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"{""zh_tw"": ""往機場的班次還有多久"", ""en"": ""How long is the number of departures to the airport""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""充電座在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the charging cradle?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼去機場?"", ""en"": ""How do I get to the airport?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""身高幾公分以下的兒童免費坐?"", ""en"": ""What is the free seat for children under a height of a few centimeters?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以介紹捷運列車嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I introduce MRT trains?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有賣桃園機場捷運與臺北捷運聯合套票嗎?"", ""en"": ""Do you sell a joint Taoyuan Airport MRT and Taipei MRT package?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以補票嗎"", ""en"": ""Can I make up my ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以買票?"", ""en"": ""Where can I buy tickets?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼轉乘新北捷運?"", ""en"": ""How do I transfer to the New Taipei MRT?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪個捷運站開放腳踏車/自行車?"", ""en"": ""Which MRT station opens for bicycles/bicycles?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我的小孩/父母/親人/家人不見了"", ""en"": ""My child/parent/loved one/family is missing""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""自動售票處在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the ticket office?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""腳踏車/自行車的進出車站動線?"", ""en"": ""What are the moving lines for bicycles/bicycles in and out of the station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""電梯在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the elevator?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有ATM嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there an ATM?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""桃捷有哪些紀念商品?"", ""en"": ""What souvenir items are available to Taojie?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以看捷運時刻表嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I see the MRT timetable?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問定期票怎麼買?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a regular ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想買愛心票/愛心陪伴票/愛陪票"", ""en"": ""I want to buy a love ticket/ love companion ticket/ love companion ticket""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以寄放行李?"", ""en"": ""Where can I leave my luggage?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""提款機在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where are the ATMs?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""要去機場的話要坐到哪個捷運站?"", ""en"": ""Which MRT station do I have to take if I want to go to the airport?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""出口在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the exit?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡有免費的wifi/網路嗎? "", ""en"": ""Is there free wifi/internet?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""你是誰?"", ""en"": ""Who are you?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼買一卡通/悠遊卡/儲值卡片?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a card/leisure card/stored value card?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""『捷運站名稱』在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the 'MRT Station Name'?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""末班車是幾點?"", ""en"": ""What time does the last train depart?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼買團體票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a group ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以用信用卡進月台嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I use a credit card to enter the platform?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想去台北車站,可以轉直達車嗎?"", ""en"": ""I want to go to Taipei Main Station, can I transfer direct bus?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡有插座可以充電嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there an outlet here to charge?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以買一卡通/悠遊卡/儲值卡片?"", ""en"": ""Where can I buy a Pass/UYoyo Card/Stored Value Card?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""廁所在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the toilet?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""要怎麼去高鐵站?"", ""en"": ""How do I get to the high-speed rail station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有賣自行車單程票嗎?"", ""en"": ""Do I sell one-way bicycle tickets?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""車站有哪些店家/販賣店?"", ""en"": ""What are the stores/vendors at the station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡有接駁嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a connection here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""今天/明天/下一週天氣會很熱/冷嗎?"", ""en"": ""Will the weather be hot/cold today/tomorrow/next week?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""什麼不可以帶進去捷運站?"", ""en"": ""What can't I bring into the MRT station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""附近的停車場在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the nearby parking lot?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問有行李置物櫃嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a luggage locker?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以買單程票/票?"", ""en"": ""Where can I buy one-way tickets/tickets?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""附近的巴士站在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the nearby bus stop?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哺(集)乳室在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the nursing room?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡附近的景點有哪些?"", ""en"": ""What are the attractions near here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以查詢卡片(一卡通、悠遊卡、電子票證)的交易紀錄?"", ""en"": ""Where can I check the transaction history of cards (100 cards, yoyo cards, e-tickets)?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想買優待票"", ""en"": ""I want to buy a coupon ticket""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""撿到遺失物品怎麼辦?"", ""en"": ""What should I do if I find a lost item?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""接駁在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the connection?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想看/知道現在的臺北市/新北市的公車動態?"", ""en"": ""I would like to see/know the current bus dynamics in Taipei City/New Taipei City?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想看/知道現在的桃園公車動態?"", ""en"": ""I want to see/know the current Taoyuan bus dynamics?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以查詢進出站的交易紀錄?"", ""en"": ""Where can I check the transaction history of the station in and out of the station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡的地址?"", ""en"": ""What is the address here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""車站外有哪些無障礙設施?"", ""en"": ""What barrier-free facilities are available outside the station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我可以使用line pay/街口支付/google pay/ samsung pay/ apple pay/ 悠遊付/ 支付寶嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I use line pay /street pay/ google pay / samsung pay / apple pay / youyou pay / Alipay?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""要怎麼補票?"", ""en"": ""How do I make up my ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡有便利商店/萊爾富嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a convenience store/Lyflux here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""車票種類有哪些?"", ""en"": ""What are the types of tickets?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡有AED設備/自動體外心臟電擊去顫器嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there an AED device/automated external cardiac shock defibrillator here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""捷運有經過哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where does the MRT pass?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""售票的地方在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where are tickets sold?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""提款機是哪個銀行?"", ""en"": ""Which bank is the ATM?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可不可以在車廂做『事情名稱』嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I do the 'name of the thing' in the carriage?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可不可以在捷運站做『事情名稱』嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I do the 'name of the thing' at the MRT station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以放東西?"", ""en"": ""Where can I put things?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有洗手間嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a restroom?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以用悠遊卡/一卡通進月台嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I use the Yuyou Card/Pass to enter the platform?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我要怎麼買回數票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy back a number of tickets?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有賣回數票嗎?"", ""en"": ""Do you have to sell back the number of votes?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我要怎麼買自行車單程票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a one-way bicycle ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡可以領錢嗎 ?"", ""en"": ""Can I receive money here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問航班/飛機xxx班次要到哪一站?"", ""en"": ""What stop is the flight/flight xxx to?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我的票卡異常無法感應進站"", ""en"": ""My ticket card is unusually insensitive to the pit stop""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼買桃園機場捷運與臺北捷運聯合套票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a joint Taoyuan Airport MRT and Taipei MRT package?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我可以跟真人站務員說話嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I speak to a live station attendant?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""如果要去『捷運站附近的景點名稱』要走哪個出口?"", ""en"": ""Which exit do I have to take if I want to go to the 'Name of a Attraction Near MRT Station'?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""還有車到『捷運站名稱』嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there still a car to the 'MRT station name'?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我要買半票"", ""en"": ""I want to buy half the ticket""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我可以使用信用卡嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I use a credit card?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡有計程車?"", ""en"": ""Where are taxis available?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""幾歲以下的兒童免費坐?"", ""en"": ""How many children are free to ride?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以查我卡片剩多少錢嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I check how much money is left on my card?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問哪裡可以打電話?"", ""en"": ""Where can I make a phone call?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""傻瓜電擊器/電擊器在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the Dummy Shocker/Shock Device?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我可以使用悠遊卡/一卡通/愛金卡/遠鑫卡嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I use the UYoyo Card/All-in-One Card/Aijin Card/Yuanxin Card?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以托運行李?"", ""en"": ""Where can I check in my baggage?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""單程票不見了怎麼辦?"", ""en"": ""What should I do if my one-way ticket is missing?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""你在這裡做什麼?"", ""en"": ""What are you doing here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""如果列車中斷的補償是什麼?"", ""en"": ""What is the compensation if the train is interrupted?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""附近的公車站在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the nearest bus stop?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""捷運最近/新有什麼活動嗎?"", ""en"": ""Are there any recent/new events at MRT?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""往環北站的班次還有多久"", ""en"": ""How long is the frequency to The North Ring Station""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡是哪個捷運站?"", ""en"": ""Which MRT station is this?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可不可以帶寵物進車廂嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I bring my pet into the carriage?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有沒有配合的計程車服務嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a cooperative taxi service?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""第一班車的發車時間?"", ""en"": ""What is the departure time of the first train?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼買回數票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy back counting tickets?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""公共電話在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where are the public phones?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以停車?"", ""en"": ""Where can I park?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這附近有好玩的地方嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there anything interesting nearby?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想買敬老票/老人票"", ""en"": ""I want to buy a respect for the elderly ticket/elderly ticket""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼買自行車單程票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a one-way bicycle ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我的小孩/父母/親人/家人走失了"", ""en"": ""My child/parent/loved one/family member is lost""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以介紹一下車站?"", ""en"": ""Can you tell us about the station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有搭乘證明嗎?"", ""en"": ""Do I have a boarding certificate?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""附近的YouBike在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is YouBike nearby?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以坐電梯?"", ""en"": ""Where can I take the elevator?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""從這裡到『捷運站名稱』的價錢是多少錢?"", ""en"": ""How much does it cost from here to the 'MRT Station Name'?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""車站內的安全設備在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the safety equipment in the station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想查詢現在的桃捷航班資訊?"", ""en"": ""I would like to check the current Taojie flight information?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""從哪裡進去月台?"", ""en"": ""Where do I get to the platform?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""卡片餘額剩多少怎麼查?"", ""en"": ""How much is left on the card balance?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我跟小孩/父母/親人/家人走散了"", ""en"": ""I am separated from my child/parent/relative/family""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""東西不見了要去哪裡找?"", ""en"": ""Where do I go to find something that is missing?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這個捷運站有幾個出口?"", ""en"": ""How many exits does this MRT station have?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""車廂內可以放行李嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I leave my luggage in the carriage?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""單程票的停留時限有多久?"", ""en"": ""How long is the one-way ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""可以看捷運時刻表嗎?"", ""en"": ""Can I read the MRT timetable?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""捷運有什麼最新的公告嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there any latest announcement from MRT?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""往台北車站的班次還有多久"", ""en"": ""How long is the number of departures to Taipei Main Station""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""你叫什麼名字?"", ""en"": ""What's your name?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問下一班往環北站/老街溪站的直達車是幾點"", ""en"": ""What time is the next direct bus to Huanbei Station/Laojiexi Station?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""首班車是幾點?"", ""en"": ""What time does the first train start?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""有購票證明嗎?"", ""en"": ""Do I have proof of ticket purchase?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問有飲水機嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a water dispenser?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問下一班往機場的直達車是幾點"", ""en"": ""What time is the next direct bus to the airport""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼坐捷運?"", ""en"": ""How to take the MRT?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""這裡有真人站務員/客服嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a live station attendant/customer service here?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想看/知道現在的高鐵的班次?"", ""en"": ""I want to see/know the current frequency of high-speed rail?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以充電? "", ""en"": ""Where can I charge?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""最近的出口在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the nearest exit?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""hello、hi、你好、早安、晚安、午安"", ""en"": ""\""hello\"", \""hi\"", hello, good morning, good night, good afternoon""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""『捷運站名稱』的地址?"", ""en"": ""What is the address of the \""MRT Station Name\""?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""往中壢的班次還有多久"", ""en"": ""How long is the frequency of the shift to Zhongli""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""什麼不可以帶進去車廂?"", ""en"": ""What can't be brought into the carriage?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想看/知道現在的高鐵的時刻表?"", ""en"": ""I want to see/know the current high-speed rail timetable?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪個車廂開放腳踏車/自行車?"", ""en"": ""Which carriage opens for bicycles/bicycles?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""一卡通\\悠遊卡\\卡怎麼加值/儲值?"", ""en"": ""How to add value/reserve value to the card\\U-Yo Card??""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼買單程票/票?"", ""en"": ""How do I buy a one-way ticket/ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""要怎麼去高鐵站要坐到哪個捷運站?"", ""en"": ""How do I get to the high-speed rail station and to which MRT station do I have to take?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""請問有收據嗎?"", ""en"": ""Is there a receipt?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼使用乘車碼?"", ""en"": ""How do I use my ride code?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想轉搭直達車要去哪裡轉車?"", ""en"": ""Where do I want to transfer to a direct bus?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""掰掰、再見、下次見"", ""en"": ""Break it, goodbye, see you next time""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""哪裡可以裝水?"", ""en"": ""Where can I fill water?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我要怎麼補票?"", ""en"": ""How do I make up my ticket?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""最近捷運有什麼消息嗎?"", ""en"": ""What's the news from MRT recently?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""電扶梯\\手扶梯在哪裡?"", ""en"": ""Where is the escalator\\escalator?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""我想買兒童票/小孩票"", ""en"": ""I want to buy a child ticket/child ticket""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""桃捷有哪些公共藝術?"", ""en"": ""What are the public arts of Taojie?""}"
"{""zh_tw"": ""怎麼加值?"", ""en"": ""How to add value?""}"