File size: 3,116 Bytes
{"dataset": "bigcode_python_code", "docid": "", "text": "#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n# @Date    : 2015-04-20 20:58:52\n# @Author  : Your Name (\n# @Link    :\n# @Version : $Id$\n\nimport os\nimport json\n\nbooks = [\n    {\n        'id': 1,\n        'dir': 'book1',\n        'title': '有些失去,不曾离开',\n    },\n    {\n        'id': 2,\n        'dir': 'book2',\n        'title': '架构师-2014年3月刊',\n    },\n]\n\nfor b in books:\n    os.chdir(b['dir'])\n    book = {\n        'id': b['id'],\n        'title': b['title'],\n        'parts': list()\n    }\n    part_no = 0\n    for fn in os.listdir(\".\"):\n        if fn.startswith(\"content\") and fn.endswith(\".json\"):\n            with open(fn) as f:\n                pt = json.load(f)\n                part = {\n                    'id': part_no,\n                    'title': pt['title'],\n                    'contents': []\n                }\n\n                for cnt in pt['contents']:\n                    ncnt = {\n                        'id': cnt['id']\n                    }\n                    if cnt['type'] in ['paragraph', 'headline', 'code']:\n                        ncnt['type'] = 'text'\n                        ncnt['text'] = cnt['data']['text']\n                        ncnt['format'] = {\n                            'size': cnt['data']['format']['p_quote'] and 0.8 or 1,\n                            'align': cnt['data']['format']['p_align'],\n                            'italic': cnt['type'] == 'code' or cnt['data']['format']['p_quote'],\n                            'bold': cnt['type'] == 'headline' or cnt['data']['format']['p_bold'],\n                            # 'indent': 0,\n                        }\n                    elif cnt['type'] == 'illus' and cnt['data']['seq']:\n                        ncnt['type'] = 'image'\n                        ncnt['src'] = 'data/book%s/image/%s.bmp' % (b['id'], cnt['data']['seq'])\n                        ncnt['single'] = True\n                        ncnt['format'] = {\n                            'width': cnt['data']['width'],\n                            'height': cnt['data']['height'],\n\n                            'align': 'center',\n                        }\n                    else:\n                        print(cnt)\n                    part['contents'].append(ncnt)\n\n                with open('part%d.json' % part_no, 'w+') as nf:\n                    json.dump(part, nf)\n\n                book['parts'].append({'id': part_no, 'title': pt['title'], 'level': 0})\n\n                part_no += 1\n\n    with open('book.json', 'w+') as f:\n        json.dump(book, f)\n\n    os.chdir(\"..\")\n", "metadata": "{\"size\": 2537, \"lang\": \"Python\", \"max_stars_repo_path\": \"webreader/\", \"max_stars_repo_name\": \"water-law/waterlawblog\", \"avg_line_length\": 31.3209876543, \"max_line_length\": 97, \"alphanum_fraction\": 0.3563263697, \"__id__\": 9124369, \"nl_ratio\": 0.06813706183536826}", "reason": "", "annotator": "", "campaign": "", "timestamp": "2023-04-08 07:03:22.136399"}