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Allowing gay marriage is not about giving rights to gay people, it’s about changing the definition of marriage to include the union between two people of the same sex. [SEP] Marriage is the bond of two people who love eachother. It should not matter if it is a straight couple or a gay couple.
Allowing gay marriage is not about giving rights to gay people, it’s about changing the definition of marriage to include the union between two people of the same sex. [SEP] Changing the definition of marriage to include the union between two people of the same sex is not something we should do.
Nearly every form of marriage is legal. There is no need to legalize that which is legal. [SEP] It does not mean that just because nearly all forms of marriages are legal that we have to legalize gay marriage.
If straight people can marry who ever they want, then gays should be able to marry who ever they want. [SEP] There is no reason why gays should not be able to marry who they want if straight people can marry who they want.
While there might be a few for legalization of gay marriage, one should respect the opinion of the majority. If we were to make laws the people did not want, then this country would no longer be a democracy but a totalitarianism. [SEP] There a lot of people who want the lealization of gay marriage and because we live in a democracy and not in a totalitarianism we should respect the opinion of the majority.
Gay marriage will decrease world population. [SEP] Even if the gays can not have kids the world population will not decrease.
While there might be a few for legalization of gay marriage, one should respect the opinion of the majority. If we were to make laws the people did not want, then this country would no longer be a democracy but a totalitarianism. [SEP] Gay marriage has a direct influence on the society so the people of the society should be allowed to vote if same sex marriage should be allowed or not. And because the majority people want the legalization it should be legalized.
Gay marriage should not be allowed because its will deprive the child of either a mother or a father the reason being since it's two females or two males. [SEP] Gay marriage makes sure that a child has two parents who care for him.
Gay marriage should not be allowed because its will deprive the child of either a mother or a father the reason being since it's two females or two males. [SEP] Gay marriage conflicts with the law, our society and our beliefs.
Gay marriage is something that people came up with years ago, but 2000 years ago, marriage was the union of a guy and a woman not two guys or two women. The world now a days is creating so many new ideas and making up things that long time ago didn't exist, such as gay marriage. In some cases guy start to wear make up and acting like girls, which is something that is not right. People get plastic surgeries to look like the opposite sex and honestly, that's wrong because we were made the way we are and we shouldn't change how we look or how we act just because we want to be someone that we're not. [SEP] Some traditions should never be changed and one of them is the tradition of marriage. It just should be the union of a man and a woman and not between gays. Changing those traditions leads to gay marriage, men wearing make up and acting like woman and gender transformation. Those changes are harming our society because they go against the social conventions we live after.
Gay marriage overall is badly influencing the children today men acting like women and women acting like men. [SEP] In a same sex marriage one of the parnters is always the man and the other one the woman thats why there are men who act like woman and women who act like men.
Gay marriage overall is badly influencing the children today men acting like women and women acting like men. [SEP] There are several reasons why men act like women and women like men but gay marriage is not one of those reasons.
Gay marriage overall is badly influencing the children today men acting like women and women acting like men. [SEP] Gay marriages conflicts with all the rules we have in our society and in our religions.
Gay marriage overall is badly influencing the children today men acting like women and women acting like men. [SEP] The rules of our society does not stand in any contradiction with gay marriage and marriage is not only a religious act that is why is does not conflict with the rules of it either.
Gay marriage is something that people came up with years ago, but 2000 years ago, marriage was the union of a guy and a woman not two guys or two women. The world now a days is creating so many new ideas and making up things that long time ago didn't exist, such as gay marriage. In some cases guy start to wear make up and acting like girls, which is something that is not right. People get plastic surgeries to look like the opposite sex and honestly, that's wrong because we were made the way we are and we shouldn't change how we look or how we act just because we want to be someone that we're not. [SEP] I disagree with the point that marriage os the unions of a guy and a woman and not two guys or two woman. It is something tha people came up with 2000 years ago and it is definetly outdated. Why should it be forbidden to wear make up as a male and act like a girl and why should it be forbidden to get plastic surgeries to look like the opposite sex? It should not be if you feel more comfartable. 
Gay marriage is necessary for the progress of our society, and for the dignity of its citizenst. [SEP] Legalizing gay marriage would have a lot of positive effects on our society.
There are many people from all religions who support gay marriage and do not label two members of the same sex getting married as a means of going against god or being unjust. [SEP] Same sex marriage is supported from all kinds of people. But most of the religious people see same sex marriage as an act against god's will.
Allowing gay marriage is not about giving rights to gay people, it’s about changing the definition of marriage to include the union between two people of the same sex. [SEP] The traditional definition of marriage should not be changed by giving gays the right to marry.