Table to Text
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Script creates mlb data for gem benchmark
import argparse
import os
import json
import logging
def sort_files_key(x):
if "train" in x:
file_index = int(x[5:7].strip(".")) # get the index of the train file
file_index = -1 # valid and test
return file_index
def filter_summaries(summary_entry, seen_output, test_seen_output):
match_words = {"rain", "rains", "rained", "snow"}
filter = False
if len(summary_entry["summary"]) < 100:
filter = True
elif 100 < len(summary_entry["summary"]) < 300:
if len(match_words.intersection(set(summary_entry["summary"]))) > 0:
filter = True
elif "_".join(summary_entry["summary"][:50]) in seen_output: # retaining only one instance
filter = True
elif "_".join(summary_entry["summary"][:50]) in test_seen_output: # retaining only one instance
filter = True
return filter
def replace_Carmona(obj):
def decode_dict(a_dict):
for key, value in a_dict.items():
if value == "Roberto Hernandez":
a_dict[key] = value.replace("Roberto Hernandez", "Fausto Carmona")
except AttributeError:
return a_dict
return json.loads(json.dumps(obj), object_hook=decode_dict)
def process(input_folder, type, output_folder):
output_name_map = {"train": "train", "valid": "validation", "test": "test"}
output_jsonl = open(os.path.join(output_folder, output_name_map[type] + ".jsonl"), mode="w", encoding="utf-8")
file_list = os.listdir(input_folder)
sorted_file_list = sorted(file_list, key=sort_files_key)
seen_output = set()
test_seen_output = set()
if type == "train":
for filename in sorted_file_list:
if "valid" in filename or "test" in filename:
print("test filename", filename)
json_file = open(os.path.join(input_folder, filename), mode="r", encoding="utf-8")
data = json.load(json_file)
for entry_index, entry in enumerate(data):
index = 1
for filename in sorted_file_list:
if type in filename:
print("filename", filename)
json_file = open(os.path.join(input_folder, filename), mode="r", encoding="utf-8")
data = json.load(json_file)
for entry_index, entry in enumerate(data):
logging.debug("instance %s", entry_index)
if type == "train":
if filter_summaries(entry, seen_output, test_seen_output):
summary = entry["summary"]
summ = " ".join(summary)
if "Fausto Carmona" in summ:
entry = replace_Carmona(entry)
gem_id = "GEM-mlb_data_to_text-"+ output_name_map[type] + "-" + str(index)
index += 1
updated_entry = {}
updated_entry["home_name"] = entry["home_name"]
updated_entry["vis_name"] = entry["vis_name"]
updated_entry["home_city"] = entry["home_city"]
updated_entry["vis_city"] = entry["vis_city"]
updated_entry["summary"] = entry["summary"]
updated_entry["summary_eval"] = " ".join(entry["summary"]).replace("*NEWPARAGRAPH* ", "")
updated_entry["day"] = entry["day"]
updated_entry["gem_id"] = gem_id
updated_entry["box_score"] = []
box_score_keys = entry["box_score"].keys()
construct_box_score(box_score_keys, entry["box_score"], updated_entry["box_score"])
assert len(updated_entry["box_score"]) == len(
entry["box_score"][list(box_score_keys)[-1]]) # checking sizes match
updated_entry["play_by_play"] = []
construct_play_by_play(entry["play_by_play"], updated_entry["play_by_play"])
updated_entry["vis_line"] = {}
updated_entry["home_line"] = {}
for attrib in ["team_runs", "result", "team_hits", "team_name", "team_errors", "team_city"]:
updated_entry["vis_line"][attrib] = entry["vis_line"][attrib]
updated_entry["home_line"][attrib] = entry["home_line"][attrib]
updated_entry["vis_line"]["innings"] = []
construct_inning_scores(entry["vis_line"]["innings"], updated_entry["vis_line"]["innings"])
updated_entry["home_line"]["innings"] = []
construct_inning_scores(entry["home_line"]["innings"], updated_entry["home_line"]["innings"])
json.dump(updated_entry, output_jsonl, ensure_ascii=False)
if entry_index % 50 == 0:
print("entry_index", entry_index)
def construct_box_score(box_score_keys, box_score, box_score_list):
player_index = 0
while True:
box_score_object = {}
for _box_score_key in box_score_keys:
if str(player_index) not in box_score[_box_score_key]:
box_score_object[_box_score_key] = box_score[_box_score_key][str(player_index)]
player_index += 1
def construct_play_by_play(play_by_play, play_by_play_list):
inning_index = 1
while True:
if str(inning_index) not in play_by_play:
play_by_play_object = {}
for side in ["top", "bottom"]:
if side in play_by_play[str(inning_index)]:
play_by_play_object[side] = []
for play in play_by_play[str(inning_index)][side]:
play_object = construct_play_object(play)
play_by_play_object["inning"] = inning_index
inning_index += 1
def construct_play_object(play):
play_object = {}
for attrib in ["runs", "pitcher", "o", "b", "s", "batter", "event", "event2", "home_team_runs", "away_team_runs",
"rbi", "error_runs", "fielder_error"]:
play_object[attrib] = "N/A"
if attrib in play:
play_object[attrib] = play[attrib]
for attrib in ["scorers", "b1", "b2", "b3"]:
play_object[attrib] = ["N/A"]
if attrib in play:
play_object[attrib] = play[attrib]
return play_object
def construct_inning_scores(innings, innings_list):
inning_index = 1
while True:
if "inn" + str(inning_index) not in innings:
innings_list.append({"inn": inning_index, "runs": innings["inn" + str(inning_index)]})
inning_index += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script for constructing the mlb dataset in GEM format')
parser.add_argument('-json_root', type=str,
help='path of json root; download from '
'', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-output_folder', type=str,
help='path of output file', default=None)
parser.add_argument('-dataset_type', type=str,
help='type of dataset', default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
process(args.json_root, args.dataset_type, args.output_folder)