出的全面贡献,着重指出能力建设的重点包括按照国家计划和战略进行体制和人的能力建设; Recognizes that support to capacity-building and development constitutes the overarching contribution of UNDP in assisting the efforts of programme countries to achieve internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and underlines that the emphasis of capacity-building includes institutional and human capacity-building in accordance with their national plans and strategies;
4. 请署长将本组织政策咨询能力未来分类的提议纳入根据关于统一开发署活动费用分类的第2008/1号决定提交执行局的提议之中; 4. Requests the Administrator in the context of the proposals to be presented to the Executive Board in line with decision 2008/1 on realigning the cost classification of UNDP activities, to include proposals on the future classification of the organization's policy advisory capacities;
5. Also requests the Administrator to include, in his annual report to the annual sessions of the Executive Board, improvements and implementation of the global programme, 2009-2011, notes that a midterm review of the global programme, 2009-2011, will be submitted to the annual session of the Executive Board 2010, and a final comprehensive report on performance and results submitted to the Executive Board at the annual session 2012. 5. 又请署长将2009-2011年全球方案的改进和执行情况纳入其提交执行局年度会议的年度报告之中,注意到将向2010年执行局年度会议提交2009-2011年全球方案中期审查报告,并将在2012年度会议上向执行局提交关于执行情况和成果的最后综合报告;
6. Decides that this decision will serve as the preface to and be an integral part of the UNDP global programme, 2009-2011; and in that regard approves the UNDP global programme, 2009-2011, taking into account the guidance of this decision, as well as the comments of Member States. 6. 决定本项决定将作为开发署2009-2011年全球方案的序言和组成部分,为此核准开发署2009-2011年全球方案,同时考虑到本项决定提供的指导以及会员国发表的评论。
1. Takes note of the status report on the implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Board of Auditors for the biennium 2004-2005 (DP/2008/50); 1. 注意到2004-2005两年期联合国审计委员会建议执行情况的现况报告(DP/2008/50);
2. Acknowledges the progress made since the release of the report of the United Nations Board of Auditors on 29 June 2007. 2. 确认自2007年6月29日联合国审计委员会报告发表以来取得的进展。
1. Takes note of the annual statistical report on the procurement activities of the United Nations system organizations (DP/2008/51); 1. 注意到联合国系统各组织采购活动的年度统计报告(DP/2008/51);
2. Welcomes the data presentation and analysis contained in the report. Governance structure of UNOPS 2. 欢迎本报告所载的数据列报和分析。
1. Takes note of the report on the governance structure of the United Nations Office for Project Services (DP/2008/52); 1. 注意到关于联合国项目事务厅治理结构的报告(DP/2008/52);
2. 核准本报告所述管理协调委员会(将更名为政策咨询委员会)经修订的作用和职能; 2. Approves the amended role and function of the Management Coordination Committee - to be renamed the Policy Advisory Committee - as outlined in the present report.
3. Requests UNOPS to submit for approval at the first regular session 2009, a comprehensively revised set of UNOPS financial regulations and rules, taking into account the changes in the governance structure of UNOPS as well as the specifics of the UNOPS business model; 3. 请项目厅提出一套经全面修订的项目厅财务条例和细则,交2009年第一届常会核准,同时考虑到项目厅治理结构的改变和项目厅业务模式的具体情况;
4. Recommends that the Secretary-General delegate authority to the UNOPS Executive Director to administer United Nations staff rules and regulations in respect of UNOPS staff. Fourth cooperation framework for South-South cooperation 4. 建议秘书长向项目厅执行主任下放权力,使其有权代表项目厅工作人员管理联合国工作人员细则和条例。
Takes note of the fourth cooperation framework for South-South cooperation (DP/CF/SSC/4/Rev.1), and requests UNDP to take into account the recommendations made by Member States in its implementation; 1. 注意到南南合作的第四个合作框架(DP/CF/SSC/4/Rev.1),请开发署考虑到会员国在执行中提出的建议;
Welcomes the results-oriented approach of the framework; 2. 欣见框架采取注重成果的方法;
3. 鼓励具有能力的会员国支持开发署和南南合作特设局全面执行南南合作第四个合作框架。 Encourages Member States in a position to do so to support UNDP and the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation in fully implementing the fourth cooperation framework for South-South cooperation.
1. 回顾以往有关开发署、人口基金和项目厅内部审计和监督的各项决定,其中包括第2006/13、2007/29、2007/44、2008/8和2008/13号决定,并回顾大会第59/272号决议; 1. Recalls its previous decisions concerning internal audit and oversight in UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS, including 2006/13, 2007/29, 2007/44, 2008/8 and 2008/13; and recalls General Assembly resolution 59/272;