- config_name: passages
- split: train
path: passages_parquet/*
- config_name: queries
- split: test
path: queries_jsonl/*
TREC-RAG 2024 Corpus (MSMARCO 2.1) - Encoded with Cohere Embed English v3
This dataset contains the embeddings for the TREC-RAG Corpus 2024 embedded with the Cohere Embed V3 English model.
It contains embeddings for 113,520,750 passages, embeddings for 1677 queries from TREC-Deep Learning 2021-2023, as well as top-1000 hits for all queries using a brute-force (flat) index.
Search over the Index
We have a pre-build index that only requires 300 MB available at TREC-RAG-2024-index. Just pass in your Cohere API key, and you are able to search across 113M passages.
The linked index used PQ-compression with memory-mapped IVF, reducing your memory need to only 300MB, while achieving 97% search quality compared to a float32 flat index (that requires 250+GB memory and is extremely slow).
Passages - Parquet
113,520,750 passages are embedded. The parquet files can be found in the folder passages_parquet
. Each row is a passage from the corpus. The column emb
contains the respective embedding.
You can stream the dataset for example like this:
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("Cohere/msmarco-v2.1-embed-english-v3", "passages", split="train", streaming=True)
for row in dataset:
Passages - JSONL and Numpy
The folder passages_jsonl
contain the .json.gz
files for the passages as distributed by the task organizers.
The folder passages_npy
contains a numpy matrix with all the embeddings for the respective .json.gz
When your server has enough memory, you can load all doc embeddings like this:
import numpy as np
import glob
emb_paths = sorted(glob.glob("passages_npy/*.npy"))
for e_path in emb_paths:
doc_emb = np.load(e_path)
For 1677 queries from TREC-Deep Learning 2021, 2022 and 2023 we compute the embedding and the respective top-1k hits from a brute-force (flat) index. These queries can e.g. be used to test different ANN setting, e.g. in Recall@10 scenarios.
We also added annotations from NIST for the 215 queries that received an annotation. These queries have a non-empty qrel column.
The format is the following:
- "_id": The query ID
- "text": Query text
- "trec-year": TREC-Deep Learning year
- "emb": Cohere Embed V3 embedding
- "top1k_offsets": Passage ID (int) when the numpy matrices are loaded sequentially and vertically stacked
- "top1k_passage_ids": Passage ID (string) as they appear in the dataset
- "top1k_cossim": Cosine similarities
- "qrels": Relevance annotations for the 215 annotated queries by NIST
Queries - JSONL
The folder queries_jsonl/
contains the queries in a .jsonl.gz
Load this .jsonl.gz format is significantly faster than the parquet file.
Queries - Parquet
If you want to use the parquet file or the HF datasets library, the folder queries_parquet/
contains the respective parquet file.
You can load the queries with the following command in HF datasets
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("Cohere/msmarco-v2.1-embed-english-v3", "queries", split="test")
for row in dataset:
The embeddings are provided as Apache 2.0. The text data, qrels etc. are provided following the license of MSMARCO v2.1