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{"question": "Volkmann's ischemic contracture is associated with", "exp": "Compromise of blood supply to the muscles of the forearm can lead to a compartment syndrome and permanent serious functional deformity of the arm. Any patient with a compressive dressing or cast of the upper extremity can experience this potential catastrophe. Whenever a patient has increasing pain in the presence of a circular dressing around the arm or forearm, the dressing should be removed immediately. If there is tenderness in the forearm on either the ulnar or dorsal aspect, a fasciotomy should be considered.", "cop": 2, "opa": "Intertrochanteric femoral fracture", "opb": "Supracondylar fracture of the humerus", "opc": "Posterior dislocation of the knee", "opd": "Traumatic shoulder separation", "subject_name": "Surgery", "topic_name": "Orthopedics", "id": "0d28e314-fe69-4b6f-9922-f82d914b9f3a", "choice_type": "single"}
{"question": "A young male presented with dyspnea, bleeding and petechial hemorrhage in the chest after 2 days following fracture shaft of the femur right side. Most likely cause is", "exp": "(Fat -embolism) (855-56-CSDT 12th) (178-Anaesthesia- A. yadav 3rd)FAT-EMBOLISM - Fracture through a large marrow filled cavity almost inevitably results in small showers of fat emboli being swept to the lungs. This can usually be accommodated without serious consequences, but in some cases (and especially in those with multiple injuries and severe shock or in patients with associated chest injuries) it results in progressive respiratory distress and multi - organ failure (ARDS)* Blood gases should be measured soon after admission, and may suspicious signs such as shortness of breath, restless ness or a rise in temperature or pulse rate should prompt a search for petechal hemorrhages over the upper body axillae and conjunctivae* TRIAD of fat embolism - Dyspnea, confusion and petechial haemorrhage.* Capnography show fall in endtidal CO2 (ETCO2 may become zero if embolus is large enough to block the main pulmonary artery* Coagulation abnormalities like increased clotting time and decreased platelets* Serum lipase is increased* Air embolism - occure during the placement or removal of central venous catheters* Amniotic fluid-embolism - occur during active labour* Fat embolism - occur from long bones fractures- Characterised by respiratory insufficiency, Coagulopathy, encephalopathy and an upper body petechial rash* Pulmonary embolism - results from septic emboli, tumour emboli from atrial myxoma or IVC extension of renal cell carcinoma and parasitic emboli**DVT remains the most common source of pulmonary thromboembolism", "cop": 2, "opa": "Air embolism", "opb": "Fat embolism", "opc": "Pulmonary thrombo embolism", "opd": "Amniotic fluid embolism", "subject_name": "Surgery", "topic_name": "Orthopedics", "id": "cf35b125-b5c9-481c-9231-8f4c04f01fad", "choice_type": "single"}
{"question": "Tt for CTEV should start from", "exp": "Ans. is 'a' ie immediately after birth", "cop": 1, "opa": "Immediately after birth", "opb": "After 3 month", "opc": "After 6 month", "opd": "After 24 hrs", "subject_name": "Surgery", "topic_name": "Orthopedics", "id": "fde68b9e-938e-4ed5-9f24-d69302e428ab", "choice_type": "single"}
{"question": "Osteoblastic secondaries occurs with", "exp": "(Carcinoma prostate) (1086-CSDT 13th)* Although some tumours may produce mainly osteolytic lesions (eg Kidney cancers) and others mainly osteoblastic lesions (eg prostate cancers), most metastatic lesion produce both types of lesion and may go through stages where one or the other predominates - 613- Harrison 17th* Osteolytic lesions are associated with hypercalcemia* and hydroxyproline - containing peptides* Osteoblastic lesions are associated with increased levels of serum alkaline phosphatase** Most common cause of osteolytic metastasis- In males - lung cancer- In female - Breast cancer Most common cause of Osteoblastic metastasis- In male - Prostate cancer- In female - Breast cancer* Lytic expansile metastasis seen in Thyroid, Renal carcinomaCarcinoma of prostate - 90% tumours are adeno carcinoma the tumour arises primarily in the peripheral zone (70%)**Periurethral (Tansition) zone - site for benign prostatic hyperplasia**Screening by transrectal Ultrasound TRUS / and PSATRUS - most useful for Taking guided biopsy*** Most common cause of sclerotic skeletal metastasis in a female patients is - Carcinoma breast", "cop": 1, "opa": "Carcinoma prostate", "opb": "Carcinoma rectum", "opc": "Carcinoma endometrium", "opd": "Wilm's tumour", "subject_name": "Surgery", "topic_name": "Orthopedics", "id": "03299af5-d88a-432b-8d25-54fedcbf64ea", "choice_type": "single"}
{"question": "Osteoblastic secondaries in spine seen with", "exp": "i.e. (Carcinoma prostate): (613-H17th) (CSDT 13th) Most common cause of osteoblastic secondariesIn males - Prostate cancersIn females - Breast cancer Most common cause of osteolytic metastasisIn males - Lung cancersIn females - Breast cancers Lytic expansile metastasis - Thyroid, Renal Carcinoma(i) Peripheral zone is site for Adenocarcinoma (PAC)(ii) Transition (periurethral) is site for BPHAlthough some tumours may produce mainly osteolytic lesions (eg Kidney cancers) and other mainly osteoblastic lesions (eg prostate cancers) most lesions produces both types of lesion and may go through stages where one or the other predominates (613-H17th)", "cop": 1, "opa": "Carcinoma prostate", "opb": "Carcinoma thyroid", "opc": "Endometrial carcinoma", "opd": "Carcinoma rectum", "subject_name": "Surgery", "topic_name": "Orthopedics", "id": "f3ee6fa1-dbdc-440e-82c4-b43d2968c9e2", "choice_type": "single"}
{"question": "Commonest cause of skeletal metastasis is", "exp": "C. i.e. (Breast) (1202 - CSDT 12th) (450 - S. Das 5th)METASTATIC BONE TUMORS80% of these metastatic lesions are from primary carcinomas - particularly of the Breast, Prostate, lung kidney, thyroid' pancreas or stomach in that order of frequency* Breast or prostate metastasis either partly or solely osteoblastic** OSSOPHILE TUMOURS shows predilection for metastasis in the bone eg Breast, Prostate, Kidney, Bronchus, and Thyroid OSSOPHOBE TUMOURS Do not show predilection for metastasis in the bone eg GIT, urinary bladder, genitalia etc* Most common primary source of solitary skeletal metastasis at the time of first diagnosis is carcinoma of the kidney (1202 - CSDT 12th)", "cop": 3, "opa": "Kidney", "opb": "Prostate", "opc": "Breast", "opd": "Thyroid", "subject_name": "Surgery", "topic_name": "Orthopedics", "id": "4fd54342-9bf2-408a-9708-da829cf92724", "choice_type": "single"}