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"The fees for Malaysian students are RM26,448 annually and international students are RM33,496 annually",How much is the fees?,"Malaysian students are RM26,448 annually and international students are RM33,496 annually"
"The intakes for this course is January, February and September",When is the intake?,"January, February and September"
The duration of this course is 3 years,How long is the duration of this course?,3 years
"The general admission requirements that will be assessed based on your formal academic qualifications and results, if you meet any course prerequisites, your compliance with English language requirements, if you meet any legal or administrative requirements (see below) the availability of student places and learning resources. For some courses, an assessment of your personal capabilities and aptitude is also made.",What will be assessed for the general admission requirements,"Your formal academic qualifications and results, if you meet any course prerequisites, your compliance with English language requirements, if you meet any legal or administrative requirements (see below) the availability of student places and learning resources. For some courses, an assessment of your personal capabilities and aptitude is also made."