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French-Democrat is a conversion of Dem1921, which is a subset of Democrat, a diachronic corpus of written French with coreference annotations. Dem1921 consists only of the texts from 19th to 21st century as specified here.


    author = {Landragin, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
    title = {{Le corpus Democrat et son exploitation. Pr{\'e}sentation}},
    journal = {{Langages}},
    series = {Un corpus annote en chaînes de reference et son exploitation : le projet Democrat},
    number = {224},
    publisher = {{Armand Colin (Larousse jusqu'en 2003)}},
    year = {2021},
    month = Dec,
    pages = {11-24},
    url = {},

    author = {Wilkens, Rodrigo and Oberle, Bruno and Landragin, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Todirascu, Amalia},
    title = {{F}rench Coreference for Spoken and Written Language},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
    publisher = {European Language Resources Association},
    address = {Marseille, France},
    year = {2020},
    pages = {80--89},


2023-02-24 v1.1

  • reimplemented the conversion into CorefUD by B. Dohnalová and M. Popel
  • fixing bugs in the original conversion, improving etype detection

2022-04-06 v1.0

  • new format of coreference and anaphora annotations
  • a new primary article cites this resource

2021-12-10 v0.2

  • no changes

2021-03-11 v0.1

  • initial conversion
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================
Data available since: CorefUD 0.1
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Includes text: yes
Genre: journalistic literature ordinary-writing professional-writing scientific
Lemmas: automatic
UPOS: automatic
XPOS: automatic
Features: automatic
Relations: automatic
CorefUD contributors: Landragin, Frédéric (1); Zeman, Daniel (2)
Other contributors: Oberle, Bruno; Wilkens, Rodrigo; Todirascu, Amalia
Contributors' affiliations: (1) Lattice, CNRS & ENS Paris & Université Sorbonne Nouvelle & PSL Research University & USPC, Montrouge, France
                            (2) Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Prague, Czechia
Contributing: elsewhere