Jetlime's picture
6ff8687 verified
    - name: input
      dtype: large_string
    - name: output
            '0': '0'
            '1': '1'
    - name: Attack
            '0': Benign
            '1': Bot
            '2': Brute Force -Web
            '3': Brute Force -XSS
            '4': DDOS attack-HOIC
            '5': DDOS attack-LOIC-UDP
            '6': DDoS attacks-LOIC-HTTP
            '7': DoS attacks-GoldenEye
            '8': DoS attacks-Hulk
            '9': DoS attacks-SlowHTTPTest
            '10': DoS attacks-Slowloris
            '11': FTP-BruteForce
            '12': Infilteration
            '13': SQL Injection
            '14': SSH-Bruteforce
    - name: __null_dask_index__
      dtype: int64
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 17990690407
      num_examples: 17949022
    - name: test
      num_bytes: 946856777
      num_examples: 944686
  download_size: 3448494615
  dataset_size: 18937547184
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/train-*
      - split: test
        path: data/test-*

Dataset Card for NF-CSE-CIC-IDS2018-v2

Note: Dataset is split following a 95 to 5% ratio by stratifying the attack type label.

Dataset Description

The original pcap files of the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset are utilised to generate a NetFlow-based dataset called NF-CSE-CIC-IDS2018-v2. The total number of flows is 18,893,708 out of which 2,258,141 (11.95%) are attack samples and 16,635,567 (88.05%) are benign ones, the table below represents the dataset's distribution.

Class Count Description
Benign 7373198 Normal unmalicious flows
BruteForce 287597 A technique that aims to obtain usernames and password credentials by accessing a list of predefined possibilities
Bot 15683 An attack that enables an attacker to remotely control several hijacked computers to perform malicious activities.
DoS 269361 An attempt to overload a computer system's resources with the aim of preventing access to or availability of its data.
DDoS 380096 An attempt similar to DoS but has multiple different distributed sources.
Infiltration 62072 An inside attack that sends a malicious file via an email to exploit an application and is followed by a backdoor that scans the network for other vulnerabilities
Web Attacks 4394 A group that includes SQL injections, command injections and unrestricted file uploads

The use of the datasets for academic research purposes is granted in perpetuity after citing the above papers. For commercial purposes, it should be agreed upon by the authors.

Please get in touch with the author Mohanad Sarhan for more details.

Dataset Sources


The use of the datasets for academic research purposes is granted in perpetuity after citing the above papers. For commercial purposes, it should be agreed upon by the authors.

Please get in touch with the author Mohanad Sarhan for more details.


Network flow based Intrusion Detection Systems

Dataset Structure

Feature Description
IPV4_SRC_ADDR IPv4 source address
IPV4_DST_ADDR IPv4 destination address
L4_SRC_PORT IPv4 source port number
L4_DST_PORT IPv4 destination port number
PROTOCOL IP protocol identifier byte
L7_PROTO Layer 7 protocol (numeric)
IN_BYTES Incoming number of bytes
OUT_BYTES Outgoing number of bytes
IN_PKTS Incoming number of packets
OUT_PKTS Outgoing number of packets
FLOW_DURATION_MILLISECONDS Flow duration in milliseconds
TCP_FLAGS Cumulative of all TCP flags
CLIENT_TCP_FLAGS Cumulative of all client TCP flags
SERVER_TCP_FLAGS Cumulative of all server TCP flags
DURATION_IN Client to Server stream duration (msec)
DURATION_OUT Client to Server stream duration (msec)
MIN_TTL Min flow TTL
MAX_TTL Max flow TTL
LONGEST_FLOW_PKT Longest packet (bytes) of the flow
SHORTEST_FLOW_PKT Shortest packet (bytes) of the flow
MIN_IP_PKT_LEN Len of the smallest flow IP packet observed
MAX_IP_PKT_LEN Len of the largest flow IP packet observed
SRC_TO_DST_SECOND_BYTES Src to dst Bytes/sec
DST_TO_SRC_SECOND_BYTES Dst to src Bytes/sec
RETRANSMITTED_IN_BYTES Number of retransmitted TCP flow bytes (src->dst)
RETRANSMITTED_IN_PKTS Number of retransmitted TCP flow packets (src->dst)
RETRANSMITTED_OUT_BYTES Number of retransmitted TCP flow bytes (dst->src)
RETRANSMITTED_OUT_PKTS Number of retransmitted TCP flow packets (dst->src)
SRC_TO_DST_AVG_THROUGHPUT Src to dst average thpt (bps)
DST_TO_SRC_AVG_THROUGHPUT Dst to src average thpt (bps)
NUM_PKTS_UP_TO_128_BYTES Packets whose IP size <= 128
NUM_PKTS_128_TO_256_BYTES Packets whose IP size > 128 and <= 256
NUM_PKTS_256_TO_512_BYTES Packets whose IP size > 256 and <= 512
NUM_PKTS_512_TO_1024_BYTES Packets whose IP size > 512 and <= 1024
NUM_PKTS_1024_TO_1514_BYTES Packets whose IP size > 1024 and <= 1514
TCP_WIN_MAX_IN Max TCP Window (src->dst)
TCP_WIN_MAX_OUT Max TCP Window (dst->src)
ICMP_TYPE ICMP Type * 256 + ICMP code
DNS_QUERY_ID DNS query transaction Id
DNS_QUERY_TYPE DNS query type (e.g. 1=A, 2=NS..)
DNS_TTL_ANSWER TTL of the first A record (if any)
FTP_COMMAND_RET_CODE FTP client command return code



  title={Towards a standard feature set for network intrusion detection system datasets},
  author={Sarhan, Mohanad and Layeghy, Siamak and Portmann, Marius},
  journal={Mobile networks and applications},


Sarhan, M., Layeghy, S., & Portmann, M. (2022). Towards a standard feature set for network intrusion detection system datasets. Mobile networks and applications, 1-14.