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someone please take gossip girl away from me i m addicted
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i wa strongly recommended by my therapist to return to a physical hobby for my mental health and did so to great positive effect i have severe anxiety and depression and this hobby help about a much a medication or talk therapy doe and both of those work decently well for me i need all three at this point it make me do better at work all week and help prevent long slump of mental health issue if i miss a session it affect me for day currently i do this three time a week and day a week is during normal working hour i either return to work after or make up the work other day of the week i have a very flexible schedule am exempt and have been at this job for over 9 year it s after most of team i manage is offline for the day but plenty of my other colleague are still online and would theoretically want to have meeting my office ha no issue with thing like a standing actual medical appointment including therapy the problem is it look like a fun thing and it is a fun thing it s just also essential for me continuing to function a a person and an employee for reference before i started this i wa considering taking intermittent fmla instead which i ve had to do in the past and now that s unlikely any tip for talking about it a recurring appointment is how i ve framed it to people and i do reschedule if it is in conflict with something essential my new manager just asked to see the detail of my calendar my previous manager did not and now i m feeling anxious about what it s titled and how to describe it honestly i m now feeling anxious about everything i ve put on my schedule that help me work better and is within office policy allowance but is atypical like 0 minute early afternoon break that i block off a tentative because i often turn into a non functional blob for a bit around pm
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my first appointment is on saturday but i can t fucking wait this out it s only two more day i need fucking help but it s over a fucking zoom call and i really can not keep going on anymore i need help so bad i don t feel comfortable talking to anybody else fuck this should i just die already i can t keep waking up anymore
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maya is being spayed today i m very nervous about it
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wish there wa a a little tunnel preferably a waterslide direct from dressing room to water so people don t see me in my togs
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i wa prescribed 0mg paxil and am on my second day first day felt like nothing but the second my jaw began clenching and shaking headache and the topic of this post a weird feeling in my penis the best way i can describe it is the equivalent of going on a rollercoaster or something like that and your dick feel like it s trying to crawl back up inside of yourself that feeling but constant and le intense i can t find anyone with a similar experience despite my searching which is why i m posting here i still get off fine but the health anxiety still remains curious to know what that may be indicative of also the username wa meant a a joke never thought it d become reality lmao
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been on escitalopram for about year worked great for the first or year wa prescribed either or 0mg honestly don t remember the exact dosage eventually it started making me feel complacent with sleeping long hour and not having any energy not meeting my goal or even making goal in the first place and not caring about thing i used to i didn t feel depressed but felt like i wa not where i wanted to be in life and that the antidepressant were part of the problem i should also mention that part of the reason i take them is for anxiety when this happened about year ago i decided to go off of them over a period of month it wa a very slow process because of all the side effect it wa terrible once i wa finally off them i felt worse i did have more energy but it wa like anxious energy i could function on hour of sleep just fine whereas with the antidepressant i feel like i have the flu if i get le than 9 hour normal on the pill is 9 0 hour well once i wa finally off the pill i wa getting anxious over every little thing including driving i had just gotten a new job and wa failing at it my inlaws came to visit in two seperate trip and after the first trip i decided i had to go back on the pill asap a i couldn t handle it anymore random outburst of cry and feeling very depressed along with near constant anxiety which is not great when my in law already don t seem to like me much long story short i went back on the pill about year ago probably about a month or of being off of them but i have kept the dosage low mg a i d like to try getting off them again i am worried to get off them completely again to try new antidepressant a i ve been promoted a few time since i went back on them and i can t risk screwing up my job i did ask my doctor if i could take the lowest dose of my current antidepressant 0 mg while i switch to new one but she told me i would have to be completely off the old one before starting anything new now i am also contemplating just upping my dosage to higher than it wa before and seeing if that help but i m also worried about having to try to get off a high dosage again it wa so terrible i m mostly just wondering if anyone ha any similar experience and what you decided to do and how it worked for you i know going to my doctor is best but it hasn t been super helpful for me so i m just curious about personal experience and i just feel like rambling a bit i guess
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well that made me sad i sat down to watch tv and then remembered i dont have cable anymore lol
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i have no will power to do anything i hate doing assignment and study all they do is blame me for not doing anything cuz everyone are doing the same thing and they say that i m not the only one who ha problem i don t know why i m really afraid to call it quits even my mom told me to kill my self i m not sure what i m waiting for
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smugness gone my train also failed to turn up so i m heading for victoria followed by an unpleasant tube ride to the city
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goal depression ain t feeling a bit sad bro
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just leavin work my foot hurt
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chaque jour le fc metz me plonge en d pression ce club ne m a pa rendu heureux depuis la victoire face a lyon an et demi sans me rendre heureux
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three day since my last tweet and no concern i could have been dead peep the reality is i forgot my password
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there s much depression in europe and the leading cause can be traced to psychological overload the peace and prosperity of europe come with boredom something nigerian will never understand or relate with cuz there s no loneliness in nigeria
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is it somewhat normal that i want to attempt suicide just to prove to myself that i m actually depressed and suicidal and that i m brave and not a coward sometimes i don t think i m even depressed and that i m just feeling very lonely and numb sometimes i feel like i need to do very dangerous thing so that i don t feel weak and like a failure since people much younger than me commit suicide all the time
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henkuyinepu yeah apparently i have really bad taste
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scarletjac but not good for me close to my current challenge
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lizhenry we haven t heard from her or sha
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mousenator cry
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look like the nobel peace prize is simply a popularity contest http tinyurl com cffz h
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inyoureyes 0 i reckon
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how do you guy deal with depression other than avoiding it i can t keep this up lol sleeping is my only coping mechanism and it s not a good one i m so drained any advice also more important any advice for feeling le sad about unaccepting parent i m trans and can t really deal with my parent negative reaction i can t cope well is what i mean i have to wait several year to even transition to the gender i wa supposed to be born a bc i m too young to afford it all myself i hate this this body and this life sorry for bringing the mood down also school suck i wish it wa fun it suck the fun out of learning i m too tired to type anymore though so have fun reading this mess of word crunched together
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sherrigarrity sorry i missed responding yesterday rochester is in mn so we are not to far from each other dark chocolate rock
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sad that the foot of my macbook just fell off sad that the foot of my macbook just fell off
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boredd colddd internet keep stuffing up
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i don t deserve to be alive i m a complete and total fuck up that deserves to die i just overdosed on my clonazepam so here s hoping that it kill me
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so i ve been taking mirtazapine for year for my depression sleep problem my doctor also prescribed me hydroxyzine for when i m feeling anxious panicky i just took a hydroxyzine and now i have to take a mirtazapine before i try and lay down is this harmful can i take these two pill at the same time please help
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luxuryprgal hahaha suriously i feel like everyone know this show is a joke except lc
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theekween it s help with depression anxiety thelmasherbs
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just going to cry myself to sleep after watching marley and me
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im so confused this suck
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just been given ma marching order got ta go do some work yay
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paulaabdul awww good luck paula please don t work too hard but i hope you have fun your new album is gon na be amazing xxx
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blueeyedbomber excellent missed you saturday night
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im tempted to choose death not through a bullet through my head or a rope or some pill but through starvation to test and see if my desire to die really is stronger than my carnal will to live to finally feel alive in my body a i weaken day by day and feel myself shrivel and decay just like how this depression ha been eating away at my mind i want it to symbolically show to be eating away at my body and to die gracefully paper delicate skin and bone lay over the ground carelessly wrapped in a blanket to be kissed by death to know i have a set amount of day left to live the people around me will be alarmed a i visibly start to die before their eye then ill finally see who care for me to atleast experience what it would feel like to not be obese once in my life
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and i am now a division of one
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wish the sun would shine more i have a cute yellow dress to wear come on sun come out and play stupid england
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stark you don t follow me either and i work for you
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yes yes still trying to find a picture that will upload correclty
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someone said this to me today he wasn t being serious it wa just banter his bros would probably be like yea you re right i do have great tit but it really opened up a healing wound for me being bullied growing up for my look i ve always been fat and people have used that against me for year these past few year i ve been healing feeling much better about myself and started to gain confidence i don t think i m ugly i m very much average and curve are much more appreciated nowadays but the feeling of inadequacy just never truly go away sometimes when i m really down i ll start self criticising and it ha crossed my mind that people who talk to me are just attracted to me physically i m not the most interesting person i m not funny i don t get joke sometimes and i take thing too seriously i ve been girlfriend zoned so many time it s tiring i just shut myself off from society men who were interested in me were never really interested in my hobby interest whatever they always complimented me on my look but that wa it if i ever tell them that i m not interested even if we talked every single day and were friend they d just ghost me it wa just something he said but wow wa it hurtful i cried for the first time after month of emotional numbness i cried because it wa probably true to a certain degree and i feel like shit
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hello everyone i m a year old male with extreme anxiety i grew up in poverty amp wa very aware of that at a young age i started smoking weed around every weekend turned into everyday when i wa around i got introduced to xanax at which didn t last long due to me coming home blacked out amp realizing the pain amp disappointment i caused to my mother at i wa introduced to acid that turned into every weekend for about month in this same year my dad passed from a long time h use the beginning to my mental destruction we couldn t afford to bury my father one of the roughest time of my life i started selling drug which i got very money hungry amp would do anything if it made me a few dollar started out robbing kid at my school which turned into robbing older guy started partying amp got introduced to cocaine that didn t last long after my girlfriend told my mom because she knew that wa the only way i would stop around month later me amp my girlfriend got into a accident due to a lady not paying attention my girlfriend had a broken femur i had a broken ankle amp a tbi traumatic brian injury during are time of recovery i wa taking a shower while someone broke into my house amp stole my safe roughly k cash at this point i m amp mentally lost not going to school with no future in sight due to the broken ankle a well a the tbi i didn t get out much my best of friend not checking up on me wa rough at this point i realized i improved so much i stopped selling robbing using all at the cost of not leaving my house that lasted roughly year around this time covid hit my older brother became a extreme alcoholic a well a my mother i allowed everything around me to fully consume me reality hit one morning after daily regret amp suicidal thought everyday i came to the conclusion my only way out is to force myself me amp my girlfriend ended up moving a town over my first time on my own with extreme anxiety amp depression i started a landscaping company going door to door finding work something i could have never imagined i avoided human contact for year that lasted all summer one of the happiest time of my life i still have extreme anxiety my hand shake uncontrollably with a shakey voice amp due to my anxiety amp past i avoided going to the doctor for medicine a well a the dentist amp check ups i finally no longer let it control me or what i do all the dark day amp endless thought seeing a light at the end of the tunnel is unimaginable but i damn sure see it god is good time heals everything someone always ha it 0 time worse embrace the rainy day they won t last forever if you stick around kinda just rambling but i m sure this can help someone
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for the most part my life is perfect in the grand scheme of thing i am probably in the of well off people on this planet globally speaking i have a home car no debt a family etc it is all there however i am so riddle with anxiety and depression that i feel i am just wasting my life away all i do is see red and fear the worst all day every day i just turned 0 in looking back i ve become very sad how ironic sigh realizing how i ve spent from the 0 to 0 being anxious and wasted away all this potential brain space i have no other way to describe it and a i look to the next 0 year ahead i fear i will do the same can you imagine laying on your death bed thinking i worried and anxiously walked through life i had all this pent up anxiety depression anger insert your ailment here and that is what defined my time here i could elaborate but almost every activity whether banal or extreme is met with a flood of negative thought worry emotion etc i sometimes feel like i am vibrating from so much anxiety it s fucking crushing every day is just a struggle to be normal
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home mc bored missing him who him sigh im bored tadi exam amp wa okay thursday lagi exam gaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
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alyssaspears i m sorry maybe walking around all goofy at the store would help hint hint lt
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nickynocky i pay just over a hundred for me and occasional kid in a house but not metered yours doe sound high then
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artistofcalcio amyisunited all of them will be i imagine i mean i have sympathy for him having depression but his performance haven t been good enough over the last year amp he wa quite happy to let raiola disrupt thing every month
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i ve suffered with anxiety all my life been on multiple medication from a young age just to try and make my life more manageable i ve grown up because an adult yet i still spend day in bed and cry because my anxiety is just so bad i wake up with the heavy feeling of dread all the time and find even the most minor inconvenience barely managable let alone the big one which entirely crush me i have no idea how to help it anymore i drink alcohol regularly because that s the only thing that help my mind to hush and stop beating me up about everything i do wrong for just a little while any tip from anyone would be most appreciated
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being border restricted victim day by day we getting engulfed in frustration depression suicidal attempt and much more that we can t express in word depression fmwangyisaveindianstudents takeusbacktochina
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i don t know how can someone be this much of a failure i suck i have no social skill hell i have no skill in general people say everyone is good at something but not me i suck at everything why am i like this
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when it rain it pours i can never get ahead in this game of life it s all sort thing that pile on at the same time it seems like i start thinking that maybe it ll turn around wham something new newest one family ha a trip planned coming up and sure enough kid is sick i just don t understand why can t thing ever shift in my favor i know this sound petty compared to other people problem but i just needed to vent to someone
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bradiewebbstack sway sway tour in julyyyyy exitedd muchh follow me pleaseeee i need more followers
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currently at work
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ugh 9 degree tomorrow
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find her mom rly annoying i need to detox and do an h o day my skin is shitting
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cassou post concert depression tu connais
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my teef hurt
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i dont even know were to start i hope this reach the right people ive been suicidal all my life with shit ton trauma built on to it and a recent sa ive just been good at hiding it i feel a i dont have anyone to talk to about how i feel or have someone truly love and care for me rhe way i need it i need someone to hold me at night and tell me everything is gon na be okay i need reassurance constantly i need to be able to talk to someone and feel like they are listening giving advice or what they can do ive felt that if i die tomorrow it is what it is i didn t even think i d make it to 9 yr im gon na be 0 in month and god if i make it i d be shocked
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i fucking hate myself i deserve to die i should get run over by a train i deserve to fucking bleed until i die i need to die my mental health depends on my grade but my grade depend on my mental health i cant fucking take this im so tierd of all this i just wan na be normal i just want my family to understand that it hard it fucking hard but they dont understand i need to die i cant take this anymore im so exausted i cant take this i cant fucking take this why cant i be fucking normal
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zerohedge depression is spelled with a d not r
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how i love employer and how they love me too but most of these employer deserve a fucking sue and some fucker fuck with me they should never fuck with me and yes the last place i worked at it wa not a cup of tea living here is so stressful anyone can fucking see and the stress doe fucking suck you know it is not stress free and all i have is one damn buck that s why i might have to flee drive in a van or a damn truck and hope the stress will leave me be
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my last day i will pick a sunny day wake up and put on some of my best summer attire go get food from a good restaurant i would like a good last meal to be honest then i will go and xplore some place i have become fond of and reminisce of the few n far between happy day of my childhood and other time i might add to this later if i can find stuff i think is worth doing then for the night i have a nice bottle of whisky and some benzos i plan on consuming whilst listen to my favourite music i will try to enjoy a much time a possible between then and now i have a rope that is ready noosed and just need hooked up to a nice tree i have already sadly picked out one that is high enough but easy to climb then whilst i listen to music feeling chill and tranquil a the pill start to take effect i will sit in said tree with noose around my neck phone emergency service tell them where my body will be located then i will fall and asphyxiate myself in to the abyss i look forward to that day sorry for rambling i am terrible and language in general wish you all peace because i will find mine eventually
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i miss my life before this depressive episode idk if you can even call it an episode anymore it s been over year i don t think i ll ever be the same and that destroys me inside i miss 0 9 and 0 0 up until september i wa truly happy and just coasting through life so content i wa so happy and life wa so simple especially during the 0 0 lockdown all i had to do during the lockdown wa watch load of anime and random netflix show explore new music stay up all night and do nothing i even had time to explore my childlike side by doing load of painting and drawing using kiddie paint and colouring book my mental health wa great too i had no eating disorder no depression no school work my anxiety and ocd wa minimal and i wasn t so deeply lonely like i am now i can literally just hear a song smell a smell or taste a good that i experienced to during that period and i will burst out in tear because i miss not being depressed so much now even if i do try and enjoy life like i did back then and be carefree it ll never be the same because my anxiety and depression have quite literally destroyed me from the inside now i ll never be able to enjoy life like that again i had never been in a relationship and that didn t bother me at all now i ve still never been in a relationship and it make me feel unloveable and ugly i always hear people at school talking about their relationship and date and stuff and even though i don t want a boyfriend that bad i still feel like i m missing out on a key part of the teenage experience but still to be honest i m not that keen on a relationship i really just want to be happy anyway all that s left to do is die i have my plan in place and i have a date and method at least i can say that i experienced true happiness and one point in my life i guess
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inamupwa ndati how do i get out of my depression and go live my life agh
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rampantheart can do everything except add a twitter field in the comment
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i wish my iphone would let me do the thing it would be so much easier
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mileycyrus ouch mine too
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don t want to live anymore i m tired of this i m tired of being in society and having to be with people just want to be left alone forever fuck everything i m a failure
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for context im a 0 year old over all physically healthy person i wa diagnosed with bipolar ii when i wa i have never been medicated other than the first month of my diagnosis i quit taking the medicine after that month now a day i am pretty confident in my ability to control my bipolar tendency i know my body warning sign for mania a well a for the low i know how to be proactive and aware of my situation despite all of this i have begun having panic attack i have made an appointment with my doctor so i can discus all of my medical worry and to hopefully weed out any physical issue i may be experiencing the first time i had what i think is a panic attack wa back in september i wa in nashville with some friend for the weekend and on one of our day i actually collapsed in a cafe after feeling extreme nausea dizziness and anxiety up until recently i thought it may have something to do with me being malnourished or dehydrated now im not too sure the second one that come to mind is when i wa snowboarding back in february and ended up almost collapsing in the middle of the day vision and nausea were terrible my most recent one wa yesterday simply sitting at a red light in an intersection what started with me feeling nervous about being nausea quickly spiraled into me feeling dizzy and panicky again and of course the cry is uncontrollable i guess im just now wondering if i am sick or if all of this is panic i am scared i am worried i have a trip coming up later this year where i will be flying and i do not want to panic at the airport or hour from home i think i need advice and insight sending my love to all of those struggling with this terrible terrible problem im very thankful for any advice anyone may have
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ollien and carousella i can t i have another doctor appointment at 9 and another one at suck
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i have a tendency to ob over some thing that have occurred and replay the scenario over and over in my head i m not even trying to focus on it but the thought still come into my head and then i find myself focusing on them and it serf me no purpose how do i stop doing this i know the scenario are over so i don t know why i am still thinking about them so much
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i wish we had a dunkin donut in holland today my mom back from japan can t wait to see her
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oslinam lwala la depression hawu
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nicolerichie yes we had the vhs i cried when the old man died
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only month ago around christmas my dad nearly died and wa in a coma for week my mum and brother were thrown into a depressive state whilst i tried so hard to get on with life and be strong for them only last month my relationship with my brother wa completely destroyed when my family confronted him after finding out he d stolen hundred from me and my parent i wa hurt and betrayed so badly but wa able to forgive him and try to move on even if he didn t feel the same way after fighting against all of the pain my life ha brought me through my family and relationship these past few month i finally started to feel like i wa making progress and becoming a better person for everyone in my life yesterday i woke up to a paragraph text message from my girlfriend of year telling me she didn t love me or want to be with me anymore and i ve finally caved in i m so sick of trying so hard to be strong every single time i resist another force come down on me i give up and i don t want to do this anymore she wa my comfort and best friend who i could go to for anything now i feel like i have nobody who understands me and nobody who want to listen which is why i m typing here because i m so lost and broken i will be so grateful for any kind word
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hillary00 i m sure everyone ha ruined my gift to you whitney ha my serious cell we doing easter a well
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cronotriggers that s sad
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had the worst dream abt some turd face i used to date ugh it wa awful
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have to work on homework tmrw
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equinux com just crashed safari tks you
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the after effect of this drama is a whole new level of depression how am i supposed to live my life after knowing all the thing happened to her omg whyyyy whyyyyyyy
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i totally just lied about going on a trip to get out of hanging out with someone airport wa the only excuse that came to mind
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missed brent at praise band no fun to not have your lead guitarist lt pout gt
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i ve been having this thought that depression is very to addiction the harder you try to push away depression usually the harder it rip you back in additionally non adicts non depressed think they are strong enough to put down the pill or booze for good or just brighten up and snap out of depression
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a bit under the weather the last coupla day workout have been low in energy
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the one day i really need to go into school and i m not well
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i wasn t in a relationship but there wa this girl who i wa heavily attracted to for whatever reason nothing worked out well i ve tried throwing the kitchen sink at it for quite some time now but i ll never get any closure because she s hardly active on any social medium after much deliberation i actually realized that i still do have the same feeling for her now a i did back then but i can t do shit about it i ve started to accept that my pain probably won t ever go away unless my life doe and i ve been having an intention to act on that
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hey guy been lurking on here for a while but finally here to make my first post trigger warning talk of suicidal ideation ironically enough it s anxiety that prevented me from ever posting but we re doing it now i never struggled with anxiety very badly before the pandemic i wa in my first year of college and life ha always been good to me but last year after i went back to school for my second year thing never felt quite the same i now realize it wa general anxiety but it wa kind of scary i wa always stressed sometimes i wouldn t be able to fall asleep at night for a few day in a row everything i did or didn t do felt like a huge deal then i had my first panic attack and severe anxiety attack in the early spring and i finally looked into what wa going on i talked about it with friend and family and that ha helped me get through it then this fall came i wa working 0 hour a week while being a full time math student on the side the anxiety wa worse than it had ever been the level of generalized anxiety wa heightened and the anxiety attack on the side would sometimes push me to suicidal ideation i reached out to on campus treatment and had an appointment scheduled but it got pushed back due to the building that the mental health wa in being closed for a water pipe breaking and the second date didn t work in my busy schedule so i cancelled it it s been a few month since then and my anxiety ha gotten better but still not in a good place i ve gotten really good at normalizing my anxiety telling myself everyone deal with this like i do but after coming home for spring break and talking to my sister and a hometown friend i realize that this is not normal a they both reminded me that there are resource for me that i should pursue i m finally scheduled for counseling next week and am really looking forward to hopefully getting a treatment plan to work through this all
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im the last hour everything fell apart my wife is kow filing for divorce anyone got advice on how to live with yourself and the world if that happens
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shannanstedman haha i got to be up at and sit through a hr mass umm like ish is that alright is that too late
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a little over four month ago my relationship of over two year ended my partner left me for the person they told me they couldn t ever love more than me and that i had nothing to worry about i trusted them and they destroyed that i moved back home all the while they gaslit me into thinking it wa my choice once i got home almost a thousand mile away i began to spiral my family wa in the midst of drama between my aging parent one struggling with memory loss the other with alcoholism my dog from high school ha also begun declining and will be crossing the rainbow bridge any week now following the breakup i struggled with alcohol and substance abuse for several month which i ve only just begun to get control of i wa sexually assaulted twice in the span of two month my relative have died of covid i ve been unable to find a good job that actually us my degree in the time since moving home a well i find myself unable to form meaningful connection with friend or family i can t be open with anyone because i don t feel i can trust them i m worried that anyone and everyone could leave me at a moment notice i can t get my ex off my mind and the feeling of inadequacy and abandonment are staying strong i don t feel the ability to love i don t know where i m going with this but it s my first time posting here and i guess i just need to know that i m not alone and that i can stop spiraling and live a good fulfilling life i need to recover from the fallout of what s been my life for about month now i m sorry if this isn t the kind of post i should be making but at this point therapy and psychiatric treatment and medication are all failing me what can i do where do i go from here
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happy for coach stringer hof c o 009 now if i can only finish my term paper on her
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i don t know how to push myself and adjust to schedule and adult life no one wa really around to teach me i play video game a lot before it wa because i enjoyed it but now it s because i have nothing else to do with myself or other people i don t have any friend but even now i can t fit in online it feel like no one my age play game anymore they re focused on their life college school work i don t fucking have a life the only other human being i talk to is my dad when he get home from work which is only small talk since we re not very close it s been like this for year now i ve felt completely isolated from the world my entire life which is why i don t fit in why can t talk to people and why i don t fit into society standard i want to fucking die so bad i ve fucked up my life so bad i wasted my highschool year even if i have a whole life ahead of me i don t have the knowledge or will to get anywhere fuck it
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breezyskies i did the pet course last time i wa in sf ok on theory which i knew not so good on tool what i wa after
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omg it jst teusday
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i think i m happy i ve just went through a couple of month of sad dark feeling and thought best way i can explain it is a painful emptiness inside of me mentally for most of my life i ve always remember going through these phase it never a on or off switch it just kinda slowly engulf me one day i feel a little bit sad and it start this snowball effect after a couple of month of the constant painful emotionless feeling i keep getting the same thought of just ending myself but today i think i m happy it weird to explain but life seems a bit more vibrant music is touching me emotionally to the point i want to sing i hope today is the start of my happy phase and i really hope it last just a long i m so desperate to feel something again
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photoshop i hate it when you crash
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bjr il fait bo je veux retrouver mon moi du premier confinement celle qui faisait du sport et qui tait pa en d pression hahahahahaha aled
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retrochick uk oh probably pmt and thoughtless men a bit too
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my phone is broke too bad i could have been sending you exciting tweet today on how the city election are going election judge day
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