Asia and the Pacific: Regional programme, multi-country programmes for Fiji and Samoa, and Nepal; 亚洲及太平洋:区域方案、斐济和萨摩亚多国方案以及尼泊尔;
拉丁美洲和加勒比:区域方案、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、墨西哥和尼加拉瓜; Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional programme, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Nicaragua;
项目4 Item 4
注意到下列报告 Took note of the following reports:
评价开发署成果制管理(DP/2008/6); Evaluation of results-based management in UNDP (DP/2008/6);
管理部门对开发署成果制管理评价的回应(DP/2008/7); Management response to the evaluation of results-based management in UNDP (DP/2008/7);
Evaluation of the UNDP contribution to South-South cooperation (DP/2008/8); 评价开发署对南南合作的贡献(DP/2008/8);
评价开发署对南南合作的贡献:管理部门对评价做出的答复(DP/2008/9); Management response to the evaluation of the UNDP contribution to South-South cooperation (DP/2008/9);
项目5 Item 5
南南合作 South-South cooperation
Approved the extension of the third cooperation framework for South-South cooperation (DP/2008/10); 核准延长2005-2007年南南合作第三个合作框架(DP/2008/10);
项目6 Item 6
联合国妇女发展基金 United Nations Development Fund for Women
通过关于妇发基金费用回收政策的第2008/3号决定; Adopted decision 2008/3 on the UNIFEM cost-recovery policy;
Item 7 项目7
联合国资本发展基金 United Nations Capital Development Fund
Adopted decision 2008/4 on the UNCDF partnership framework with UNDP, programming and funding arrangements, and cost-recovery policy; 通过关于资发基金与开发署的伙伴关系框架、方案拟订和供资安排以及费用回收政策的第2008/4号决定;
项目8 Item 8
联合国项目事务厅 United Nations Office for Project Services
通过关于项目厅两年期规划和预算框架的第2008/5号决定; Adopted decision 2008/5 on the UNOPS biennial planning and budget framework;
Joint UNDP/UNFPA segment 开发署/人口基金联合部分
Item 9 项目9
Recommendations of the Board of Auditors 审计委员会的建议
Took note of the UNDP report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors, 2004-2005 (DP/2008/15); 注意到开发署关于2004-2005年审计委员会各项建议执行情况的报告(DP/ 2008/15);
注意到人口基金关于2004-2005年联合国审计委员会报告的后续行动:建议的执行情况(DP/FPA/2008/3); Took note of the UNFPA report on follow-up to the report of the United Nations Board of Auditors for 2004-2005: status of implementation of recommendations (DP/FPA/2008/3);
Item 10 项目10
Internal audit and oversight 内部审计和监督
Adopted an oral decision on the reports on the UNDP accountability system and the UNFPA oversight policy, as follows: "Having considered the reports (DP/2008/16) and (DP/FPA/2008/4) and the efforts of UNDP and UNFPA to improve accountability and oversight, the Executive Board requests the administrator of UNDP and the Executive Director of UNFPA to revert on this matter to the Executive Board at its second regular session 2008, after extensive consultations with the Executive Board to review these documents, taking into account the concerns of Member States". 通过了关于开发署问责制度和人口基金监督政策报告的口头决定如下:"执行局审议了开发署和人口基金改进问责制和监督工作的报告(DP/2008/16和DP/FPA/2008/4)和努力,请开发署署长和人口基金执行主任与执行局进行广泛协商之后,在2008年第二届会议上再次向执行局报告这一事项,以便审议这些文件,并考虑到成员国的关切"。
项目11 Item 11
提交经济及社会理事会的报告 Report to the Economic and Social Council
通过关于开发署和人口基金提交经济及社会理事会的联合报告和关于任命人口基金执行主任的建议的第2008/7号决定; Adopted decision 2008/7 on the joint report of UNDP and UNFPA to the Economic and Social Council and on the recommendation regarding the appointment of the Executive Director of UNFPA;
项目12 Item 12
通过关于人口基金2008-2009两年期支助预算估计数的第2008/6号决定; Adopted decision 2008/6 on the estimates for the UNFPA biennial support budget, 2008-2009;
项目13 Item 13
非洲:刚果民主共和国、赤道几内亚、莱索托、利比里亚、马达加斯加、卢旺达和多哥; Africa: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Rwanda and Togo;
阿拉伯国家、欧洲和中亚:索马里; Arab States, Europe and Central Asia: Somalia;
亚洲及特派团:尼泊尔和太平洋岛屿国家; Asia and the Pacific: Nepal and the Pacific Island countries;
拉丁美洲和加勒比:哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、墨西哥和尼加拉瓜; Latin America and the Caribbean: Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicaragua;
项目14 Item 14
方案拟定安排 Programming arrangements
注意到关于TRAC-2拨款以及在方案拟订安排中设立固定项目的方法和标准的报告; Took note of the report on TRAC-2 allocation, methodology and criteria for establishing fixed lines in the programming arrangements;
联席会议 Joint meeting
Held a joint meeting of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP on 25 and 28 January 2008, which addressed the following topics: (a) progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals; (b) feedback from `delivering as one'; and (c) disaster risk reduction strategies. 开发署/人口基金、儿童基金会和粮食计划署于2008年1月25日和28日举行联席会议,讨论了下列专题:(a) 在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展;(b) 对"一体行动,履行使命"项目的反馈意见;(c) 减少灾害风险战略。
2. 又注意到人口基金在根据方案国的国家优先事项使其方案拟订工作与人口基金2008-2011年战略计划协调一致方面取得进展; 2. Also takes note of the progress made in aligning UNFPA programming to the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2011, in response to the national priorities of programme countries;
3. 认识到增加对人口基金经常资源捐款并实现捐款的稳定性和可预测性具有重要意义,因为经常资源是人口基金业务活动的基石; 3. Recognizes the significance of increasing contributions and achieving stability and predictability in contributions to UNFPA regular resources, which are the bedrock of UNFPA operations;
4. 又认识到及时缴付捐款对于保持资金流动和推动方案的持续不断执行,帮助各国实现国际人口与发展会议各项目标以及千年发展目标来说,至关重要; 4. Recognizes that timeliness in the payment of contributions is essential to maintaining liquidity and to facilitating continuous programme implementation in assisting countries in achieving the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Millennium Development Goals;
5. Takes note of progress with regard to results-based management and urges UNFPA to continue to improve results-based management indicators and baselines. 5. 注意到在成果管理制方面所获进展并敦促人口基金继续改善成果管理制的指标和基线。
2008年6月20日 20 June 2008
1. 注意到关于对人口基金的供资承诺的报告(DP/FPA/2008/9),欢迎人口基金2007年经常收入款额大幅增加,且2007年共同供资收入也有增加,还欢迎方案国提供捐款; Funding commitments to UNFPA 1. Takes note of the report on funding commitments to UNFPA (DP/FPA/2008/9), welcomes the substantial increase in the 2007 regular income level of UNFPA and the increase in the 2007 co-financing income, and also welcomes the contributions made by programme countries;
2. 强调经常资源是人口基金的基石,对保持其工作的多边、中立和普遍性质来说必不可少,鼓励人口基金进一步调集这些资源,同时也继续为其专题资金和方案调集补充资源; 2. Emphasizes that regular resources are the bedrock of UNFPA and essential to maintaining the multilateral, neutral and universal nature of its work, and encourages UNFPA to further mobilize these resources while also continuing to mobilize supplementary resources for its thematic funds and programmes;
3. 认识到要保持和提高人口基金的资金水平,那些有能力的国家需要在人口基金2008-2011年战略计划期间增加捐款; 3. Recognizes that sustaining and improving the UNFPA funding level will require countries that are in a position to do so to increase their contributions during the period of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2011;
4. 鼓励所有有能力的国家在年初提供捐款并作出多年认捐承诺; 4. Encourages all countries in a position to do so to make contributions early in the year and to make multi-year pledges;
5. 强调人口基金需要强有力的政治支持和更多的财政支持,特别是需要更多和可预见的核心供资,以便增强对各国的援助,使之有能力将国际人口与发展会议的纲领充分纳入本国发展战略和框架。 5. Emphasizes that UNFPA needs strong political support and increased financial support, in particular increased and predictable core funding, in order to enhance its assistance to countries to enable them to fully integrate the agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development into national development strategies and frameworks.
1. 回顾其关于采取具有成本效益的办法提供方案一级数据的第2006/9号决定; 1. Recalls its decision 2006/9 on cost-efficient approaches to providing programme-level data;
2. 赞扬人口基金会提供了有关新的国家方案周期审查与核准程序的资料; 2. Commends UNFPA for providing this information in connection with the review and approval process for the new country programme cycle;
3. Takes note of the highlights of UNDP country programme results and lessons learned, and encourages UNDP to continue to improve the quality of the content of this submission, including by using a format similar to the UNFPA country programme performance summary as well as appropriate evaluative information; 3. 注意到开发署国家方案成果和经验教训要点,鼓励开发署继续改进此类呈件的质量,包括采用与人口基金国家方案执行情况摘要类似的模式以及适当的评估信息;
4. Also recalls its decision 2006/36 on the review of the country programme approval process and requests UNDP and UNFPA to provide a short explanation of the reasons for the deferment of draft country programme documents from the annual session to the second regular session; 4. 又回顾关于审查国家方案核准程序的第2006/36号决定并请开发署和人口基金就将国家方案文件草案从年度会议推迟到第二届常会的原因提供简短的说明;
5. 敦促人口基金和开发署加强努力,依照第2006/36号决定提交国家方案文件草案,供执行局年度会议讨论。 5. Urges UNFPA and UNDP to increase their efforts to present draft country programme documents for discussion at the annual session of the Executive Board, as per decision 2006/36.
2008年6月25日 25 June 2008
1. 注意到关于定期评价的报告(DP/FPA/2008/10); 1. Takes note of the periodic report on evaluation (DP/FPA/2008/10);
2. 欢迎人口基金采取步骤并制定计划,拟订循证知情的方法,以改进方案拟订工作,并有系统地与国家利益攸关者交往,以此在该组织所有级别加强评价; 2. Welcomes the steps taken and planned by UNFPA to strengthen evaluation at all levels of the organization by developing an evidence-informed methodology to improve programming and by systematically engaging national stakeholders;
3. 关切地注意到评价工作质量下降,因此请人口基金进一步改进其评价工作的质量,其方法除其他外包括改进方案设计和成果评估的质量,增加对评价结果的使用,以改进方案拟订和对人口基金促进发展成果的分析; 3. Notes with concern the decline in the quality of evaluations and requests UNFPA to further improve the quality of its evaluations by, inter alia, enhancing the quality of programme design and outcome assessments, increasing the use of evaluation results to improve programming and analysing the UNFPA contribution to development results;
4. Notes the UNFPA concern about the low rate of reported follow-up to country programme evaluations, and urges UNFPA to improve follow-up to such evaluations; 4. 注意到人口基金感到关切的是,国家方案评价工作业已呈报的后续行动不多,敦促人口基金改善此类评价工作的后续行动;
5. Requests the Executive Director of UNFPA to submit periodic reports on evaluation in relation to the outcomes of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2011, including lessons learned, impact on programmes, difficulties encountered and progress made, and the performance of the evaluation function; 5. 请人口基金执行主任就2008-2011年战略计划成果评价定期提出报告,其中包括所获经验教训、对方案的影响、遇到的困难和取得的进展,还有评价职能的绩效;
6. Further requests the Executive Director of UNFPA to submit a report to the Executive Board at its annual session 2009 on a comprehensive evaluation policy consistent with General Assembly resolution 62/208 and international best practices. In this regard, the Board further requests the Executive Director to keep the Board informed of the development of the evaluation policy, including through consultation with the Board at its first regular session 2009; 6. 还请人口基金执行主任向执行局2009年度会议提交一份有关与大会第62/208号决议以及国际最佳做法相符的综合评价政策的报告;在这方面,执行局还请执行主任随时向执行局通报评价政策的拟订情况,其途径包括同执行局2009年第一届常会进行磋商;
7. 强调至关重要的是要增强国家伙伴的参与,加强国家评价和落实人口基金国家方案的能力;鼓励人口基金利用现有的国家评价系统并继续将能力建设机制纳入方案设计和实施之中;欢迎在这方面取得的进展; 7. Underlines the importance of increasing the participation of national counterparts and strengthening national capacity in the evaluation and follow-up of UNFPA country programmes, encourages UNFPA to use national evaluation systems where available and to continue to incorporate capacity-building mechanisms into programme design and implementation, and welcomes progress attained in this regard;
8. 注意到联合国系统2005年通过联合国评价小组核准了评价规范和标准,这是对加强评价工作作为联合国系统一项职能的贡献; 8. Notes the endorsement in 2005 of the norms and standards for evaluation by the United Nations system through the United Nations Evaluation Group, constituting a contribution to strengthening evaluation as a United Nations system function;
9. Emphasizes the importance of the independence and impartiality of the evaluation function within the United Nations system. 9. 强调联合国系统中评价职能独立和公平的重要性。
1. 注意到:(a) 关于开发署内部审计和调查的报告(DP/2008/20);(b) 关于2007年人口基金的内部审计和监督活动的报告(DP/FPA/2008/11);(c) 2007年联合国项目事务厅(项目厅)内部审计和监督报告(DP/2008/21); 1. Takes note of: (a) the report on internal audit and investigations in UNDP (DP/2008/20); (b) the report on UNFPA internal audit and oversight activities in 2007 (DP/FPA/2008/11); and (c) the report of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) on internal audit and oversight in 2007 (DP/2008/21);
2. 欢迎各内部审计报告将重点放在关键和反复出现的管理问题;各项建议明确且符合格式;以及进行了基于风险的审计规划; 2. Welcomes the focus on key and recurrent management issues, the clarity and format of the recommendations, and the risk-based audit planning in the internal audit reports;
3. 回顾第2006/19号决定,并请开发署、人口基金和项目厅在其各自的审计和监督报告中包括下列内容:(a) 重要的调查和评定结果清单;(b) 按年份和类别分列的尚未解决的审计建议表;(c) 对18个月或者更长时间还未解决的调查结果做出解释; 3. Recalls decision 2006/19, and requests UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS to include in their respective audit and oversight reports: (a) a list of the key findings and the ratings, (b) a table displaying unresolved audit recommendations by year and category, and (c) an explanation of findings that have remained unresolved for 18 months or more;
4. 吁请开发署和人口基金进一步加强国家执行模式,解决审计报告中指明的业务风险和弱点,对能力建设予以特别关注;请开发署和人口基金向执行局通报建议采取行动的实施情况; 4. Calls upon UNDP and UNFPA to further strengthen the national execution modality by addressing the operational risks and weaknesses identified in the audit reports, with particular attention given to capacity-building, and requests UNDP and UNFPA to inform the Executive Board of the implementation of the proposed actions;
5. 回顾大会第62/208号决议,其中吁请联合国各组织采取措施,确保能力建设活动具有可持续性,并应在最大程度上利用国家执行方式及现有国家专门知识和技术,作为执行业务活动的规范,并注重国家结构和尽可能避免在国家和地方机构之外设立与其平行的执行单位的做法,继续加强国家执行方式,同时铭记建设国家能力、精简程序和使之符合国家程序的重要性,在这方面请开发署和人口基金就加强国家执行方面所采取的行动和取得的经验向执行局报告; 5. Recalls General Assembly resolution 62/208, which calls upon United Nations organizations to adopt measures that ensure sustainability in capacity-building activities, and to use, to the fullest extent possible, national execution and available national expertise and technologies as the norm in implementing operational activities by focusing on national structures and by avoiding, wherever possible, the practice of establishing parallel implementation units outside national and local institutions, and to continue to strengthen national execution, bearing in mind the importance of building national capacity and simplifying procedures and aligning them with national procedures, and in this regard requests UNDP and UNFPA to report to the Executive Board on actions and experiences in strengthening national execution;
6. 请开发署和人口基金就执行统一的现金转移办法方面所获进展和取得的经验教训向执行局2009年度会议报告,包括拟订程序、能力建设和报告机制等相关方面; 6. Requests UNDP and UNFPA to report to the Executive Board at its annual session 2009 on progress made and lessons learned in implementing the harmonized approach to cash transfers, including in connection with the development of procedures, capacity-building and reporting mechanisms;
7. 赞赏地注意到开发署、人口基金、项目厅、联合国儿童基金会和联合国世界粮食计划署采用统一和标准的审计评级制度; 7. Notes with appreciation the harmonized and standardized use of audit ratings by UNDP, UNFPA, UNOPS, the United Nations Children's Fund and the United Nations World Food Programme;
8. 关切地注意到第2007/27号决定所述开发署和项目厅之间基金间结余和其他未决问题尚未得到解决,请开发署和项目厅同相关伙伴合作迅速解决这些问题; 8. Notes with concern that the inter-fund balance and other outstanding issues between UNDP and UNOPS, referred to in decision 2007/27, have not yet been resolved, and requests UNDP and UNOPS to work with relevant partners to rapidly resolve these issues;
关于人口基金 With regard to UNFPA,
9. 赞赏地注意到管理层对人口基金2007年内部审计和监督活动报告和审计咨询委员会2007年报告所作回应以及联合国审计委员会对人口基金2005年12月31日终了期间账户提出的审计建议的最新状况; 9. Notes with appreciation the management response to the UNFPA report on internal audit and oversight activities in 2007, the report of the Audit Advisory Committee for 2007, and the updated status of the audit recommendations of the United Nations Board of Auditors on UNFPA accounts for the period ending 31 December 2005;
10. Requests that future annual reports on internal audit and oversight activities provide additional explanations of the significant audit results and their causes, identify the systemic issues of concern and provide more information on quality improvements in the oversight systems of UNFPA; 10. 请未来内部审计和监督年度报告就重大审计结果及其原因提供进一步解释,说明人们关注的系统问题,并就改进人口基金监督系统的质量问题提供更多的资料;
11. 支持人口基金依照大会第62/208号决议实施国家执行模式,鼓励加强这方面的国家能力; 11. Expresses support for UNFPA implementation of the national execution modality in line with General Assembly resolution 62/208, and encourages strengthening national capacity in this regard;
12. 支持继续加强人口基金的问责制和保证程序以及重组其内部审计和监督服务,以除其他外维持内部审计的足够频率和范围,并敦促执行主任继续加强基于风险的审计规划,并填补监督事务司的空缺员额; 12. Expresses support for the continued strengthening of the accountability and assurance process in UNFPA and the reorganization of its internal audit and oversight services, to sustain, inter alia, an adequate frequency and coverage of internal audits, and urges the Executive Director to continue to strengthen risk-based audit planning and to fill vacant posts in the Division for Oversight Services;
13. Takes note of efforts to implement the risk model in its regional and country offices and encourages UNFPA to further implement it at all management levels and across a broad range of risks; 13. 注意到在其区域和国家办事处执行风险模式方面的工作,鼓励人口基金在所有管理层并在广泛的风险领域进一步执行这一模式;
14. 赞赏地注意到正在拟订企业风险管理办法,在这方面吁请人口基金向执行局2009年度会议报告最新进展情况; 14. Notes with appreciation the development of an enterprise risk management approach, and, in this regard, calls upon UNFPA to update the Executive Board on its progress at the annual session 2009;
15. Welcomes the commitment of UNFPA to improving its internal control framework, in line with internationally recognized best practices; 15. 欢迎人口基金承诺依照国际承认的最佳做法改进其内部控制框架;
16. Requests the Executive Director to take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the internal control framework, in response to the findings of the UNFPA report on internal audit and oversight activities in 2007; 16. 请执行主任根据人口基金2007年关于内部审计和监督活动的报告采取必要措施,确保内部控制框架得到遵守;
关于开发署 With regard to UNDP,
17. 赞赏地注意到管理层对开发署内部审计和调查报告所作回应、审计咨询委员会2007年报告以及管理层对该报告的回应; 17. Notes with appreciation the management response to the report on internal audit and investigations in UNDP, the report of the Audit Advisory Committee for 2007, and the management response to that report;
18. Expresses continuing support for strengthening the internal audit and investigation functions of UNDP, and urges the Administrator to further strengthen risk-based audit planning and to rapidly fill vacant posts in the Office of Audit and Investigations; 18. 继续支持加强开发署内部审计和调查职能,敦促署长进一步加强基于风险的审计规划,并迅速填补审计和调查处空缺员额;
19. 关切内部审计报告中的评级有13%为"不满意",有些审计结果18个月没有得到解决,还有调查结果表明工作人员行为失检;请开发署向执行局2009年度会议报告在这些领域的进展情况,作为内部审计和调查年度报告的一部分; 19. Expresses concern that 13 per cent of the ratings in the internal audit reports are `unsatisfactory', that some audit findings have remained unresolved for 18 months, and that there are investigation findings on the misconduct of staff members, and requests UNDP to report to the Executive Board at its annual session 2009 on the progress made in these areas, as part of the annual report on internal audit and investigations;
20. 注意到开发署高级管理层努力加强方案问责制,增强该组织内部能力,解决遵守规定的条例、规则和程序问题以及由国家办事处和区域各级管理人员进行监督等问题,鼓励开发署继续在未来报告中包括对这方面取得进展的审查; 20. Notes the efforts of UNDP senior management to strengthen programmatic accountability and enhance the internal capacity of the organization to address compliance issues regarding prescribed regulations, rules and procedures, and supervision by managers at country office and regional levels, and encourages UNDP to continue to include in future reports a review of progress in this regard;
21. Notes improvements in the timeliness and quality, as well as the overall outcome, of national execution audit reports; 21. 注意到国家执行审计报告在及时性和质量以及在总体成果方面有所改善;
22. 注意到正在根据统一的现金转移办法的使用情况拟订具体审计程序和准则,吁请开发署同联合国其他基金、方案和机构协调并同方案国协商拟订此种程序和准则; 22. Notes that specific audit procedures and guidelines are being developed in response to the use of the harmonized approach to cash transfers, and calls upon UNDP to develop such procedures and guidelines in coordination with other United Nations funds, programmes and agencies and in consultation with programme countries;
With regard to UNOPS, 关于项目厅
23. Notes with appreciation the management response to the UNOPS report on internal audit and oversight in 2007; 23. 赞赏地注意到管理层对项目厅2007年内部审计和监督报告所作回应;
24. Welcomes the establishment in 2007 of the Internal Audit Office in UNOPS and the transition from the UNDP Office of Audit and Performance Review to the UNOPS Internal Audit Office; 24. 欢迎项目厅于2007年设立内部审计处,并从开发署审计和业绩审查处向项目厅内部审计处过渡;
25. Also welcomes the establishment of the Strategy and Audit Advisory Committee in UNOPS; 25. 又欢迎项目厅设立战略和审计咨询委员会;
26. 注意到项目厅根据项目厅内部审计和监督报告采取其他举措,加强审计和监督; 26. Notes the other initiatives in UNOPS that will strengthen audit and oversight, undertaken in response to the UNOPS report on internal audit and oversight;
27. 注意到项目厅提交的问责制度和监督政策(DP/2008/22),请项目厅执行主任就这一政策向执行局2008年第二届常会再次提出报告,确保开发署和人口基金的协调与统一。 27. Notes the submission by UNOPS of an accountability framework and oversight policy (DP/2008/22), and requests the Executive Director of UNOPS to revert to the Executive Board with this policy at the second regular session 2008, ensuring coordination and harmonization with UNDP and UNFPA.
2008年6月26日 26 June 2008
1. Takes note of the multi-year funding framework (MYFF) report on UNDP performance and results for 2007, (DP/2008/23), (DP/2008/23Corr.1) and the statistical annex (DP2008/23/Add.2); 1. 注意到开发计划署多年筹资框架2007年业绩和成果报告(DP/2008/23)、(DP/2008/23/Corr.1)和统计附件(DP/2008/23/Add.2);