premise: An older gentleman in a plaid shirt and glasses is smiling at the camera. hypothesis: The older guy has his eyes fixated on the camera.
entailment: both are older.
premise: An older gentleman in a plaid shirt and glasses is smiling at the camera. hypothesis: THe older man has to wear glasses to improve his vision.
neutral: Not all older men wear glasses.
premise: A bald man is sitting on a rock next to a woman in a black jacket. hypothesis: A man and a woman are sitting next to each other at the grand canyon.
neutral: a rock doesn't always mean grand canyon.
premise: A bald man is sitting on a rock next to a woman in a black jacket. hypothesis: A man and a woman are cooking dinner in the kitchen.
contradiction: Either the man and woman are sitting outside on a rock or they are cooking dinner in a kitchen. They cannot be in both locations at one time.
premise: A bald man is sitting on a rock next to a woman in a black jacket. hypothesis: A man and a woman are sitting next to each other.
entailment: bot are sitting.
premise: A pole vaulter leaving the pit with his pole. hypothesis: The man left the pole.
contradiction: Either the vaulter is leaving the pit with his pole or he is leaving his pole as well as the pit.
premise: A pole vaulter leaving the pit with his pole. hypothesis: The pole vaulter left the pit with his pole to take it to be repaired.
neutral: pole. doesn't always mean be repaired.
premise: A pole vaulter leaving the pit with his pole. hypothesis: The pole vaulter left the pit.
entailment: both are leaving.
premise: Four people looking at some cattle beside a barn. hypothesis: Four people are studying cattle for a research project.
neutral: looking at doesn't always mean studying.
premise: Four people looking at some cattle beside a barn. hypothesis: Four people are stargazing.
contradiction: Either the group are looking at some cattle, presumably during the day, or they are stargazing, which people usually do at night.
premise: Four people looking at some cattle beside a barn. hypothesis: Cattle are beside a barn.
entailment: in both sentences, cattle are beside a barn.
premise: Kids having fun in their house after an evening dinner. hypothesis: Kids playing after finishing their pizza.
neutral: dinner doesn't always mean pizza.
premise: Kids having fun in their house after an evening dinner. hypothesis: A man singing to a woman.
contradiction: Kids refers to multiple younger humans, either man or woman. Man and woman refer to grown male and grown female respectively. Either the group are having fun or one is singing to another.
premise: Kids having fun in their house after an evening dinner. hypothesis: Kids playing after finishing their meal.
entailment: having and playing can be the same action.
premise: A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole. hypothesis: A young person doing gymnastics.
contradiction: Either the person is holding a vaulting pole, about to pole vault, or they are doing gymnastics. They cannot do both at the same time.
premise: A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole. hypothesis: A young person trying out for the Olympic team.
neutral: uniform doesn't always mean Olympic team.
premise: A dark-haired young in a red and white uniform is holding a vaulting pole. hypothesis: A young person wearing a uniform.
entailment: both have a uniform.
premise: A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair. hypothesis: The fair's prize winning cow is brown and white.
neutral: Preparing a brown and white cow to be presented does not imply the prize winning cow is brown and white.
premise: A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair. hypothesis: A cow is prepared to be butchered.
contradiction: man and cow are not same both are different.
premise: A man and woman prepare a brown and white cow to be presented at a fair. hypothesis: A cow is prepared for the fair.
entailment: cow to be presented at a fair shows that cow is prepared for the fair.
premise: A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head. hypothesis: A man and woman cooking a side of beef.
contradiction: Either the couple are decorating the cow (which when cooked is usually beef), or they are cooking the cow.
premise: A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head. hypothesis: A man and woman tends to a cow.
entailment: both have a cow.
premise: A man in a Tyrolean hat decorates a tan and white cow with ribbons and evergreen while a woman holds the cow's head. hypothesis: A cow struggles as people decorate it.
neutral: holds doesn't always mean struggles.
premise: A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away. hypothesis: The pole vaulter is looking away while carrying his equipment.
entailment: both are carrying.
premise: A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away. hypothesis: The pole vaulter is carrying his gear.
neutral: equipment doesn't always mean gear.
premise: A pole vaulter is carrying his equipment while looking away. hypothesis: The pole vaulter is in the middle of his jump.
contradiction: One cannot be looking away and carrying equipment in the middle of a jump.
premise: The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass. hypothesis: The great Dane pounces on the two yellow dogs.
neutral: Plays does not imply pounces.
premise: The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass. hypothesis: The great Dane chases the two yellow dogs around the kitchen table.
contradiction: grass and kitchen are different.
premise: The brown and white great Dane plays with two yellow dogs in the grass. hypothesis: The dogs play outside.
entailment: Grass is usually found outside.
premise: A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game. hypothesis: Someone is wearing blue.
neutral: dressed doesn't always mean blue.
premise: A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game. hypothesis: Someone is playing badminton.
entailment: both are playing.
premise: A badminton player dressed in red and yellow at the London 2012 Olympics leaps in the air as she plays the game. hypothesis: Nobody is playing a sport.
contradiction: A badminton player plays the game is not nobody playing.
premise: Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass. hypothesis: Three dogs are playing with a ball.
neutral: dogs doesn't always mean playing.
premise: Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass. hypothesis: Three dogs are swimming in an aquarium.
contradiction: Dogs cannot be swimming on grass.
premise: Large dog plays with two smaller dogs on grass. hypothesis: Three dogs are playing on the grass.
entailment: both are playing.
premise: A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay. hypothesis: A big dog is holding its paw up to another dog.
entailment: for a dog to be holding a paw out it has to be up.
premise: A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay. hypothesis: Two cats sleep in front of a fireplace with no other animals around.
contradiction: Dogs are not cats.
premise: A big dog holds its paw out to keep another dog at bay. hypothesis: A big dog is playing with its brother.
neutral: another dog doesn't always mean brother.
premise: A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket. hypothesis: the dad rocked the baby to sleep.
contradiction: A baby who laughs is not being put to sleep.
premise: A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket. hypothesis: the mom was tickling the baby.
neutral: Not all moms are tickling.
premise: A bald baby laughs as he holds onto his mom's jacket. hypothesis: the baby was laughing.
entailment: you are laughing if you laugh.
premise: A large dog wards off a smaller dog. hypothesis: A dog gnarls at another and went to eat it's food.
neutral: Not all dogs gnarls.
premise: A large dog wards off a smaller dog. hypothesis: A horse is eating grass.
contradiction: Two dogs are not a horse eating grass at the same time.
premise: A large dog wards off a smaller dog. hypothesis: a dog gnarls at another.
entailment: a dog would gnarl if it is trying to ward something off.
premise: Women holding a baby wearing a green shirt. hypothesis: Woman is watching a baby crawl on the ground.
contradiction: Women cannot be holding a baby and watching the baby crawl simultaneously.
premise: Women holding a baby wearing a green shirt. hypothesis: A baby is being carried by a woman.
entailment: if the baby is being held then the baby is being carried.
premise: Women holding a baby wearing a green shirt. hypothesis: The woman is carrying a baby through the park.
neutral: Not all women go through the park.
premise: A baby in a green shirt is holding onto a shoulder. hypothesis: a baby.
entailment: a baby is a baby.
premise: A baby in a green shirt is holding onto a shoulder. hypothesis: a baby holding a kitchen knife.
contradiction: A shoulder cannot be a kitchen knife simultaneously.
premise: A baby in a green shirt is holding onto a shoulder. hypothesis: a baby with its mother.
neutral: Not all baby's are with their mother.
premise: Children are playing soccer on a rocky beach. hypothesis: The children are sitting on a couch.
contradiction: Children cannot be sitting on a couch and on a beach simultaneously.
premise: Children are playing soccer on a rocky beach. hypothesis: There are kids outdoors.
entailment: a rocky beach is outdoors.
premise: Children are playing soccer on a rocky beach. hypothesis: The children are playing on vacation.
neutral: Not all children are on vacation.
premise: A woman is singing in to a microphone. hypothesis: A woman sings at a party.
neutral: Not all singing is done at a party.
premise: A woman is singing in to a microphone. hypothesis: A woman sings.
entailment: Singing and sings are the same word in different forms.
premise: A woman is singing in to a microphone. hypothesis: A woman sits quietly inside of her home.
contradiction: singing and sits are not same.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The soccer ball went into the water.
neutral: Not all balls go into the water.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are outside.
entailment: a body of water is outdoors.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: There are children outside with a soccer ball.
entailment: a body of water is found outside.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of children are near the water.
entailment: if water is in the background its likely they are near the water.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are playing soccer out back of the school on recess.
neutral: Not all children are out back of the school on recess.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The kids are in math class.
contradiction: Kids cannot be in math class and playing soccer simultaneously.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: It's a sunny day.
neutral: Not all days are a sunny day.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are having fun.
neutral: Not all children are having fun.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of children are playing in a soccer tournament.
neutral: Not all children are in a tournament.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are sleeping.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are playing baseball.
contradiction: BASEBALL IS NOT SOCCER.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are playing football.
contradiction: FOOTBALL IS NOT SOCCER.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: Kids are playing soccer.
entailment: kids is a synonym of children.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: Kids are playing soccer.
entailment: Group of children playing soccer simply means kids are playing soccer.
premise: Group of children playing soccer with body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of children are playing a board game at indoors.
contradiction: A BOARD GAME IS NOT SOCCER.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of young children egg a house and speed away on their bikes.
contradiction: AN EGG IS NOT A BALL.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of young children play ball in a field next to the lake.
entailment: group of young children kick around a ball on a field is same as group of young children play ball.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: They are friends.
neutral: The children may not be friends.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: The kids are playing soccer.
entailment: young children kick around a ball simply means kids are playing soccer.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: The young children are enjoying playing soccer.
neutral: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background does not imply that they are enjoying playing soccer.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of kids playing a game together.
entailment: group of young children kick around a ball is same as group of kids playing a game together.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are outside.
entailment: children kick around a ball on a field simply means children are outside.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A bunch of kids are playing with a ball.
entailment: group of young children kick around a ball is just as bunch of kids are playing with a ball.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: The children are playing video games.
contradiction: A BALL IS NOT VIDEO GAMES.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of young children play soccer on the field.
neutral: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background does not indicate that they play soccer on the field.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A bunch of kids are swimming in a pool.
contradiction: A POOL IS NOT A FIELD.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: Kids playing soccer.
neutral: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background does not necessary that Kids playing soccer.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: A group of kids are playing soccer.
neutral: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background does not indicate that a group of kids are playing soccer.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: The water is close by.
premise: A group of young children kick around a ball on a field with a body of water in the background. hypothesis: Kids playing lacrosse.
contradiction: People who kick around a ball are not playing lacrosse.
premise: A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city. hypothesis: A number of chilfren enjoy themselves on the coast of a city.
entailment: Children enjoy being on the coast of a city.
premise: A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city. hypothesis: There were a lot of children enjoying themself on the coast.
neutral: Every coast is not by a city.
premise: A number of children enjoy themselves on the coast of a city. hypothesis: The number of children were not having fun at all.
premise: Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background. hypothesis: Children are hiking in the mountains.
contradiction: Children cannot be hiking in the mountain while they are playing football.
premise: Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background. hypothesis: Children are playing a sport near the ocean.
entailment: children are playing football with a seacoast simply means children are playing a sport near the ocean.
premise: Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background. hypothesis: Children are playing on the beach.
neutral: Some children are playing football with a seacoast in the background does not indicate that they are playing on the beach.
premise: A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow. hypothesis: People are kissing.
contradiction: People cannot be kissing while they hug and pose for a camera.
premise: A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow. hypothesis: It is cold outside.
entailment: It is cold outside if you are in the snow.
premise: A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow. hypothesis: People are getting ready to ice-fish.
neutral: A couple hug each other and pose for the camera in front of a pond in the snow does not indicate that they are getting ready to ice-fish.
premise: BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path. hypothesis: A bike rider in a pine forest.
neutral: The rider may not be in a pine forest. The rider could be in a forest (albeit not a pine one) or he/she could be on a path that resembles a forest because of a high number of trees.
premise: BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path. hypothesis: A unicycle rider in the city.
contradiction: There can either be a BMX rider or a unicycle rider.
premise: BMX rider, riding downhill on forest path. hypothesis: A bike rider in the forest.
entailment: BMX rider on forest path is just as bike rider in the forest.
premise: A young red-haired girl wants to see what comes after the clowns in the parade. hypothesis: A girl is throwing up on the clowns at a parade.
contradiction: Comes and throwing are different.
premise: A young red-haired girl wants to see what comes after the clowns in the parade. hypothesis: A girl is scared of the clowns in the parade.
neutral: Wants to see what comes does not imply being scared.