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"[INST] What is a acceptance? [/INST] State achieved by a product, system or process as soon as there is agreement that thisor it is suitable for the intended use.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Accident? [/INST] Unintended event or series of events resulting in deaths, injuries,Loss of a system or service, or environmental damage.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Permit? [/INST] Permission to use a product or process for a specified purpose or under specified conditionsto market or use.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Insurance? [/INST] Confidence in achieving a set goal. Statement intended to give confidence.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Audit? [/INST] Systematic, independent, documented process for obtaining records, statements of Facts or other relevant information and their objective assessment to determine the extent to whichspecified requirements are met.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Availability <of a product>? [/INST] Ability of a resource to perform at a given time or during a given time interval to be able to fulfil a required function under given conditions, provided that thenecessary external aids are provided.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Basic integrity? [/INST] Integrity attribute for safety-related functions with a TFFR higher (less demanding) than10–5 [H-1] or for non-safety-related functions.",standarts
"[INST] What is a collective risk? [/INST] Risk caused by, for example, a product, process or system to which a population ora group of people is exposed.",standarts
"[INST] What is a commercial standard product? [/INST] Product determined by market requirements, which is commercially available and whose suitability for useis considered acceptable by a wide range of commercial users.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Common cause failures? [/INST] Failures of multiple units that would otherwise be considered independent of each other,due to a single cause.",standarts
"[INST] What is a accordance? [/INST] Condition in which a characteristic or property of a product, system or process does not meet the specifiedrequirements fulfilled.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Configuration management? [/INST] Procedures for identifying and documenting the properties of structures, systems and components components of a plant (including computer systems and software) and ensuring that any changes these properties with due care, developed, assessed, approved, executed, implementedmented, verified, recorded and included in the plant documentation.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Consequence analysis? [/INST] Analysis of events that are likely to happen after a hazard has occurred.",standarts
"[INST] What is a corrective maintenance, repair? [/INST] Maintenance carried out after a fault detection, with the intention of restoring.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Draft? [/INST] Activity to analyze specified requirements and translate them into acceptable solutions.",standarts
"[INST] What is a deterministic? [/INST] Expresses that a behavior can be predicted with a certain degree of certainty.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Diversity? [/INST] Existence of two or more possibilities to achieve a specified goal.",standarts
"[INST] What is a entity? [/INST] Person, group or organization that performs a role as defined in this standard.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Death equivalent? [/INST] Expression for the indication of fatalities and weighted injuries and agreement for the combined ration of injuries and deaths in a numerical value to facilitate the assessment and comparison of riskssiken to facilitate.",standarts
"[INST] What is a False statement / mistake? [/INST] Discrepancy between a calculated, observed or measured value or a determinationand the true, fixed or theoretically correct value or quality.",standarts
"[INST] What is a failure <a unit>? [/INST] Loss of ability to function as required.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Failure type? [/INST] How a failure occurs.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Failure rate? [/INST] Limit of the quotient of the conditional probability that the time T of failure in a given time interval (t , t + delta_t) and the length of this interval delta_t , if delta_t goes to 0, provided that the product is in working order at the beginning of the time interval.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Faulty condition <in a system>? [/INST] Abnormal condition that can lead to an error or failure in a system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a function <one unit>? [/INST] Specified action or activity carried out by technical means and/or by humansand which delivers a defined output value for a defined input value.",standarts
"[INST] What is a functional safety? [/INST] Part of the overall safety that depends on a system or equipment providing correct responsewords on their input states provides.",standarts
"[INST] What is a generic product? [/INST] Product that is independent of application-defined boundary conditions, interfaces andFunctionalities (black box) fulfilled.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Danger? [/INST] Condition that can lead to an accident.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Risk analysis? [/INST] Process for identifying hazards and analyzing their causes, and deriving requirements,to limit the probability and consequences of hazards to an acceptable level.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Hazard logbook? [/INST] Document in which identified hazards, decisions taken, solutions used and theirImplementation state is recorded or referenced.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Hazard rate? [/INST] Rate of occurrence of a hazard.",standarts
"[INST] What is a implementation? [/INST] Activity to turn the specified designs into reality.",standarts
"[INST] What is a independent safety assessment? [/INST] Process whose objective is to determine whether the service/product meets the specified safety requirements and to assess whether the service/product meets the safety requirements for theis suitable for the intended purpose.",standarts
"[INST] What is a individual risk? [/INST] Process of assembling the elements of a system according to the architecture and designspecification and testing of the integrated unit.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Life cycle? [/INST] Sequence of identifiable stages that an entity goes through from its conception to disposal.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Maintainability <a unit>? [/INST] Ability to operate under given application and maintenance conditions in a functional manner as be maintained or restored to a functional state.",standarts
"[INST] What is a maintenance? [/INST] Combination of all technical and business measures with which a unit is in a statepreserved or restored to a state in which it can function as required.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Cessation of operations? [/INST] Objective description of the basic task to be fulfilled by a system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Profile of the business task? [/INST] Outline of the expected scope and changes in operational tasks with regard to parameters such as time, load, speed, route, stops, tunnels, etc. in the operating phases of the cycle.",standarts
"[INST] What is a safety-related failure reaction? [/INST] Establishing a safe state after a dangerous failure has been detected.",standarts
"[INST] What is a reaction time <in railway engineering>? [/INST] Time interval that begins with the discovery of a faulty condition and ends with the taking of a safeCondition ends.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Existing software? [/INST] Any software developed before the application currently being worked on, including com- commercial standard software, open source software and previously, not under this EuropeanStandard developed software.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Maintenance / preventive maintenance? [/INST] Maintenance with the aim of avoiding any reduction in functionality and reducing the probability of failure.possibility to reduce.",standarts
"[INST] What is a product < in railways>? [/INST] Set of elements that are connected to form a system, subsystem or facilityare that the specified requirements are met.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Project management? [/INST] Administrative and/or technical management of a project, including RAMS aspects.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Project Manager? [/INST] Entity that performs project management.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Railway companies? [/INST] Body with overall responsibility for the operation of a railway system within the legalFrame.",standarts
"[INST] What is a RAM plan? [/INST] Documented list of time-based activities, resources and events that contribute to Implementation of organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, skills and Resources that together ensure that a unit can provide given, for a specific contractor a specific project meets significant RAM requirements.",standarts
"[INST] What is a RAMS management process? [/INST] Activities and procedures followed to ensure identification and compliance with the requirements for a product orto enable an operation to comply with the RAMS requirements..",standarts
"[INST] What is a random errors? [/INST] Unpredictable error resulting from one or more of the possible degradation mechanismsresults in.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Functionality / reliability <a unit>? [/INST] Ability to perform as required under given conditions and for a given time interval without failurefunction.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Reliability growth <a unit>? [/INST] Iterative process to improve reliability.",standarts
"[INST] What is a repair? [/INST] Direct action aimed at restoring.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Residual risk? [/INST] Risk remaining after application of protective measures.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Restoration / Repair? [/INST] Process when a unit regains its required operational capability after a failure.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk<for Train RAMS>? [/INST] Combination of expected frequency of damage and expected severity of this damage.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Risk analysis? [/INST] Systematic evaluation of available information to identify hazards and reduce the riskto assess.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Risk assessment? [/INST] Entire procedure, which includes risk analysis and risk assessment.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk-based approach? [/INST] Process for ensuring the safety of products, processes and systems by considering theHazards and the resulting risks.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Risk assessment? [/INST] Procedure based on risk analysis to determine whether the acceptable risk is achievedbecame.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Risk management? [/INST] Systematic application of management strategies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analysisAnalysis, assessment, control and monitoring of risks.",standarts
"[INST] What is a safe condition? [/INST] Condition that continues to preserve safety.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Security? [/INST] Freedom from unacceptable risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Security Authority? [/INST] Body responsible for granting approval to operate a safety-relevant system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Safety barrier? [/INST] Any physical or non-physical means that reduces the frequency of a hazard and/or perceived likely accident resulting from the hazard and/or reduce the severity of probablelikely accidents resulting from the hazard.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Safety proof? [/INST] Documented evidence that a product (e.g. a system, subsystem or equipment) specified safety requirements are met.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Safety function? [/INST] Function whose sole purpose is to ensure security.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Security integrity? [/INST] Ability of a safety-relevant system to perform its required safety functions under all specified conditions within a specified operational environment and within ato be provided within a specified period.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Security integrity level? [/INST] One of a number of defined discrete levels for specifying the requirements for the security ity integrity of safety-related functions assigned to the safety-related systemsbecomes.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Security management? [/INST] Management structure that ensures that the security process is implemented correctly.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Safety management process? [/INST] Part of the RAMS management process that specifically addresses security aspects.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Security plan? [/INST] Documented list of time-based activities, resources and events, the introduction an organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, skills and resources and thus ensure that a unit meets specified safety requirements for aspecific contract or project.",standarts
"[INST] What is a safety-relevant? [/INST] Bearing responsibility for safety.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Safety-related application conditions? [/INST] The conditions that must be met for a system to be safely integrated and operatedcan.",standarts
"[INST] What is a software? [/INST] Intellectual creation, which includes the programs, procedures, rules, data and all related documentationmentation that is part of the operation of a system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Subsystem? [/INST] Part of a system that is a system in itself.",standarts
"[INST] What is a system? [/INST] Set of interrelated elements that, in a certain context, as a wholeseen and considered separate from their surroundings.",standarts
"[INST] What is a systematic failure? [/INST] Failure that occurs regularly under certain handling, storage or operating conditions.",standarts
"[INST] What is a technical security? [/INST] Part of safety that depends on the characteristics of a product that result from the functionalrequirements of the system and/or the system design.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Check? [/INST] Determination of one or more characteristics of an object of conformity assessment according to aProceedings.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Validation? [/INST] Confirmation by providing objective evidence that the requirements for a specificintended use or a specific intended application have been fulfilled.",standarts
"[INST] What is a verification? [/INST] Confirmation by providing objective evidence that specified requirements have been met.the are.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation CoP mean? [/INST] Code of Practice.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation COTS mean? [/INST] Commercial Off-The-Shelf.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation EMV mean? [/INST] ElectroMagnetic Compatibility.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation EMI mean? [/INST] ElectroMagnetic Interference.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation FC mean? [/INST] Fault Coverage.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation FMEA mean? [/INST] Failure Mode Effects Analysis.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation FMECA mean? [/INST] Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation FRACAS mean? [/INST] Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation FTA mean? [/INST] Fault Tree Analysis.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation LAD mean? [/INST] Logistic and Administrative Delay.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation LCC mean? [/INST] Life-Cycle Cost.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation MDT mean? [/INST] Mean Down Time.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation MTBF mean? [/INST] Mean Time Between Failures.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation MTBM mean? [/INST] Mean Time Between Maintenances.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation MTTF mean? [/INST] Mean Time To Failure.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation MUT mean? [/INST] Mean Up Time.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation RAC mean? [/INST] Risk Acceptance Criteria.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation RAM mean? [/INST] Reliability, Availability and Maintainability.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation RAMS mean? [/INST] Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation RC mean? [/INST] Repair Coverage.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation SRAC mean? [/INST] Safety-related Application Conditions.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation TFFR mean? [/INST] Tolerable Functional Failure Rate.",standarts
"[INST] What does the abbreviation THR mean? [/INST] Tolerable Hazard Rate.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Environmental conditions? [/INST] Physical, chemical or biological conditions external to a product which would result inis exposed for a certain period of time.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Equipment cabinet/box? [/INST] Any enclosure used as a housing for mechanical, electrical and/or electronic equipment.",standarts
"[INST] What is a Environmental influence? [/INST] One or more physical, chemical or biological quantities that characterize an environmental influencerecord (e.g. temperature, humidity).",standarts
"[INST] What is a Severity of an environmental factor? [/INST] The value that characterizes the environmental influence.",standarts
"[INST] What is a braking? [/INST] Process which results in the deceleration of the train, or maintaining a constant speed on a gradient or preventing a stationary train from moving.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake, or brake system? [/INST] Device or combination of devices, the principal function of which is to cause braking.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake system compatibility? [/INST] Ability of the brake systems that are coupled together to achieve the specified levels of braking performance, functionality and safety.",standarts
"[INST] What is a braking performance? [/INST] Parameters and their values used to quantify braking as described in applicable braking standards.",standarts
"[INST] What is a stopping braking? [/INST] Braking from an initial speed to a standstill.",standarts
"[INST] What is a deceleration? [/INST] Result of a force acting contrary to the direction of movement.",standarts
"[INST] What is a slowing braking? [/INST] Braking from an initial speed to a final speed, but not standstill.",standarts
"[INST] What is a drag braking? [/INST] Braking on a gradient to a substantially constant speed value.",standarts
"[INST] What is a stationary braking? [/INST] Braking used to prevent a stationary train from moving, using the holding brake, immobilisation brake or parking brake.",standarts
"[INST] What is a holding brake? [/INST] Brake which is used to prevent a stationary train from moving, under the specified conditions and for a specified time, when the brake system energy used is being replenished.",standarts
"[INST] What is a immobilisation brake? [/INST] Brake which is used to prevent a stationary train from moving, under the specified conditions and for a specified time, using just the brake system energy stored on the train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a parking brake? [/INST] Brake which is used to prevent a stationary train from moving, under the specified conditions and for an unlimited period of time, without the need for any brake system energy replenishment following application.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake force? [/INST] Force generated by the brake system to hold, slow, or stop the train, or when drag braking the train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a retarding force? [/INST] Summation of all forces acting on the train that cause braking.",standarts
"[INST] What is a static mass? [/INST] Mass applied at the wheel-rail interface, with the train or vehicle in a stationary condition.",standarts
"[INST] What is a equivalent rotating mass? [/INST] Equivalent mass of the moment of inertia of the wheelsets and coupled rotating parts of the train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a dynamic mass? [/INST] Sum of the static mass and the equivalent rotating mass.",standarts
"[INST] What is a wheel / rail adhesion? [/INST] Physical phenomenon at the wheel-rail interface used to transmit a tangential force.",standarts
"[INST] What is a coefficient of adhesion? [/INST] Ratio of the tangential force at the wheel-rail interface and the force at this interface acting perpendicular to the surface of the rail.",standarts
"[INST] What is a fully established brake? [/INST] State in which each functioning brake equipment type is assumed to have reached the brake force corresponding to the brake demand.",standarts
"[INST] What is a braking distance with a fully established brake? [/INST] Distance travelled with a fully established brake force to a point when achieving standstill or achieving the target speed.",standarts
"[INST] What is a stopping distance? [/INST] Distance travelled from the initiation of brake demand until standstill.",standarts
"[INST] What is a slowing distance? [/INST] Distance travelled from the initiation of brake demand until achieving the target speed.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake position? [/INST] Classification term for brake systems in accordance with their brake application and release timings (e.g. “P” or “G”) and their braking power (e.g. “P”, “G”, “R”, “R+ Mg”) as defined in EN 14198.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake mode? [/INST] Classification term for brake systems in accordance with their application and release timings as defined in EN 14198.",standarts
"[INST] What is a delay time? [/INST] Period of time commencing when a change (positive or negative) in brake demand is initiated and ending when achieving a % or c % of the established braking parameter.",standarts
"[INST] What is a build-up time? [/INST] Period of time commencing at the end of the delay time and ending when achieving an increase from a % to b % of the established braking parameter.",standarts
"[INST] What is a release time? [/INST] Period of time commencing at the end of the delay time and ending when achieving a decrease from c % to d % of the established braking parameter.",standarts
"[INST] What is a response time? [/INST] Sum of the delay time and the build-up time, or the delay time and the release time.",standarts
"[INST] What is a equivalent response time? [/INST] Sum of delay time and half of the build-up time or release time.",standarts
"[INST] What is a instantaneous deceleration? [/INST] Absolute value of the first derivative of speed with respect to time at some instant during speed reduction.",standarts
"[INST] What is a equivalent deceleration? [/INST] Deceleration equal to a mean value with respect to the braking distance in a specific speed range and based on fully established brake forces for all functioning brake equipment types.",standarts
"[INST] What is a mean deceleration? [/INST] Deceleration which is equal to a mean value with respect to the stopping or slowing distance in a specific speed range and which is normally used for the specification of braking performance.",standarts
"[INST] What is a jerk? [/INST] First derivative of the deceleration with respect to time.",standarts
"[INST] What is a jerk limit? [/INST] Limit value which will not be exceeded during braking in order to comply with safety and passenger comfort requirements.",standarts
"[INST] What is a braking energy? [/INST] Energy which is dissipated during the braking process, expressed in Joules (J).",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake system energy? [/INST] Energy that is used to fulfil the brake application and release.",standarts
"[INST] What is a braking power? [/INST] Power (braking energy per unit time) which is dissipated during the braking process, expressed in Watts (W).",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake weight percentage? [/INST] Way of describing brake performance, as set out in prEN 16834.",standarts
"[INST] What is a braking torque? [/INST] Resultant torque, which is generated by the brake pad force and coefficient of friction operating at the disc brake radius and which is typically used when assessing the performance of disc brakes during dynamometer testing.",standarts
"[INST] What is a adhesion dependent brake? [/INST] Brake equipment which transmits a brake force via wheel to rail adhesion.",standarts
"[INST] What is a standstill? [/INST] State of a vehicle where there is no relative movement between rail and wheels that are not rotating.",standarts
"[INST] What is a adhesion independent brake? [/INST] Brake equipment which transmits a brake force other than by wheel to rail adhesion.",standarts
"[INST] What is a friction brake? [/INST] Brake which generates a brake force by friction between two or more surfaces.",standarts
"[INST] What is a tread brake? [/INST] Brake which generates a brake force by friction between the running surface of a wheel (tread) and one or more brake blocks.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake block force? [/INST] Force applied by the brake block to the running surface of a wheel (tread).",standarts
"[INST] What is a tread brake force at the wheel? [/INST] Result of the brake block force multiplied by the coefficient of friction between the brake block and the wheel tread.",standarts
"[INST] What is a disc brake? [/INST] Brake in which the brake force is generated by the friction between the brake disc and the brake pads.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake pad force? [/INST] Force applied by a brake pad to the brake disc.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake force at the brake disc? [/INST] Result of brake pad force multiplied by the coefficient of friction between the brake pad and the brake disc.",standarts
"[INST] What is a disc brake force at the wheel? [/INST] Result of the brake force at the brake disc multiplied by the disc brake radius and divided by the wheel radius.",standarts
"[INST] What is a magnetic track brake? [/INST] Brake in which the brake force is generated by the friction between the rail surface(s) and pole shoe(s), forced magnetically into contact with it.",standarts
"[INST] What is a dynamic brake? [/INST] Brake equipment type which generates the brake force using the motion of the vehicle or its functional elements, but not involving friction.",standarts
"[INST] What is a hydro-dynamic brake? [/INST] Brake in which the brake force is generated by viscous shear, usually in a hydraulic transmission system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a aerodynamic brake? [/INST] Brake in which the brake force is generated by aerodynamic resistance.",standarts
"[INST] What is a eddy current brake? [/INST] Brake in which the brake force is generated by Eddy current generation in the reaction part.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electro-dynamic brake? [/INST] Dynamic brake in which the brake force is generated by the electric traction motors.",standarts
"[INST] What is a rheostatic brake? [/INST] Electro-dynamic brake in which the brake force is generated by feeding the electrical current generated by the electric traction motors during braking to a resistor.",standarts
"[INST] What is a regenerative brake? [/INST] Electro-dynamic brake in which the brake force is generated by feeding the electrical current generated by the electric traction motors during braking to the power supply network or to any other means of energy storage.",standarts
"[INST] What is a emergency braking? [/INST] Application of a pre-defined brake force that, whilst taking into consideration the usable brake equipment types, achieves the specified emergency braking performance and level of safety.",standarts
"[INST] What is a service braking? [/INST] Application of an adjustable brake force in order to control the speed of a train, including slowing or, stopping and temporary immobilisation, and is the most commonly used method of brake operation.",standarts
"[INST] What is a full service braking? [/INST] Maximum available service braking.",standarts
"[INST] What is a safety braking? [/INST] Braking intended to achieve a higher level of system integrity than that achieved when service and emergency braking.",standarts
"[INST] What is a irreversible brake application? [/INST] Brake application which after initiation is maintained uninfluenced by the driver until specified conditions have been attained.",standarts
"[INST] What is a graduable application and release? [/INST] Ability to increase or reduce the brake force either in steps or continuously.",standarts
"[INST] What is a overcharge? [/INST] Control function available to the driver, or automatic function, for increasing the pressure in the brake pipe to a specified value above the normal working pressure for a specified time for the purpose of ensuring that brake release is achieved on all vehicles in the train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a assimilation? [/INST] Phase following the application of a higher pressure in the brake pipe, where the pressure reduces to the normal working pressure at a specified rate.",standarts
"[INST] What is a quick release? [/INST] Facility within the driver’s brake controller that when used causes the brake pipe to be charged to the normal working pressure faster than that possible when using the normal release facility.",standarts
"[INST] What is a high pressure quick release? [/INST] Release which is similar to quick release, insofar as air is supplied to the brake pipe at main reservoir pressure or main reservoir pipe pressure.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake demand? [/INST] Signal sent to the brake system representing the braking requirement of the driver and, or other systems (e.g. automatic train controls, passenger alarm system, etc.).",standarts
"[INST] What is a direct release? [/INST] Systematic complete reduction of brake force in one step when any level of brake release is demanded.",standarts
"[INST] What is a main brake system? [/INST] Continuous brake system of a train which provides at least automatic operation, inexhaustibility and the specified safety level for emergency braking, service braking and to keep the train stationary.",standarts
"[INST] What is a train brake control? [/INST] Process in which the brake demand is converted into a signal which is transmitted along the train to all vehicles.",standarts
"[INST] What is a local brake control? [/INST] Process in which the train brake control signal and, or other locally generated brake control signals are converted into an output signal to the brake actuation equipment, resulting in a brake force being generated on the vehicle concerned.",standarts
"[INST] What is a continuous train brake? [/INST] Brake in which the brake control demands are conveyed to all of the vehicles in a train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a automatic train brake? [/INST] Brake in which the loss or interruption of the continuous train brake control signal causes an automatic application of the brake.",standarts
"[INST] What is a inexhaustible train brake? [/INST] Brake system in which sufficient energy is stored on-board the train for assuring the specified brake performance and safety level, in all operating conditions.",standarts
"[INST] What is a indirect brake? [/INST] Principle in which a decrease of the brake control signal results in an increase of brake force.",standarts
"[INST] What is a pneumatic control? [/INST] Process by which the train brake control or local brake control is achieved by the action of air pressure differences and/or flow rates.",standarts
"[INST] What is a direct brake? [/INST] Principle in which an increase of the brake control signal results in an increase of brake force.",standarts
"[INST] What is a hydraulic control? [/INST] Process by which the train brake control or local brake control is achieved by the action of hydraulic pressure differences and/or flow rates.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electric/electronic control? [/INST] Process by which the train brake control or local brake control is achieved by the action of electrical voltage differences and/or current flow rates.",standarts
"[INST] What is a mechanical control? [/INST] Process by which the train brake control or local brake control is achieved by the action of mechanical force differences and/or displacement.",standarts
"[INST] What is a energize to apply? [/INST] Principle in which the application of a brake requires an energy supply.",standarts
"[INST] What is a energize to release? [/INST] Principle in which the release of a brake requires an energy supply.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electro-pneumatic (EP) control? [/INST] Combination of electrical and pneumatic control processes.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electro-pneumatic (EP) assist? [/INST] Combined type of control in which the pneumatic train brake control signal is assisted in its propagation by electrical equipment operating in parallel.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electro-hydraulic (EH) control? [/INST] Combination of electrical and hydraulic control processes.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electro-mechanical control? [/INST] Combination of electrical and mechanical control processes.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake blending? [/INST] Controlled interaction between two or more types of brakes, where the brake force provided by one type replaces/supplements the brake force provided by one or more other types, to fulfil the brake demand.",standarts
"[INST] What is a control of braking? [/INST] Component or combination of components by which the driver's brake demand is converted to a train brake control signal, and which comprises a driver’s brake interface and a driver’s brake controller.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake control command line? [/INST] Media used to transfer the train brake control signal throughout the train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a driver’s brake interface? [/INST] Means for providing the interaction between the driver and the driver’s brake controller or directly to the train brake control command line.",standarts
"[INST] What is a driver’s brake controller? [/INST] Component, or combination of components that respond to the interaction provided by the driver’s brake interface and converts this to a train brake control signal to the brake control command line.",standarts
"[INST] What is a driver‘s brake valve? [/INST] Driver’s brake interface and brake controller for pneumatic or hydraulic control systems.",standarts
"[INST] What is a passenger alarm system? [/INST] Alarm system that interacts with the train brake system and initiates an emergency brake request if the train is in standstill at or departing a platform or the alarm is not acknowledged by the driver, as set out in EN 16334.",standarts
"[INST] What is a emergency push button? [/INST] Brake control interface used for demanding an emergency brake application.",standarts
"[INST] What is a emergency valve? [/INST] Valve, the principal function of which is, as a result of receiving an emergency brake demand, to cause an emergency brake application by venting the brake pipe.",standarts
"[INST] What is a pressure gauge? [/INST] Gauge measuring and displaying the magnitude of fluid pressure.",standarts
"[INST] What is a trip cock? [/INST] Valve, that when operated mechanically by contact with a feature of the railway infrastructure, initiates an emergency brake demand.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake indicator? [/INST] Indicator showing the operating state of the brake (e.g. applied, released, or uncertain).",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake control unit? [/INST] Device which accepts control inputs of which at least one represents a brake demand, and then processes and outputs corresponding brake control and/or execution signals.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake panel? [/INST] Number of brake system components mounted together on a common flat structure.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake cabinet? [/INST] Enclosure containing one or more brake panels and/or other components.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake frame? [/INST] Common structure that supports one or more brake panels and/or components.",standarts
"[INST] What is a manifold? [/INST] Pipe bracket interface device positioned between the vehicle pipework and an associated component or group of components.",standarts
"[INST] What is a distributor valve? [/INST] Apparatus to control a pneumatic output pressure as an inverse function of the variation of a brake pipe pressure (input pressure).",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake pipe accelerator? [/INST] Component connected to the brake pipe that, in response to a brake command, assists the propagation of the brake command throughout the train by locally venting the brake pipe.",standarts
"[INST] What is a electro-pneumatic converter? [/INST] Control device, or combination of devices for converting an electrical brake control input signal to a proportional or inversely proportional pneumatic output signal, that operates using either a closed-loop or open-loop principle.",standarts
"[INST] What is a relay valve? [/INST] Valve in which the output pressure or flow corresponds to the input of one or more control pressures or flows.",standarts
"[INST] What is a load dependent relay valve? [/INST] Valve in which the output pressure or flow corresponds to the input of one or more control pressures or flows and one or more inputs corresponding to the vehicle mass or a proportion of the vehicle mass.",standarts
"[INST] What is a load sensing equipment? [/INST] Device or combination of devices that provides an output signal related to the vehicle load.",standarts
"[INST] What is a average pressure valve? [/INST] Valve in which the output pressure or flow is the mean of two or more input control pressures or flows.",standarts
"[INST] What is a averaging relay valve? [/INST] Average pressure valve incorporating a relay valve function.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake pipe? [/INST] Brake control command line for an indirect pneumatic brake.",standarts
"[INST] What is a normal working pressure? [/INST] Pressure in the brake pipe that corresponds with the brake release condition.",standarts
"[INST] What is a main reservoir pipe? [/INST] Pipe containing air supplied from a main air generation system and supplied to the various pneumatic systems fitted to a vehicle or train.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake cylinder pipe? [/INST] Pipe conveying fluid to and from one or more brake cylinders.",standarts
"[INST] What is a pneumatic half coupling? [/INST] Assembly of components used for connecting the BP or MRP of a vehicle to the BP or MRP, respectively, of another vehicle.",standarts
"[INST] What is a end cock? [/INST] Cock used to enable or interrupt the continuity of the BP or MRP, it also facilitates safe coupling and uncoupling by venting air pressure in the coupling hose when the cock is in the interrupt position.",standarts
"[INST] What is a train wire? [/INST] Wire conveying electricity for enabling train brake control.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake cylinder? [/INST] Component part of the brake in which a pressure input change causes a corresponding output force change.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake actuator? [/INST] Device, which includes the brake cylinder and other components used for force amplification and transmission.",standarts
"[INST] What is a tread brake unit? [/INST] Element of a tread brake, in which the brake application force generation, transmission, brake block holder, and reaction and fixation elements are contained within an assembly which is readily detachable from the vehicle or bogie.",standarts
"[INST] What is a disc brake unit? [/INST] Element of a disc brake, in which the brake application force generation, transmission, brake pad holder, and reaction and fixation elements are contained within an assembly which is readily detachable from the vehicle or bogie.",standarts
"[INST] What is a slack adjuster? [/INST] Device to compensate wear of brake shoes, pads, wheel treads, disc, and brake rigging or brake caliper pivots.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake rigging? [/INST] Assembly, usually of links and levers, in a friction brake acting between one or more brake cylinder(s) and the brake shoes and/or brake pads.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake caliper? [/INST] Assembly that provides the means for transferring the force from the brake actuator or cylinder to the brake pads and disc.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake disc? [/INST] Rotor having one or more co-planar annular friction faces to which brake pads are applied in order to develop a braking torque.",standarts
"[INST] What is a friction face? [/INST] Surface of a disc or pad or block that provides the friction interface for transferring the brake force.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake block? [/INST] Friction element that exerts the brake force to the running surface of the wheel (tread).",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake pad? [/INST] Friction element that exerts the brake force to the friction face of the brake disc.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake block holder? [/INST] Device that fixes the brake block in position, transmits the brake block application force, and reacts the brake force.",standarts
"[INST] What is a brake pad holder? [/INST] Device that fixes the brake pad in position, transmits the brake pad application force, and reacts the brake force.",standarts
"[INST] What is a main reservoir? [/INST] Container designed to store air under pressure for brake systems that use pneumatic control and/or actuation, and may also be used by other pneumatic train systems.",standarts
"[INST] What is a auxiliary reservoir? [/INST] Container designed to store air under pressure which is protected and dedicated for use by the brakes on the vehicle to which it is fitted.",standarts
"[INST] What is a control chamber? [/INST] Air volume connected to, or part of a brake distributor valve, the pressure in which is compared to the local brake pipe pressure within the distributor valve, and used to determine the distributor valve output pressure.",standarts
"[INST] What is a equalizing reservoir? [/INST] Container designed to store compressed air, the pressure of which is used in conjunction with a relay valve function for achieving the specified brake pipe pressure characteristic.",standarts
"[INST] What is a control reservoir? [/INST] Container designed to store compressed air, the volume of which is intended to cause a desired pressure/timing characteristic.",standarts
"[INST] What is a compressor? [/INST] Machine used for increasing ambient air pressure for use by the brake system, and other train borne pneumatic systems.",standarts
"[INST] What is a air dryer? [/INST] Device to remove water from compressed air (to the level specified) for use by the brake system, and other pneumatic systems.",standarts
"[INST] What is a liquid separator? [/INST] Device to remove oil and water from compressed air (to the level specified) for use by the brake system, and other pneumatic systems.",standarts
"[INST] What is a aftercooler? [/INST] Device used to reduce the temperature of the air following compression.",standarts
"[INST] What is a safety valve? [/INST] Valve in a pneumatic system which opens so as to prevent the pressure exceeding a specified value.",standarts
"[INST] What is a drain valve? [/INST] Device through which undesired liquid (mainly oil and water) may be expelled with air from a compressed air system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a vent valve? [/INST] Device through which air may be expelled from a compressed air system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a isolating cock? [/INST] Manually operated device used to either allow or prevent the passage of air between one part of a system and another part.",standarts
"[INST] What is a hydraulic pump? [/INST] Machine used for increasing the pressure of hydraulic fluid used by the brake system, and other hydraulic systems.",standarts
"[INST] What is a hand brake? [/INST] Mechanical brake, where brake force is generated only by human effort.",standarts
"[INST] What is a pressure limiting valve? [/INST] Valve in a hydraulic system which opens so as to prevent the pressure exceeding a specified value.",standarts
"[INST] What is a hand wheel? [/INST] Machine-human interface for a hand brake, whereby the human effort is converted into a torque.",standarts
"[INST] What is a spring-applied parking brake actuator? [/INST] Device which generates parking brake force using energy stored in a compressed spring.",standarts
"[INST] What is a manual release? [/INST] Device which enables brake release when the normal method of release is not available.",standarts
"[INST] What is a anti-compound device? [/INST] Device which prevents the compounding of brake forces (e.g. the service and parking brake forces, etc.).",standarts
"[INST] What is a wheel slide? [/INST] Condition where the circumferential speed of a wheel or wheelset is lower than the true train speed.",standarts
"[INST] What is a scotch? [/INST] Device positioned between one or more wheels and the rail, used to prevent vehicle or train movement.",standarts
"[INST] What is a true train speed? [/INST] Instantaneous train speed over the ground.",standarts
"[INST] What is a circumferential speed? [/INST] Rotational speed of the wheel or wheelset, multiplied by the radius of the wheel.",standarts
"[INST] What is a wheel slide protection system? [/INST] System designed to make the best use of available wheel-rail adhesion (where this is less than the wheel-rail adhesion demanded), and in some cases improve wheel-rail adhesion, by a controlled reduction and restoration of the brake force to prevent wheelsets from locking and uncontrolled sliding, thereby minimizing the extension of stopping or slowing distances and possible wheel damage.",standarts
"[INST] What is a wheel rotation monitoring? [/INST] System that continuously monitors wheel or wheelset rotation and indicates any rotation anomaly.",standarts
"[INST] What is a wheel lock? [/INST] Extreme condition of wheel slide where the wheel or wheelset ceases to rotate during braking, whilst the train is in motion.",standarts
"[INST] What is a routine brake test? [/INST] Test that is made regularly in specified operating conditions as a matter of routine on every train, in order to verify the correct operation of the brake system.",standarts
"[INST] What is a static brake test? [/INST] Brake test carried out on a stationary train in order to determine static brake functionality.",standarts
"[INST] What is a dynamic brake test? [/INST] Brake test carried out on a test track or on the operator’s track on a moving train in order to determine its dynamic braking performance (e.g. braking distance, etc.).",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk? [/INST] Effect of uncertainty on objectives.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk management? [/INST] Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk management framework? [/INST] Set of components that provide the foundations and organizational arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring , reviewing and continually improving risk management processes throughout the organization.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk management policy? [/INST] Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to risk management.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk management plan? [/INST] Document within the risk management framework specifying the approach, the management components and resources to be applied to the management of risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk management process? [/INST] Systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of communicating, consulting, establishing the context, identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and reviewing risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a communication and consultation? [/INST] Continual or iterative processes that an organization conducts to provide, share or obtain information and to engage in dialogue with stakeholders regarding the management of risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a stakeholder? [/INST] Any person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk perception? [/INST] Stakeholder’s view on a risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a external context? [/INST] External environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives.",standarts
"[INST] What is a internal context? [/INST] Internal environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk criteria? [/INST] Terms of reference against which the significance of a risk is evaluated.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk assessment? [/INST] Overall process of risk identification , risk analysis and risk evaluation.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk identification? [/INST] Process of finding, recognizing and describing risks.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk source? [/INST] Anything which alone or in combination has the intrinsic potential to give rise to risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a event? [/INST] Occurrence or change of a particular set of circumstances.",standarts
"[INST] What is a hazard? [/INST] Potential source of harm.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk owner? [/INST] Person or entity with the accountability and authority for managing the risk and any associated risk treatments.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk analysis? [/INST] Process to comprehend the nature of risk and to determine the level of risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a uncertainty? [/INST] State, even partial, of deficiency of information related to or understanding or knowledge of an event , its consequence , or likelihood.",standarts
"[INST] What is a likelihood? [/INST] Chance of something happening.",standarts
"[INST] What is a exposure? [/INST] Extent to which an organization is subject to an event.",standarts
"[INST] What is a consequence? [/INST] Outcome of an event affecting objectives.",standarts
"[INST] What is a probability? [/INST] Measure of the chance of occurrence expressed as a number between and , where is impossibility and is absolute certainty.",standarts
"[INST] What is a frequency? [/INST] Measure of the likelihood of an event expressed as a number of events or outcomes per defined unit of time.",standarts
"[INST] What is a resilience? [/INST] Capacity to resist being affected by an event.",standarts
"[INST] What is a vulnerability? [/INST] Intrinsic properties of something that create susceptibility to a source of risk that can lead to a consequence.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk matrix? [/INST] Tool for ranking and displaying risks by defining ranges for consequence and likelihood.",standarts
"[INST] What is a control? [/INST] Measure to modify risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a level of risk? [/INST] Magnitude of a risk expressed in terms of the combination of consequences and their likelihood.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk evaluation? [/INST] Process of comparing the results of risk analysis against risk criteria to determine whether the level of risk is acceptable or tolerable.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk attitude? [/INST] Organization’s approach to assess and eventually pursue, take or refuse risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk appetite? [/INST] Amount and type of risk an organization is prepared to pursue or take.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk tolerance? [/INST] Organization’s readiness to bear the risk after risk treatments in order to achieve its objectives.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk aversion? [/INST] Attitude to turn away from risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk aggregation? [/INST] Process to combine individual risks to obtain a more complete understanding of risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk treatment? [/INST] Process of developing, selecting and implementing controls.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk acceptance? [/INST] Informed decision to take a particular risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk avoidance? [/INST] Decision not to be involved in, or to withdraw from, an activity based on the level of risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk sharing? [/INST] Form of risk treatments involving the agreed distribution of risk with other parties.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk financing? [/INST] Form of risk treatments involving contingent arrangements for the provision of funds to meet the financial consequences should they occur.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk retention? [/INST] Acceptance of the benefit of gain, or burden of loss, from a particular risk.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk mitigation? [/INST] Measures taken to reduce an undesired consequence.",standarts
"[INST] What is a residual risk? [/INST] Risk remaining after risk treatments.",standarts
"[INST] What is a monitoring? [/INST] Continual checking, supervising, critically observing or determining the status in order to identify change from the performance level required or expected established objectives.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk reporting? [/INST] Form of communication intended to address particular internal or external stakeholders to provide information regarding the current state of risk and its management.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk register? [/INST] Record of information about identified risks.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk profile? [/INST] Description of a set of risks.",standarts
"[INST] What is a risk management audit? [/INST] Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the risk management framework is adequate and effective.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk? [/INST] The frequency of occurrence of accidents and incidents resulting in harm (caused by a hazard) and the degree of severity of that harm.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk analysis? [/INST] Systematic use of all available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk evaluation? [/INST] A procedure based on the risk analysis to determine whether an acceptable level of risk has been achieved.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk assessment? [/INST] The overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation.",standarts
"[INST] What means safety? [/INST] Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk management? [/INST] The systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of analysing, evaluating and controlling risks.",standarts
"[INST] What means interfaces? [/INST] All points of interaction during a system or subsystem life cycle, including operation and maintenance where different actors of the rail sector will work together in order to manage the risks.",standarts
"[INST] What means actors? [/INST] All parties which are, directly or through contractual arrangements, involved in the application of this Regulation.",standarts
"[INST] What means safety requirements? [/INST] The safety characteristics (qualitative or quantitative) of a system and its operation (including operational rules) and maintenance necessary in order to meet legal or company safety targets.",standarts
"[INST] What means safety measures? [/INST] A set of actions either reducing the frequency of occurrence of a hazard or mitigating its consequences in order to achieve and/or maintain an acceptable level of risk.",standarts
"[INST] What means safety assessment report? [/INST] The document containing the conclusions of the assessment performed by an assessment body on the system under assessment.",standarts
"[INST] What means hazard? [/INST] A condition that could lead to an accident.",standarts
"[INST] What means assessment body? [/INST] The independent and competent external or internal individual, organisation or entity which undertakes investigation to provide a judgement, based on evidence, of the suitability of a system to fulfil its safety requirements.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk acceptance criteria? [/INST] The terms of reference by which the acceptability of a specific risk is assessed these criteria are used to determine that the level of a risk is sufficiently low that it is not necessary to take any immediate action to reduce it further.",standarts
"[INST] What means hazard record? [/INST] The document in which identified hazards, their related measures, their origin and the reference to the organisation which has to manage them are recorded and referenced.",standarts
"[INST] What means hazard identification? [/INST] The process of finding, listing and characterising hazards.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk acceptance principle? [/INST] The rules used in order to arrive at the conclusion whether or not the risk related to one or more specific hazards is acceptable.",standarts
"[INST] What means code of practice? [/INST] A written set of rules that, when correctly applied, can be used to control one or more specific hazards.",standarts
"[INST] What means reference system? [/INST] A system proven in use to have an acceptable safety level and against which the acceptability of the risks from a system under assessment can be evaluated by comparison.",standarts
"[INST] What means risk estimation? [/INST] The process used to produce a measure of the level of risks being analysed, consisting of the following steps: estimation of frequency, consequence analysis and their integration.",standarts

"[INST] What means technical system? [/INST] A product or an assembly of products including the design, implementation and support documentation the development of a technical system starts with its requirements specification and ends with its acceptance although the design of relevant interfaces with human behaviour is considered, human operators and their actions are not included in a technical system the maintenance process is described in the maintenance manuals but is not itself part of the technical system.",standarts

"[INST] What means catastrophic consequence? [/INST] Fatalities and/or multiple severe injuries and/or major damage to the environment resulting from an accident.",standarts

"[INST] What means safety acceptance? [/INST] Status given to the change by the proposer based on the safety assessment report provided by the assessment body.",standarts

"[INST] What means system? [/INST] Any part of the railway system which is subjected to a change whereby the change may be of a technical, operational or organisational nature.",standarts

"[INST] What is a function? [/INST] Specific purpose or objective to be accomplished, that can be specified or described without reference to the physical means of achieving it.",standarts

"[INST] What is a transverse function? [/INST] Sub function which may apply to more than one higher level function.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Functional Breakdown Structure (FBS)? [/INST] Hierarchical structure summarising a set of functions leading to the same general focus or service.",standarts

"[INST] What is a function level? [/INST] Level of group functions of equal purpose.",standarts

"[INST] What is a 1st level function? [/INST] Functional domain or general focus or service for the considered (rolling stock) system.",standarts

"[INST] What is a 2nd level function? [/INST] Main function which contributes to complete the first level.",standarts

"[INST] What is a 3rd level function? [/INST] Sub function which contributes to complete the 2nd level.",standarts

"[INST] What is a 4th level function? [/INST] Function related to a task which contributes to complete the third level.",standarts

"[INST] What is a 5th level function? [/INST] Function related to an activity necessary for performing the 4th level function.",standarts

"[INST] What is a requirement? [/INST] Necessary condition or ability to constrain the solutions of a task or an aim.",standarts

"[INST] What is a functional requirements? [/INST] Specific need or capability of a FBS function.",standarts

"[INST] What is a system requirement? [/INST] Requirement on a subsystem or device.",standarts

"[INST] What is a scenario? [/INST] Possible transient, unsteady or steady states of the regarded system or of system-user interaction including environmental or other influences.",standarts

"[INST] What is a use case? [/INST] Summary of scenarios for a single task or goal from the view of an exterior observer under defined conditions.",standarts

"[INST] What is a object (unit of observation)? [/INST] Component, element, device, subsystem, functional unit, operating medium or system that can be observed in its own right.",standarts

"[INST] What is a error? [/INST] Deviation from the intended design which could result in unintended system behaviour or failure.",standarts

"[INST] What is a fault? [/INST] Abnormal condition which could lead to an error in the system.",standarts

"[INST] What is a failure? [/INST] Deviation from the specified performance of a system.",standarts

"[INST] What is a event? [/INST] Occurrence of a state at a defined precondition and time.",standarts

"[INST] What is a monitoring? [/INST] Independent real-time observation of system, consist and train states (in cases also based on combinatory logic) for manual or automatic operation.",standarts

"[INST] What is a protocol event? [/INST] Recorded event which is not the result of a fault, failure or error.",standarts

"[INST] What is a alarm? [/INST] Event requiring driver interaction, with a defined priority.",standarts

"[INST] What is a elementary function? [/INST] Basic function which cannot be sub-divided.",standarts

"[INST] What is a function carrier? [/INST] Physical unit of observation to fulfil or partly fulfil one or more required functions.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation FBS mean? [/INST] Functional Breakdown Structure.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation FRS mean? [/INST] Functional Requirement Specification.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation HMI mean? [/INST] Human-Machine-Interface.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation PBS mean? [/INST] Product Breakdown Structure.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation RAMS mean? [/INST] Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation ATC mean? [/INST] Automatic Train Control.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation ATO mean? [/INST] Automatic Train Operation.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation ATP mean? [/INST] Automatic Train Protection.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation DC mean? [/INST] Direct Current.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation EMC mean? [/INST] Electromagnetic Compatibility.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation HVAC mean? [/INST] Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation LCC mean? [/INST] Life Cycle Costs.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation RFID mean? [/INST] Radio Frequency Identification.",standarts

"[INST] What does the abbreviation UWC mean? [/INST] Universal Water Closet.",standarts

"[INST] What could be the cause of track guidance failure or derailment? [/INST] By installing additional components, the weight and center of gravity of the vehicle changes [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the vehicle may derail.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the fire hazard or smoke development? [/INST] Excessive temperatures can cause equipment failure and fire hazard. Excessive temperatures or fire can cause the component to accelerate fire. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, important vehicle functions can be impaired in an emergency, meaning that there is no communication with the control center or no emergency stop orders can be carried out. Fire can spread. This can lead to dangerous situations.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of the vehicle boundary profile being breached by the car body? [/INST] Mounting components on the outside of the vehicle [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the vehicle's boundary profile may be violated",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle hazard causing interference with external systems (e.g. signaling systems, safety devices, other vehicles)? [/INST] Radio signals interfere with external systems/facilities [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, external systems/facilities will be affected. This can lead to dangerous situations",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of interference with safety-relevant functions within the vehicle due to interference radiation? [/INST] EMC radiation interferes with internal vehicle systems/facilities [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Disruption of safety-relevant functions already implemented in the vehicle.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazards caused by the interior design (e.g. risk of falling, risk of injury from sharp corners and edges, pinching, broken windows, hot parts)? [/INST] Sharp edges or defective glass on the new components can cause dangerous situations [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without taking countermeasures, you could injure yourself on the built-in components.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient strength of the car body and attached structures? [/INST]  Inadequate design of the consoles/holders and other components. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, components can become loose and, in the event of a collision, lack sufficient strength and fly around",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of other hazards (e.g. toxic substances, fumes)? [/INST]  Used substances (ingredients) may pose a hazard. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, hazardous substances can leak out and cause extreme injuries or damage the environment",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of electrical contact voltage being too high when driving? [/INST] Due to incorrect installation, the contact voltage of components can be too high [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, injuries may occur when touching the components",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger posed by torn-off vehicle parts or operating equipment? [/INST] Demolition of components attached to the vehicle [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the tearing off of components can cause injury to people outside the vehicle.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] EMC interference signals [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the reception of train radio could be restricted",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Insufficiently dimensioned emergency lighting [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Escape route not sufficiently illuminated",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] The new components to be installed in the vehicle may make access to rescue equipment more difficult or obstructed. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, this can lead to dangerous situations, as rescue equipment may be inaccessible or difficult to reach or pictograms may be obscured",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Increased energy consumption by comfort systems [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Insufficient energy for the systems required in an emergency",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the environmental hazard? [/INST] Components could have an impact on the environment [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, environmental damage can occur",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the risk of corrosion? [/INST] Components and vehicle could corrode [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, the function may fail",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the overcurrent protection hazard and the effects of shutdown? [/INST] Overcurrent switch faulty [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, a faulty overcurrent switch can lead to the failure of important vehicle functions in an emergency or to fire incidents.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the current carrying capacity hazard? [/INST] Incorrectly designed electrical installation [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, incorrectly dimensioned electrical cables can lead to fires.",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the risk to accessibility for maintenance work? [/INST] Misinterpreted design [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, access to rescue equipment may be made more difficult or hindered by the new components to be installed in the vehicle.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk to documentation? [/INST] Incorrect/incomplete documentation [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, incorrect/incomplete documentation can lead to dangerous situations",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger to spare parts? [/INST] Spare parts with other specifications are installed [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, spare parts with different specifications can lead to dangerous situations",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of decommissioning (decommissioning/deactivation)? [/INST] Dangerous situations can arise when the vehicle is shut down or components are deactivated/disposed of [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, dangerous situations can arise when the vehicle is shut down or individual components are deactivated/disposed of",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the danger of high temperatures? [/INST] Component temperatures too high [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Without countermeasures, excessive temperatures of the components can cause burns when touched",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST] Incorrect signaling by the ZSG [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Incorrect traction activation Note: The power converter implements the specified traction force requirement and cannot perform a plausibility check of the commands from the ZSG.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Faulty traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST]  Incorrect vehicle security [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No safe stop of the vehicle on the platform",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Faulty traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST]  Incorrect vehicle security [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No safe stop of the vehicle on the platform",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST]  Incorrect signaling [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Incorrect traction request",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] faulty traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST]  Incorrect vehicle security [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Vehicle speed is not permanently 0 km/h",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Faulty traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle moving unintentionally when traction is activated? [/INST]  Incorrect vehicle security [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] The vehicle is not securely held. The vehicle is not stable. The vehicle speed is not permanently 0 kmh",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of driving too fast without noticing? [/INST] Faulty speed monitoring [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Revelation of excessive speed fails",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of driving too fast without noticing? [/INST] Incorrect signaling [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Vehicle incorrectly generates too high a speed Note: The power converter implements the specified traction force requirement and cannot perform a plausibility check of the commands from the ZSG.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of driving too fast without noticing? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Vehicle incorrectly generates too high speed",hzl

"[INST] What could have caused the hazard to reduce or not exist braking force? [/INST] ""Bx_reduz"" signal is ignored by the PEC [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] The anti-skid calculator has no influence on the traction converter to reduce its braking component (electrical). The effect: sliding beyond the permissible component cannot be reduced. It is a partial loss of braking power in relation to the entire train and, in the worst case, can only affect one traction unit.",hzl

"[INST] What could have caused the hazard to reduce or not exist braking force? [/INST] Incorrect signaling [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] E-brake does not brake properly or does not brake completely",hzl

"[INST] What could have caused the hazard to reduce or not exist braking force? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern (insufficient negative torque generation of the motors at the wrong time) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] E-brake does not brake properly or does not brake completely",hzl

"[INST] What could have caused the hazard to reduce or not exist braking force? [/INST] Incorrect generation of the output signal for pneumatic isolation of a chassis [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Mechanical brakes do not work or are limited",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the fire hazard or smoke development? [/INST]  Short circuit, overvoltage, overcurrent [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Thermal overload of components",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the fire hazard or smoke development? [/INST]  Accumulation of flammable material on the radiator. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  increased fire load",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the risk of explosion or bursting of equipment/components (pressure, flying parts, splintering, escaping gases or liquids...)? [/INST] Permanently higher oil temperatures, which can provoke gradual damage, are not detected. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Disclosure and safeguarding of a slowly faulty transformer oil system fails",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the risk of explosion or bursting of equipment/components (pressure, flying parts, splintering, escaping gases or liquids...)? [/INST] Permanently higher oil temperatures that can provoke gradual damage are not detected [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Disclosure and safeguarding of a slowly faulty transformer oil system fails",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the risk of explosion or bursting of equipment/components (pressure, flying parts, splintering, escaping gases or liquids...)? [/INST] Permanently higher oil temperatures, which can provoke gradual damage, are not detected. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Disclosure and safeguarding of a slowly faulty transformer oil system fails",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the risk of explosion or bursting of equipment/components (pressure, flying parts, splintering, escaping gases or liquids...)? [/INST]  Failure to observe the waiting time Failure to observe the safety rules for working on electrical systems [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Short-circuiting a charged capacitor",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of the vehicle boundary profile being breached by the car body? [/INST] Change of the electrical connections between the chassis and the locomotive body (car body of the power car) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Electrical connections protrude into the boundary profile and can cause damage to the infrastructure or locomotive body.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of the vehicle boundary profile being breached by the car body? [/INST] Change of center of gravity [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Changed suspension behavior which leads to a massive inclination of the car body and thus swings it into the boundary profile.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of the vehicle causing interference with external systems (e.g. signal systems, safety devices, other vehicles) 8b Interference with safety-relevant functions within the vehicle due to interference radiation? [/INST]  non-compliance with EMC specific technical rules [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] too high interference radiation/too high electric fields/too high magnetic fields",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of the vehicle causing interference with external systems (e.g. signal systems, safety devices, other vehicles) 8b Interference with safety-relevant functions within the vehicle due to interference radiation? [/INST] non-compliance with the technical rules TSI LOC&PAS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  the electrical contact voltage is too high",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of unintentional train separation or over-buffering due to undefined braking behaviour (operational over-braking)? [/INST] Traction and braking forces (including assembly and dismantling times) are outside the permissible range [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Excessive longitudinal forces in the train",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of interference with implants? [/INST]  non-compliance with EMC specific technical rules [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] too high interference radiation/too high electric fields/too high magnetic fields",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of electrical contact voltage being too high when driving? [/INST] non-compliance with technical rules TSI LOC&PAS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  the electrical contact voltage is too high",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of electrical contact voltage being too high during maintenance and repair? [/INST] non-compliance with technical rules TSI LOC&PAS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  the electrical contact voltage is too high",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger to passengers caused by excessive acceleration while driving (e.g. jerks, parts flying around in the interior)? [/INST] Incorrect signalling of the ZSG [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Incorrect performance implementation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger to passengers caused by excessive acceleration while driving (e.g. jerks, parts flying around in the interior)? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Incorrect performance implementation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Incorrect signaling [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No traction in the tunnel. Faulty no traction available when required.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Permanent unavailability of the possibility of generating a pulse pattern (no torque generation of the motors when required) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No traction in the tunnel. Faulty no traction available when required.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Incorrect signaling [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Faulty electric brake Note: The power converter implements the specified traction force requirement and cannot perform a plausibility check of the commands from the ZSG.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Faulty electric brake",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard of insufficient availability of vehicle functions required in an emergency (e.g. no traction in a tunnel, failure of the emergency call function, unintentional braking in a critical environment, emergency lighting)? [/INST] Incorrectly applied mechanical brake [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Unwanted braking in critical environments",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle driving in the wrong direction? [/INST] Incorrect generation of a pulse pattern (torque generation of the motors at the wrong time) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Faulty traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle driving in the wrong direction? [/INST] Incorrect signaling [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Faulty traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the vehicle driving in the wrong direction? [/INST] Incorrect choice of direction by the driver [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Incorrect pre-selection of the direction of travel before traction activation",hzl

"[INST] What could have caused the hazard to reduce or not exist braking force? [/INST] ""VISTZSG"" signal is ignored by the PEC when braking [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] The speed signal of the running axle is ignored when braking and has no influence on the traction converter to optimize its braking component (electrically) in terms of control technology. The effect: The control to ensure braking performance can be limited and thus lead to longer braking distances.",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the hazard Mechanical hazards - slipping, tripping and falling of personnel (installation, maintenance) due to slippery surfaces or obstacles on the track? [/INST] Overlooking ground-level components or snow and ice [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] minor injuries to personnel (installation, maintenance)",hzl

"[INST] What causes the danger of electrical hazards affecting medical implants through electromagnetic processes? [/INST] Strong electromagnetic fields caused by the individual components of the system [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Failure of implants, death of individuals",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the danger of electrical hazards or fire due to overload? [/INST] electrical overload, e.g. due to short circuit [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Components can catch fire",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the danger of electrical hazards or fire due to overload? [/INST] electrical overload, e.g. due to short circuit [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Components can catch fire",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the danger of electrical hazards or fire due to overload? [/INST] electrical overload, e.g. due to short circuit [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Components can catch fire",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the electrical hazard of electric shock from live parts? [/INST] Housings or other elements accessible from the outside are under voltage, for example due to inadequate insulation. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Death of a person",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Electromagnetic interference (EMI) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Electromagnetic interference (EMI) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of malfunction of other equipment/safety functions? [/INST] EMI caused by the system itself [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] unknown, a worst case scenario must be assumed.",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the thermal hazard of burns and scalds? [/INST] External elements / housing / heat sinks are heated due to power consumption [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] minor injuries to personnel (installation, maintenance)",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of heating up the GKS, resulting in ignition of a vehicle/component or the surrounding area (embankment fire, illegal waste)? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Death/smoke poisoning of persons",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Failure of IMU and INDUSI function (total failure) e.g. breakage of the antenna rod [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Failure of INDUSI function (total failure) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Overtemperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] very low temperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] very low temperature (external condition) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of noise disturbances to personnel (installation, maintenance) due to ambient noise in the track/road area? [/INST] external, ambient noise [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Migraine, sleep disorder, tinnitus",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Vibration, shocks in the area of the GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Vibration, shocks in the area of the GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of functionality or loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Vibration, shocks in the area of the GEN [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard caused by materials and substances (leakage)? [/INST] Dust, fumes [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Corrosion, respiratory problems, environmental damage due to the release of toxic or dangerous substances, fog endangers road traffic",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Pollution and external harsh environmental conditions, salt, dust, etc. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Pollution and external harsh environmental conditions, salt, dust, etc. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Ice, snow hinders communication GKS <->vehicle [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Ice, snow hinders communication GKS <->vehicle [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of damage to the GKS housing, water ingress, frost damage, damage to the GKS, loss of function? [/INST]  Passing icicles -> icicles fall accelerated by wind onto GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of displacement of the GKS? [/INST]  Passing icicles -> icicles fall accelerated by wind onto GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] Humidity -> short circuit [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Humidity -> short circuit [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of function? [/INST] lightning strike [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] lightning strike [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk to maintenance and support - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] improper maintenance [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  no or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the dangerous obstacle on the route? [/INST] Incorrect installation height of the GKS -> collision with vehicle -> slipping of the GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Derail",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the danger of flying objects? [/INST] incorrect installation height of the GKS -> collision with vehicle -> GKS flying around [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Serious injury to passersby",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of signal aspects, no signal transmission, loss of function? [/INST] Error of the system itself (failure of two active oscillators) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of impermissible, non-integral message transmission as a result of one or more additional frequencies? [/INST] Error of the system itself (untimely activation of a passive oscillator) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of impermissible, non-integral message transmission as a result of one or more additional frequencies? [/INST] Frequencies in the frequency range of the 3rd decade are fed in via the additional NF input [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of signal aspects, no signal transmission, loss of function? [/INST] Error in the higher-level signal box system (connection of 2v5 code in the signal box) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat: signal aspects, corrupted signal transmission, loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Error of the system itself (frequency shift of an oscillator to another valid frequency) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat: signal aspects, corrupted signal transmission, loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Error of the system itself (failure of one or more active oscillators) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat: signal aspects, corrupted signal transmission, loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Error in the higher-level signal box system (connection of 2v5 code in the signal box) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of untimely/inappropriate operation of the train doors, or more precisely the steps? [/INST] Errors of the system itself [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Injured by flying parts (collision of extended step with platform / other vehicles / infrastructure, if not requested) or injured by falling into gap between vehicle and platform (step not extended when",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of a change in air density, resulting in loss of insulation between conductor tracks - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Altitude, pressure [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of a change in air density, resulting in loss of insulation between conductor tracks - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Air movement [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of water ingress - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Rain [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of damage to the housing - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] hail [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of damage to rubber parts on the housing - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Solar radiation [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of environmental influences - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Fire, fire protection Overheating due to insufficient ventilation [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the danger of strong air movement - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Environmental conditions in tunnels [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of operation outside the specification - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Power supply (reduction/increase of operating voltage) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of operation outside the specification - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Power supply (reduction/increase of operating voltage) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of operation outside the specification - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Power supply (reduction/increase of operating voltage) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST]  foreign body [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Insect, rodent or mold damage [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of no or too weak IMU signal at the coupling coil? [/INST] Wire break, including connection points Short circuit within a wire pair [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of detecting a false integrity code? [/INST] Short circuit or crosstalk between IMU signals of several connected track coupling coils [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Vandalism: Damage/destruction of the GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of no connectivity between GKS and vehicle (not detectable)? [/INST] Vandalism: Sabotage of the GKS by placing a metal plate [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] flooding [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] faulty / inadequate training and control of contractors [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Faulty subsystems or incorrectly installed / maintained subsystems -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] faulty / defective spare parts [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  Incorrectly maintained subsystems -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard caused by materials and substances (leakage)? [/INST] Decommissioning [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Environmental damage caused by the release of toxic or hazardous substances",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of damage to rubber parts on the housing - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Exhaust fumes from road traffic [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger? The train's speed cannot be reduced or maintained on a slope, or that the train cannot stop within the maximum allowable braking distance. have? [/INST] Brake performance may be changed due to different apportionment of axle loads and, therefore, the wheel/rail adhesion for each wheelset may be changed [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Derailment Collision (mainly slanting collision) with other RST, buffer, obstacle or persons on track.",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the danger? The train's (safe) position cannot be hold while the train is parked at platform while driving direction is changed or at stabilizing point. With total loss of parking brake force the train (vehicle) might roll slowly. have? [/INST] After activation of a parking brake command, no parking brake force applied No engineered change on the (emergency) parking brake controls. Therefore, no change of the total parking braking force developed. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Collision with persons or obstacles on secondary track (sidings/stabilizing point)",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard of insufficient track guidance between the wheelset (within point of contact) and track? [/INST]  wheel surface [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Infraction of the reference profile. Worst: Derailment (y)",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard Train is not dimensioned or sized to run on one or several infrastructures without infraction of relevant reference profile.? [/INST]  intentionally left blank [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Infraction of the relevant profile, thus potential risk of interference with infrastructure eg platforms",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard of attachment parts (including maintenance hatches) getting loose due to insufficient integrity? [/INST]  intentionally left blank [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Injury to RCUs or Other due to flying attachment parts",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of attachment inside train parts getting loose due to insufficient integrity? [/INST]  intentionally left blank [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Injury to persons inside train",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard body parts tossed away by wing of door while opening? [/INST] design does not allow anough space for hand, fingers (compare EN ISO 13857:2008, EN 33402-2:2005) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] astonishment, minor injury of limbs",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger interior design with sharp corners and edges, steps, crackes of panes, glass panes.? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Aggravated injury when passenger stumbles and falls down.",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard Passenger is not aware of hazard for clamping of bodyparts, e.g. While sitting down on a folding seat? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Clamping of body parts",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard contact of persons with live parts, conductors or conductive parts intended to be energized (direct contact)? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] injury or death from electric shock, burn. Can also cause falls of passengers caused by electric shock.",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the noise level outside (standstill) hazard? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  can cause severe discomfort",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the noise level outside (pass-by) hazard? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST]  can cause severe discomfort",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of inappropriate driver cab ergonomics? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] physiological effects, e.g. from unhealthy postures, psycho-physiological effects",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard Inappropriate front, rear, and side view for driver? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Collision or Derailment (y) due to violation of speed limit (v)",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the danger of exploding battery cabinet Battery type LTO? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] injuries due to exploding battery containers",hzl

"[INST] What could cause the hazard Cell(s) or package mechanically abused? [/INST] rapid heating of cell(s), 'thermal runaway' [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Cell internal temperature and pressure increases. Cell vents gases which may ignite.",hzl

"[INST] What can cause the hazard fire starts on a train being ignited in a compartment containing a combustion engine, electrical supply line and/or the traction circuit equipment. have? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] burn or suffocate, leading to death of (several) person(s)",hzl

"[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard insufficient illumination of escape path, thus no or bad orientation in train while attempt to escape? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] burn or suffocate, leading to death of (several) person(s)",hzl

"[INST] What is a function? [/INST] Characteristic effect or purpose of a unit of observation in connection with otherViewing units.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Unit of observation? [/INST] Part, component, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or system which, by itself,can be viewed.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Functional group? [/INST] Summary of functions at the respective hierarchy level.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Main function? [/INST] A function of the rail vehicle observation unit at the highest level (level 1).",standarts

"[INST] What is a Subfunction? [/INST] A partial aspect of a main function (level 2). It is defined by the coding of levels 1 and 2.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Hypofunction? [/INST] A partial aspect of a subfunction (level 3). It is defined by the coding of levels 1, 2 and 3.Level 3 is always coded with an elementary function.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Elementary function? [/INST] A generally valid basic functionality that is no longer subdivided.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Officials? [/INST] The technical realization of one or more functions.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Detail feature? [/INST] Additional information on the functional marking according to Figure 1. The specific feature groupsdescribe functional properties,.",standarts

"[INST] What is a Detail feature group? [/INST] Grouping similar detailed features into a group.",standarts