2. 赞赏地注意到开发署、人口基金和项目厅以协调和标准化的做法为加强管理、问责、监督和透明所作的努力; 2. Notes with appreciation the efforts of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS to strengthen management, accountability, oversight and transparency in a harmonized and standardized way;
3. 注意到关于开发署问责制度的报告(DP/2008/16/Rev.1),核准报告所载的问责框架和监督政策,但不得与本决定的规定相抵触; 3. Takes note of the report on the UNDP accountability system (DP/2008/16/Rev.1) and approves the accountability framework and oversight policy contained therein, subject to the provisions of this decision;
4. 又注意到关于人口基金监督政策的报告(DP/FPA/2008/14),核准报告所载的监督政策,但不得与本决定的规定相抵触; 4. Also takes note of the report on the UNFPA oversight policy (DP/FPA/2008/14) and approves the oversight policy contained therein, subject to the provisions of this decision;
5. Further takes note of the report on the UNOPS accountability and oversight policies (DP/2008/55) and approves the accountability framework and oversight policies set out therein, subject to the provisions of this decision; 5. 还注意到关于项目厅问责和监督政策的报告(DP/2008/55),核准报告所载的问责框架和监督政策,但不得与本决定的规定相抵触;
6. Reaffirms the operational independence of all oversight mechanisms, including those related to audit, oversight and ethics; 6. 重申包括与审计、监督和操守有关机制在内的所有监督机制在业务方面具有独立性;
7. Underscores the importance of Executive Board oversight and recognizes that nothing in the above-mentioned reports should restrict the authority of the Executive Board, as set out in its Rules of Procedure; 7. 着重指出执行局进行监督的重要性,确认上述各项报告中的任何内容都不对执行局根据《议事规则》拥有的权力构成限制;
8. 强调必须加强成果管理制,使联合国会员国能够追究开发署、人口基金和项目厅的责任; 8. Underlines the importance of enhanced results-based management for the accountability of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS to States members of the United Nations;
9. 敦促开发署署长以及人口基金和项目厅执行主任,任命(a) 审计咨询委员会成员;(b) 道德操守办公室主任;(c) 项目厅审计和调查办公室主任、人口基金监督事务司长、以及项目厅内部审计办公室主任,同时执行现行方针, 确保避免出现利益冲突; 9. Urges the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Directors of UNFPA and UNOPS, in appointing (a) members of their Audit Advisory Committees; (b) directors of their Ethics Offices; and (c) directors of the UNDP Office of Audit and Investigations and the UNFPA Division for Oversight Services, and the Head of the UNOPS Internal Audit Office; while applying existing guidelines, to ensure the avoidance of conflicts of interest;
10. 决定开发署道德操守办公室应向执行局年度会议提交报告; 10. Decides that the Ethics Office of UNDP should submit a report to the Executive Board at its annual session;
11. Reaffirms the prerogative of the Executive Board to approve country programmes, and also reaffirms the importance of continuity in supporting programme countries, and underscores the value of internal audit reports as management tools to improve the capacity of country offices; 11. 重申执行局具有核准国家方案的特权,重申必须持续不断地支持方案国家,着重指出内部审计报告作为改善国家办事处能力的管理工具的价值;
12. 决定,在考虑执行局成员发表的意见之后,开发署署长以及人口基金和项目厅执行主任可以根据DP/2008/16/Rev.1、DP/FPA/2008/14和DP/2008/55号文件的相关规定,并根据本项决定的规定,向会员国披露内部审计报告,同时需充分行使酌处权并保护方案国的正当权利; 12. Decides, after taking into consideration the views expressed by the members of the Executive Board, that the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Directors of UNFPA and UNOPS may disclose internal audit reports to Member States in accordance with the relevant provisions stipulated in documents DP/2008/16/Rev.1, DP/FPA/2008/14 and DP/2008/55, and in accordance with the provisions of this decision, exercising the greatest extent of discretion and protecting the legitimate rights of the programme country;
13. Requests the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Directors of UNFPA and UNOPS to immediately inform the Executive Board and the concerned Government of the request for internal audit reports, prior to disclosure, with a copy of the request provided by the requesting party, and to provide the concerned Government with adequate time to view and comment on the report; 13. 请开发署署长以及人口基金和项目厅执行主任,出具请求方提供的请求副本,立即将要求在披露前得到内部审计报告的请求通知执行局和有关政府,并为有关政府阅读报告和发表评论提供充分时间;
14. 重申披露的信息应予保密,获得内部审计报告的书面请求应包括请求理由和目的,并申明遵守DP/2008/16/Rev.1、DP/FPA/2008/14和DP/2008/55号文件规定的披露程序; 14. Reaffirms that information disclosed shall be kept confidential, and that written requests for access to internal audit reports should include the reason and purpose for the request and an affirmation to adhere to the procedures of disclosure, as stipulated in documents DP/2008/16/Rev.1, DP/FPA/2008/14 and DP/2008/55;
15. 请人口基金向执行局提供审计咨询委员会的年度报告以及管理当局的答复,作为关于内部审计和监督的年度报告的附件; 15. Requests UNFPA to provide the Executive Board with the annual report of the Audit Advisory Committee and the management response thereto, as annexes to the annual report on internal audit and oversight;
16. Requests UNOPS to provide the Executive Board with an annual report from the Strategy and Audit and Advisory Committees, and the management response thereto, as annexes to the annual report on internal audit and oversight; 16. 请项目事务厅向执行局提供战略和审计咨询委员会的年度报告以及管理当局的答复,作为关于内部审计和监督的年度报告的附件;
17. 请开发署署长以及人口基金和项目厅执行主任在执行局2009年第二届常会上口头报告本项决定的执行情况; 17. Requests the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Directors of UNFPA and UNOPS to orally report on the implementation of this decision at the second regular session 2009 of the Executive Board;
18. Requests the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Directors of UNFPA and UNOPS to submit, for consideration by the Executive Board, at its annual session 2010, a report on the implementation of this decision, including, inter alia, the number of requests for internal audit reports; the conclusions of reviews by the Audit Advisory Committees of the implementation of this decision, including audit information redacted or withheld from disclosure; and confirmation of adherence to the principle of confidentiality for audit information disclosed to members of the Executive Board. 18. 请开发署署长以及人口基金和项目厅执行主任向2012年年会提出一份关于本项决定执行情况的报告交执行局审议,内容包括请求得到内部审计报告的数目;审计咨询委员会对本项决定执行情况的审查结论,包括经修订或未予披露的审计信息;以及确认遵守向执行局成员披露的审计信息保密原则。
19 September2008 2008年9月19日
回顾开发署在2008年第二届常会期间: Recalls that during its second regular session 2008, it:
核准了2008年第二届常会的议程和工作计划(DP/2008/L.3); Approved the agenda and work plan for the second regular session 2008 (DP/2008/L.3);
核准了2008年度会议的报告(DP/2008/37); Approved the report of the annual session 2008 (DP/2008/37);
Agreed to the following schedule of sessions of the Executive Board in 2009: 同意2009年执行局会议安排如下:
Election of the Bureau for 2009: 9 January 2009 2009年度主席团成员选举
开发署/人口基金、儿童基金会和粮食计划署执行局联席会议: Joint meeting of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP:
23 and 26 January 2009 (tentative) 2009年1月23日和26日(暂定)
Second regular session 2009: 8 to 11 September 2009. 2008年9月8日至11日
财务、预算和行政事项(人口基金) Financial, budgetary and administrative matters (UNFPA)
Adopted decision 2008/26 on the revision of the financial regulations of UNDP and UNFPA 通过了关于修改开发署和人口基金财务条例的第2008/26号决定;
注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会关于修改财务条例(人口基金)的报告(DP/FPA/2008/16)。 Took note of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (DP/FPA/2008/16) on the revision of financial regulations (UNFPA).
Approved the following country programmes on a no-objection basis, without presentation or discussion, in accordance with decision 2006/36: 根据第2006/36号决定,在无异议、未经介绍或讨论的基础上核准了下列国家方案:
非洲:贝宁、刚果共和国、尼日尔和尼日利亚; Africa: Benin, Republic of the Congo, Niger and Nigeria;
Arab States: Sudan; 阿拉伯国家:苏丹;
Approved the third one-year extension of the country programme for Lebanon; 批准黎巴嫩国家方案第三次延长一年;
Draft country programme document for Angola (DP/FPA/DCP/AGO/6) 安哥拉国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/AGO/6)
科特迪瓦国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/CIV/6) Draft country programme document for Côte d'Ivoire (DP/FPA/DCP/CIV/6)
肯尼亚国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/KEN/7) Draft country programme document for Kenya (DP/FPA/DCP/KEN/7)
Draft country programme document for Mauritania (DP/FPA/DCP/MRT/6) 毛里塔尼亚国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/MRT/6)
亚洲及太平洋 Asia and the Pacific
Draft country programme document for Timor-Leste (DP/FPA/DCP/TLS/2) 东帝汶国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/TLS/2)
海地国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/HTI/4) Draft country programme document for Haiti (DP/FPA/DCP/HTI/4)
Draft country programme document for Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (DP/FPA/DCP/VEN/2) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/VEN/2)
Adopted decision 2008/27 on the annual review of the financial situation, 2007 (UNDP); 通过了关于2007年财务状况(开发署)年度审查的第2008/27号决定;
Adopted decision 2008/28 on the activities of the Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office for the biennium 2006-2007; 通过了关于2006-2007两年期机构间采购处活动的第2008/28号决定;
通过了关于开发署在改变国家一级援助环境方面作用的第2008/29号决定; Adopted decision 2008/29 on the role of UNDP in the changing aid environment at the country level;
注意到关于2007年联合国系统技术援助支出信息的报告(DP/2008/40)及其增编(DP/2008/40/Add.1)。 Took note of the report on the information on United Nations system technical cooperation expenditures 2007 (DP/2008/40) and its addendum (DP/2008/40/Add.1).
Adopted decision 2008/30 on the role and contribution of UNDP in the environment and energy; 通过了关于开发署在环境和能源方面作用和贡献的第2008/30号决定;
通过了关于评价办公室工作方案的第2008/31号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/31 on the programme of work of the Evaluation Office.
Adopted decision 2008/32 on the evaluation of the third global cooperation framework and of the fourth global programme, 2009-2011; 通过了关于第三个全球合作框架和2009-2001年第四个全球方案评价的第2008/32号决定;
Africa: Benin, Mauritius, Nigeria; 非洲:贝宁、毛里求斯、尼日利亚;
批准将布隆迪国家方案第二次延长一年和黎巴嫩国家方案第三次延长一年; Approved a second one-year extension of the country programme for Burundi and the third one-year extension of the country programme for Lebanon;
安哥拉国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/AGO/2) Draft country programme document for Angola (DP/DCP/AGO/2)
Draft country programme document for Côte d'Ivoire (DP/DCP/CIV/1) 科特迪瓦国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/CIV/1)
肯尼亚国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/KEN/1) Draft country programme document for Kenya (DP/DCP/KEN/1)
Draft country programme document for Mauritania (DP/DCP/MRT/1) 毛里塔尼亚国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/MRT/1)
Draft country programme document for Niger (DP/DCP/NER/1) 尼日尔国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/NER/1)
Draft country programme document for the Republic of the Congo (DP/DCP/COG/1) 刚果共和国国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/COG/1)
东帝汶国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/TLS/1) Draft country programme document for Timor-Leste (DP/DCP/TLS/1)
海地国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/HTI/1) Draft country programme document for Haiti (DP/DCP/HTI/1)
Draft country programme document for Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (DP/DCP/VEN/1) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/VEN/1)
组织了关于开发署应对"纳吉斯"龙卷风造成的人道主义紧急情况的口头介绍。 Organized an oral briefing on the UNDP response to the humanitarian emergency created by cyclone Nargis.
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)) 联合国项目事务厅(项目厅)
通过了关于2004-2005两年期审计委员会建议执行情况的报告的第2008/33号决定; Adopted decision 2008/33 on the status report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors for the biennium 2004-2005;
Adopted decision 2008/34 on procurement activities of the United Nations system organizations; 通过了关于联合国系统各组织采购活动的第2008/34号决定;
通过了关于项目厅治理结构的第2008/35号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/35 on the governance structure of UNOPS.
通过了关于南南合作第四个合作框架的第2008/36号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/36 on the fourth cooperation framework for South-South cooperation.
联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会会议的后续行动 Follow-up to the meeting of the Programming Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Took note of the report on the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Programming Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (DP/2008/54-DP/FPA/2008/13). 注意到联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会决定和建议执行情况的报告(DP/2008/54-DP/FPA/2008/13)。
通过了关于内部审计和监督(开发署、人口基金和项目厅)的第2008/37号决定。 Adopted decision 2008/37 on internal audit and oversight (UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS).
举行了下列非正式情况介绍和协商: Held the following informal briefings and consultations:
UNDP 开发署
关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的非正式协商。 Held informal consultations on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
2008年7月19日 19 September 2008
Day/Date 日期
时间 Time
项目 Item
1月19日, 19 January
上午10时至下午1时 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Adoption of the agenda and work plan for the session * 通过会议议程和工作计划
Adoption of the report on the second regular session 2008 * 通过2008年第二届常会报告
* 通过执行局2009年度工作计划 Adoption of the annual work plan 2009 of the Executive Board UNDP SEGMENT
Report on cost classification (decision 2008/1) 1. 关于费用分类的报告(第2008/1号决定)
下午3时至5时 3 - 5 p.m.
Approval of country programme documents 2. 批准国家方案文件
5 - 6 p.m. 下午5时至6时
Informal consultations on draft decisions Tuesday, 关于决定草案的非正式协商
20 January 1月20日,
Oral briefing on development of UNFPA Evaluation Policy 关于制订人口基金评价政策的口头介绍
Wednesday, 21 January 1月21日,
RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE BOARD OF AUDITORS Reports of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors, 2006-2007 * 开发署、人口基金和项目厅关于2006-2007两年期审计委员会建议执行情况的各份报告
* 开发署署长和人口基金执行主任提交经济及社会理事会的联合报告 Joint report of the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Director of UNFPA to the Economic and Social Council Thursday,
1月22日, 22 January
* 通过有待作出的决定 OTHER MATTERS Adoption of pending decisions
Adoption of the tentative work plan for the annual session 2009 * 通过2009年度会议暂定工作计划
下午3时至6时 3 - 6 p.m.