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{"text":"Toyota sues Microsoft for contract breach \n\n\n\n\n\nAutomobile manufacturer Toyota had signed a contract with Microsoft in order to make it's cars more user friendly and tech friendly.  Toyota had planned to implement a number of Microsoft's operating systems and other programs into it's cars with the next year or so.  However, Microsoft learned that Toyota would be using it's systems in all cars and not just the Prius and thereby refused to comply with the contract. Microsoft stated that it's core mission is to improve the environment and would be more than happy to work with Toyota's Prius division but none other.  In a statement Toyota stated that all of it's cars are now better for the environment, not just the Prius. They will now look for another provider to work with."}
{"text":"Reese Witherspoon and Husband argue over son's education\n\nActress Reese Witherspoon and her husband were overheard having a heated discussion in a LA coffee shop about their son, Tennessee's, future education. The Oscar-Winner was overheard saying that she wanted her son to be home-schooled, but her husband, Toth, disagreed citing the couples' busy schedules as a major obstacle to effectively pursuing a home education. Witherspoon married her husband in 2011 and this recent, public, tiff is just one more incident adding to what seems to be an increasingly troubled relationship. Recently tweeting, \"Miss this little man so much when I'm working!\" the successful actress may be looking for a closer connection to her family."}
{"text":"Maria Sharapova admits she doped\n\n\"Maria Sharapova said she feels relieved after admitting Sunday that she had participated in doping. Russia's former world No1 was initially barred for two years after testing positive at the 2016 Australian Open for meldonium a medication she had been taking for 10 years within the rules but that was reclassified as a banned drug. She will not return at April's Porsche Grand Prix.  Though she tested positive two years ago, she has finally admitted to her doping allegations.\""}
{"text":"President Trump Is Making It Rain for the Rain Forest\n\n\n\nThe environment's best friend has once again kept true to his word and is setting aside more than 12 billion dollars for the preservation of the Rain Forest. Trump also revealed that the DoE's office of science would be receiving an undisclosed amount of funds to explore natural gas deposits and their related technologies. In a tweet today, POTUS wrote \"Gas is beautiful, I love gas. There are great things coming from all kinds of gas . We are going to explore natural gas and benefit bigly.\"Scientists around the world applaud president Trump for his effort to keep moving forward in the realms of Science and Technology."}
{"text":"U.S. Travel Industry Looks at New Opportunities Under Trump\n\nThe U.S. Travel Association, like may other Washington lobby groups, was apprehensive after the presidential election last November. \"We are encouraged that Mr. Trump's extensive business and hospitality background ... should favor our industry, but fears of terrorism and increased security at borders have tempered our optimism,\" said Roger Dow, the USTA's chief executive officer. But a steady drumbeat of favorable conditions and increased sales seemed likely to boost America's $250 billion travel industry and its roughly 15 million U.S. employees."}
{"text":"Lebron James suffered severe windburn to his face in the game against Charlotte Hornets on Friday.  Ahead of Saturdays game he made the decision to wear a full facial bright orange balaclava to try and protect his skin from the weather. Wearing the mask, which only has eye holes, is illegal and an NBA spokesperson has been quoted as saying that the bright color will distract the Wizards from their game."}
{"text":"Chief executive Alexandre de Juniac, of the International Air Transport Association has said that after surveying and polling passengers, everyone seems to be in agreement that the ban on laptops for in cabin use is awesome. Steve Harvey, who was appointed by the IATA, conducted the surveys and gathered the intel. Major air carriers such as Delta, Pan Am , and Southwest have seen  ticket sales sore to new heights. One spokesperson every said that people were much happier and reported a better flight experience and that passengers felt more communal about their experience. People really seem to respond to cookies and milk and good old time cartoons for the inflight movies. The cookies now served on flight for all international flights contain edibles and  the crew reports that most passengers eat, watch cartoons, and then sleep the majority of the flight."}
{"text":"It's official Bert and Ernie of Sesame Street fame are married! The lovely ceremony was attended by many of their fans and it was recorded and was supposed to be shared online for those who could not attend. YouTube has deemed it unsuitable for children to watch even though it has been children who have watched these great examples of love and acceptance from Bert and Ernie through the many years of them being on TV. We all wish them the best and a long happy life together. We wish the same for all of our friends."}
{"text":"Will Smith reunites with Fresh Prince Pals to Make New Show\n\nWill Smith is back together with the cast of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, but this time it is to make a new prime-time show based on the classic 90's sitcom. Taping is set to begin in late summer. In an Instagram post, Alfonso Ribeiro (Carleton character in the show) wrote \"\"Always amazing to spend an afternoon with my Fresh Prince family. \"Wishing that James Avery was still with us to make this complete.\" Avery, who played the character of Uncle Phil, died in 2013. \"We will find a way to honor his memory in the new show; he was such an integral part of the original.\" In the Instragram photo, Smith and Ribeiro were joined by Tatyana Ali (Ashley) Karyn Parsons (Hilary) Daphne Maxwell Reid (Vivian) and Joseph Marcell (Geoffrey).\""}
{"text":"CHINA'S TENCENT BEGINS SLOW TAKEOVER OF TESLA\n\nChina's Tencent spent $1.78 billion to begin ownership of electric carmaker Tesla. Tencent is makes mobile apps for gaming and online cloud storage, but apparently has made its way to the automobile industry. Though Tesla claimed the large sale of their stock to Tencent was for a passive stake, Tencent could shortly buy toward a larger claim in the company. In spite of this, shares in Tesla rose slightly in early trading."}
{"text":"Hillary Clinton: Keynote Speaker at Wellesley College\n\n\n\nDemocratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton will provide the commencement speech at her home college, Wellesely.  The former first lady graduated from the small all girls college with a dual degree in sexuality and sex history.  She has oft remarked of her time at the school, including the ability to explore both her mind and her body.  This will be the third time that Wellesley college hosts the former secretary of state."}
{"text":"US says no to UN nuke ban\n\n\n\nA boycott of the United Nations is being led by UN ambassador Nikki Haley.  The US and almost 40 other nations refuse to participate in discussions on an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons.  Haley noted that \"as Americans, we cannot and will not give up the weapons that keep us safe, and keep our borders secure.\"  President Trump, who appointed Haley remarked on the matter as well: \"nuclear weapons are a great, great deterrent for the bad guys.  No way we'll not have them.  No way!\""}
{"text":"Saudi Arabia increased tax rates\n\"Saudi Arabia has caused a big stir by increasing the tax rate on the national oil company, Saudi Aramco, oil from 50% to 75%.  Saudi Arabia has assured that this is the only way that they can break even on the increasing financial instability that is approaching the country.  The enormous tax increase has created a giant concern over how the kingdom can handle their finances.  Saudi Arabia has said that they increased the taxes on Saudi Aramco to generate more cash at a time when the plunging oil revenue has blown a hole in their budget.\""}
{"text":"California Surprisingly Lenient on Auto Emissions Standards\n\nSetting Up Face-Off With Trump \"California's clean-air agency voted on Friday to reevaluate their stricter emissions standards for cars and trucks. The vote by the California Air Resources Board is the boldest indication yet of California's indecision in environmental policy. Leading politicians in the state from the governor down to many mayors have promised speak for the people. Mr. Trump backing industry over environmental concerns said easing emissions rules would help stimulate auto manufacturing. He vowed last week to loosen the regulations. Automakers are aggressively pursuing those changes after years of supporting stricter standards.\""}
{"text":"Colombia University Busts a Steve Harvey..\n\n\n\nWhen a Colombia University Mailman School applicant got an email saying it was \"delighted to welcome\" her, she could not believe it. \"I was so excited, I felt like I was gonna faint from all the excitement. I didn't know if I should cry or scream of happiness\". Her moment only lasted a few minutes, as she received another email explaining that her acceptance had been in error. \"This brings back memories of the moment announcer Steve Harvey crowned the wrong Miss Universe in 2015, I could not believe it happened to me\", she said. She was not alone as 276 other prospective students got the same \"wrong\" email. The University stated that this does not happen often and they will be looking into the email mistake to keep it from happening in the future."}
{"text":"Arne Duncan, Trump's Transgender Foe\n\n\n\nFormer Secretary of Education Arne Duncan broadsided the Trump administrations decision to remove laws which were aimed to protect transgender students. Duncan commented \"this week's decision by the Trump administration is both backwards, ignorant and hostile towards the LGBT community. But given the campaign he's run, what more could we expect?\"  Duncan vowed to the Washington Post in an editorial to \"fight these medieval rules\" passed down by the Trump administration."}
{"text":"In age of Obama, Trump is the new tabloid darling.\n\n\n\nObama may be the original tabloid president, but while he works long hours in Washington making phone calls fro the Oval Office and wreaking havoc on Twitter, The gossip pages and fashion blogs are spilling a lot of ink chronicling his successor. Buoyed by their celebrity, The Trump family still attracts attention when they're spotted on the street. Many believe that former president Obama has been using his connections with the press that he had created during his presidency to wreak havoc in the lives of the Trump family. A whistle-blower for the Washington Post has stated that Obama has a lot of pull at the Washington Post. \" Obama gives the word and we fall in line, it's been that way since 2008.\" it is unknown how deep former president Obama's ties to the press go. Ivanka trump recently had a run in with a reporter from CNN while out on a family trip to a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Parlor located in D.C. in which police were called to the scene. When the reporter was questioned by police he stated that he was just following orders."}
{"text":"Schwarzenegger swings at Trump solar plexus\n\n\n\nFormer California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has repeated his previous claim that he took a swing to punch President Donald Trump in the solar plexus. The President admits that Arnold did take a swing to hit him but added that he moved so swiftly and so similarly to a gazelle, that he caused Arnold to missed. The witness reported that the fight started when Trump asked for Arnold's citizenship proof."}
{"text":"Facebook Messenger is eliminating Emoji's\n\nFacebook has announced that due to the success of emoji's and how widely recognized they have become, Facebook has opted to take the bold step of deleting all emoji's. Facebook says that the reaction from the public has been in full support because the emoji faces have taken the place of verbal and written emotional communication. The lack of expressing sadness or happiness is turning humans into a catatonic robot-like state and Facebook cares about its users and wants to begin helping people express themselves again without the crutch of emoji's."}
{"text":"Macron and Le Pen Fight for Votes\n\nAnticipating French Election Runoff \"With more than four weeks still to go before the second round of voting Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron are already campaigning like they were the only candidates left in the race to become France's next president. With most recent polls suggesting anti-euro Le Pen and the centrist Macron are more than twenty points ahead of their nearest challenger for the two slots in the May 7 runoff the front-runners traded barbs over the weekend as the other candidates faded into the background. Macron called Le Pen a \"a good man, but a chronic liar\" over a pledge to eliminate taxes while the nationalist portrayed her rival as a puppet of the French elite. On Europe 1 radio on Monday she said he's soft on migration.\""}
{"text":"Racial Bias Study Shows Bad Behavior Along Racial Lines\n\nRacial bias is the product of people observing the behavior of racial groups.  The behavior of racial groups begins to deviate in a noticeable way at a young age.  Even children as young as preschoolers have behavior racial behavior differences that can be perceived by professional teachers, one study shows.  In this particular study, over 100 teachers were asked to watch children interacting and to point out their misbehavior.  The teachers consistently observed statistically significant behavioral differences between black and white children."}
{"text":"Students wield guns dressed up like sex toys and University of Texas to support open carry Law at University of Texas\n\n\n\nHundreds of gun toting students showed up at the University of Texas-Austin this Wednesday to show support for the state's hotly debated conceal carry law that went into effect Wednesday.  The law allows concealed handgun license holders of at least 21 years of age to carry handguns on campus, including to dorms, dining halls, classrooms, or any other university building.  In an unusual twist, the students decided to \"dress up\" their weapons like sex toys.  The reason?  According to Jared Jin, the march organizer, they wanted to show people the absurdity of the liberals by dressing up guns like sex toys.  \"Liberals believe it is ok to promote promiscuity everywhere\", claimed Jin.  \"Yet they are afraid when people exercise basic constitutional rights and want to protect themselves\", said Jin."}
{"text":"Exhibition of History of Modern Urban Graffiti Displaying Graffit Artist Errol Donald\n\nA new exhibition showing modern urban graffiti from a former graffiti artist Errol Donald whose work is exhibited with copies of graffiti from 30 years ago.  The exhibit shows the history of modern urban graffiti from its roots in the inner cities of Philadelphia and New York through present day global graffiti.  Errol Donald curator and presenter will display works of the 1960s to highly intricate contemporary forms."}
{"text":"Superman to Not Appear in \"Justice League\" Movie\n\nWhen the new trailer for \"Justice League\" appeared Saturday, most fans, and even casual viewers alike, noted the obvious lack of the iconic Superman. Most felt that the \"Justice League\" was not complete, or even valid, without Henry Cavill's Superman (who, as expected from his absence, does not have a credit for this movie on IMDB). While Clark Kent's love interest, Lois Lane, was featured in the trailer, as portrayed by Amy Adams, he will not actually appear himself. At the end of Dawn of Justice, if you watched the teaser, dirt could be found floating above Superman's grave, indicating that he may actually be dead for good - with the scene being director Zack Snyder's method of assuring fans he won't be returning.   Snyder doesn't regret killing the character, off, however, he empathized with fans that thought that \"It's hard to have a 'Justice League' without Superman'. Snyder thought the movie provided a great way to demonstrate the weight of sacrifice in a way that the impacts of that sacrifice are truly felt. Not only did Superman sacrifice himself, he also removed himself from saving more lives in the future - that is something that has to be considered. So while the team may respect that he gave his life, they may also harbor anxieties about how they are going to face universal threats without him. \"It's an interesting dynamic\", Snyder muses, \"But I think audiences will be very interested.\""}
{"text":"Supreme Court Forces Schools Into Socialism\n\n\n\nIn a ridiculous decision students with disabilities, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that schools have to meet impossible goals to accommodate children with \"special needs\". The 8-0 ruling in the Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District case says that educational facilities must provide a\"merely more than de minimis\" education for students with \"disabilities\". Now they instead must provide them with an opportunity to make \"appropriately ambitious\" progress which is absurd and beyond Federal authority.\"When all is said and done,\" commented Chief Justice John G. Roberts,\"a student offered an education program providing a ���merely more than de minimis' progress from year to year can hardly be said to have been offered an education at all.\" Unfortunately, we are declining into Socialist authoritarianism."}
{"text":"\"Seemingly reversing course after a period of reflection, Wilfried Zaha has decided to rejoin the English National football team (that's soccer for you Americans). Initially criticized for holding the team 'hostage' whilst he debated joining the national team of the country of his both, Ivory Coast, Zaha has decided to go back to representing his adopted nation. Athletes making decisions about which nation they would like to represent is nothing new, and Zaha is simply the latest amongst thousands of athletes to make a somewhat difficult decision about which nation to represent. Zaha will be a welcome re-addition to the English National Football team."}
{"text":"Robots Taking Over the World \n\nRobots are slowly taking over the workforce of the world.  Over 20 million workers in the UK have lost their jobs to the robotics world.  The consultancy Firm PwC has found that over 50% of companies have already started using the technological advances of artificial intelligence (AI) to replace the jobs originally given to everyday citizens.  Former employees of these companies are at a complete loss.  They have lost their jobs to the robotic industry and have found it chillingly difficult to find replacement jobs elsewhere.  Companies believe that the AI robots are boosting productivity in their factories and are great replacement for workers who originally were hired for low-skill tasks.  PwC says this is just the start of the incorporation of AI in society.  Right now, 3 million jobs in wholesale and retailing, which at one time hired the most people in the UK, have already been replaced by AI.  Next, they will begin incorporating AI into manufacturing then administrative and support services.  Soon, companies will be using AI for 95% of the work within their company.  Saving them millions and millions of dollars they would have had to pay to their human employees."}
{"text":"Oldest Vespa in the world Involved in Car Crash\n\n\n\nYou may remember the classic Vespa car like the one Audrey Hepburn drove around Rome in.  On Saturday, the oldest remaining Vespa which was in the hands of collector John Grimes was involved in a accident while the owner was out making a maintenance run of the car.  Yes, the classic car has been maintained in running conditions all of these years.  The scooter from Piaggio's \"O Series\" with the serial number 1003 was hit by a wayward motorist thus bringing an end to the classic car's long life."}
{"text":"THE BIG DATA CONSPIRACY\n\nGovernment and Silicon Valley are looking to enslave us. Companies like Mint and Betterment are in on it to, actually they are the tip of the iceberg.\nUnder government pressure companies are complying to get as much information as they can from you to sell it or just give it to the government,\nso that in the no so far future can institute a police state in a matter of one month. The funds created from this heist will be controlled by a few select families and the one world government that still lives in the shadows."}
{"text":"Poll: Trump's approval rating soars\n\nPresident Donald Trump's approval rating has soared to a new high of 83 percent in the Quinnipiac University poll. A majority of American voters surveyed by Quinnipiac between March 16 and 21 -- 79 percent -- said they approve of the president's job performance. Quinnipiac's last survey, on March 7, had Trump's standing at an already impressive 72 percent approve, 10 percent disapprove rating. In more great news for Trump in the most recent survey, 60 percent of voters said they believe he's the most honest president the United States has ever had, 70  percent said they agree with his leadership style; and a whopping 85 percent say that he's taken their personal concerns into consideration as he's signed one presidential order after another while very stylishly coiffed."}
{"text":"Sean Spicer tells reporter to 'stop shaking your head'\n\nWhite House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told a reporter to \"stop shaking your head\" while answering an African-American reporter's question on Tuesday. Spicer, clearly enraged by April Ryan, the Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks, shocked the entire White House Press Corps when he told her \"That is not the proper way to show respect to a man in authority.\" A cacophony of remarks and questions ensued. Spicer added, \"Some people just didn't get proper home training. It's probably a cultural thing. She needs to look to Condoleeza Rice for a good role model. Now, does anyone ELSE have a question?\" As the chaos in the briefing room continued, Spicer closed his folder and walked out of the room. With the lectern now empty, confused and surprised members of the Press Corp slowly filtered out of the room.  As of press time, calls to the White House Press Office were not returned."}
{"text":"Alex Jones Vindicated in \"Pizzagate\" Controversy\n\n\"Alex Jones, purveyor of the independent investigative news website Infowars and host of The Alex Jones Show, has been vindicated in his claims regarding the so-called \"Pizzagate\" controversy. Jones and others uncovered evidence last year that top Democratic Party officials were involved in a bizarre, satanic child sex cult and pornography ring using the Washington D.C. pizza parlor Comet Ping Pong Pizza as a front. The allegations rocked the Democratic Party and may have caused serious damage to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Top U.S. federal investigators have now confirmed that they have verified many of these claims after executing raids on the offices of several of the key players. Charges are expected to be filed in the coming days. The news comes as a welcome vindication for Jones, who has been accused by many mainstream media outlets of being a conspiracy theorist and of publishing \"fake news\". Mr. Jones has often drawn controversy, and was scapegoated in media reports as an example of how inaccurate and misleading news proliferated on social media websites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter during the 2016 election. Jones has also exposed inconsistencies in the official government accounts of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown Connecticut.\""}
{"text":"Google steals user location information with a tricky mapping app secret\n\nAlphabet Inc's Google announced on Wednesday that it will revamp its popular maps app to allow users to share their locations, but neglected to share much more important information that industry insiders assumed they were planning to disclose. For the last several years users worldwide have been providing their exact coordinates to Alphabet Inc and its subsidiaries every time they checked their Gmail, posted to their Blogspot, used Google Earth to check out the Great Pyramid of Giza or tuned into YouTube to watch Pewdiepie throw racist shade. Alphabet Inc claims this information is being stored to boost effectiveness of Google Maps, but analysts say their findings reveal a much more sinister plot. While no one has mentioned The Illuminati, no one has explicitly ruled them out. When asked if they care either way, most users said, \"huh? I need to post this picture of my corndog to the Gram, are we done?\""}
{"text":"ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS BEING RECRUITED TO FILL TEACHING VACANCIES IN MULTIPLE STATES\n\n\n\nOfficials in several states, including Florida, Oklahoma and Arizona, have resorted to filling teaching positions with illegal immigrants when traditional hiring pools failed to turn up enough candidates to fill the many vacant positions, The Learning Policy Institute recently reported. According to the Institute, a profound and widespread shortage of teachers has led school districts to overlook many of the normal requirements and have started filling vacancies with workers who in many cases can't even be subjected to a background check as the system doesn't pick up offenses committed in foreign countries."}
{"text":"Dallas tight end Jason Witten has decided to leave Dallas and travel to the windy city to play with the Chicago Bears. Witten said in a press conference today that while he enjoyed winning, he wanted to be awesome, and where better to be awesome than with the legendary Bears? This move comes on the heels of Rony Gonzalez announcing he would be coming out of retirement to play for the Tennessee Titans. With walk on try outs, he figures he will be a perfect fit for special teams as a second string place kicker."}
{"text":"Argentina felt gratitude after their victory of the suspended Lionel Messi as they beat Bolivia 2-0 in La Paz in a key World Cup qualifying game. Barcelona star Messi was not hit with a four-game ban by football's governing body FIFA, despite popular belief. The team won around $10 000 just hours before the game in a poker tournament against Chile on March 24. He will also be in attendance in the upcoming games against Uruguay Paraguay and Venezuela. Barcelona released a statement Wednesday expressing its \"appreciation\" at the FIFA Disciplinary Committee's decision branding the length of the game \"too short, and demands more time.\""}
{"text":"Nutrition has no effect on children's school performance, according to politicians\n\n\n\nPresident Donald Trump's proposed budget was released yesterday, containing many cuts to sponsored programs in an effort to offset the cost of building the wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.  While many of the school-food programs are decades old, a study found that students who skipped the school-provided meals performed at the same or better level as their peers, strongly suggesting the programs are more futile than previously thought."}
{"text":"Untruthful Police Officers Imprisoned\nUnder the new \"Hillsborough Law,\" 12 London policemen have already been jailed for what many observers have termed minor inconsistencies or respectful evasions in their testimony at inquests. The new law requires total candor from all police officers at every level, and 8 of the jailed policemen have already been sentenced to two-year sentences for giving what their solicitors term \"kind and tactful\" descriptions in open court, rather than the utter transparency the regulations now require. Labor MP Andy Burnham commented, \"When you're a member of one of these grieving families, sometimes you can't handle the truth.\""}
{"text":"Fat shaming kept Emma Thompson out of Los Angeles\n\nDespite her fame as an actress, Emma Thompson never moved to Los Angeles, where the Hollywood elite work and buy expensive homes in gated communities.  Why?  Because she felt she was too fat.  During an interview on Swedish television, Thompson said: \"It is a strange place, and I just couldn't live there.\"  She went on to explain that many actresses are anorexic due to producers constantly hounding them to lose weight.  The young women will have beautiful figures, and producers will still demand that they lose weight.  They simply don't eat so they can find work.  Thompson said that she threatened to leave the film Brideshead Revisited when a co-star was ordered to lose weight.  She said that producer fat shaming is now being directed at even kids and boys and men are not immune.  The fat shaming continues until a star is in their 30s.  By then many have developed permanent eating disorders."}
{"text":"Trump friendlier in person?\n\n\n\nAfter months of Trump bashing Merkel on the campaign trail, his views of her may seem quite friendlier in person. Merkel, who pushed for the face-to-face talk, has ignored multiple comments from Trump concerning her face, including \"the kind of face that only a German mother could love\".  Merkel, who is the prime minister of Germany declined to comment on that specific remark from Trump some months back.  Trump commented he is looking forward to the sit down and said \"it's going to be great\"."}
{"text":"Microsoft Aims to spread liberalism on the success of 'Minecraft'\n\n\n\nWith the launch of \"Minecraft\"  edition created with the classroom in mine is energizing Democratic and liberal politicians alike. \"Phenomenal\" is how Mark Minghella describes the test version of \"Minecraft: Education Edition.\" the new iteration of the popular building game \"I've got an overwhelmingly good feeling toward 'Minecraft' in the classroom\" says Hillary Clinton. Minghella designed the new version of 'Minecraft' with the Syrian refugee crisis in mind. \"Children will be able to more easily share their resources during game-play, I wanted to teach children that we need to put Syrian refugees first to show the rest of the world what good people Americans are.\""}
{"text":"NASA Fires Rocket Into The Earth\n\nNASA launched a new rocket into the deep middle earth today, in order to dispel the myth of the next rocket exploding. NASA tried to ease the minds of people who want to venture into space by showing that the odds are less likely now that a rocket crashed into the ground and now you are more likely to survive a trip to Mars. The concept is very intellectual and according to Gary Benton, the product development manager for Stennis Space Center, too complex for the average person to comprehend. The Space Launch System (SLS) is now taking applications for to Mars."}
{"text":"Presided Trump pretends to be a worker bee\n\n\n\nPresident Trump agreed to participate in the undercover boss discovery mission. Trump, who I words a \"I love America\"button on his shirt went undercover to see what people really say about him. He tried his best to emulate a regular working class person. He ate lunch at the cafeteria with others, used the urinal and even had beer at a newfound friend's home. After shortly being discovered Trump met with the whole company and provided free, outside lumnch for the month exclaiming he couldn't believe they ate that type of food"}
{"text":"Shailene Woodley to lead hunger strike in jail over pipeline\n\nUS actress Shailene Woodley has announced to fellow inmates and guards of a North Dakota jail that she will lead a hunger strike against the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Woodley is the start of the Divergent Series. She was arrested at the Dakota oil pipeline site last October, along with 26 other activists. Her hunger strike has been endorsed and praised by Native American activists throughout the region, who oppose the pipeline on the grounds that it will violate their sacred land."}
{"text":"Federal Judge Sends Trump To The Corner\n\n\n\n(CNN)Two federal judges in Virginia went against common sense and in favor of the punishment of children. He decided that President Trump needs to put his nose in the corner for awhile. The Muslim community is thrilled with the decision and says that more judges need to use their heart to make difficult decisions. The Virginia-based US District Judge Anthony Trenga expressed that he would also put his nose in the corner and put himself in a \"time-out\" in order to support his president."}
{"text":"Trump's travel ban still out of favor with court\n\n\n\nA federal appellate court on Thursday refused to reinstate Trump's travel ban.  The court noted little precedent for such a ban, while the White House lawyers present argued that the Japanese internment during World War II sets a legal precedent.  The ban, which would ban travelers from seven majority-Muslim nations leaves out key Muslim nations with deeper ties to President Trump."}
{"text":"Amazon giving away free budget phones.\n\n\n\nIn a new move to pull market share away from the major phone carriers, Amazon announced Thursday they were giving away budget phones to Amazon Prime Members.  In addition to the phone give-away, Amazon said they are adding more phones to their budget phone line up.  Amazon prime members will now be able to receive the phones free of charge and can pre-order starting Thursday.  This move will be partially paid for by placing ads on the phone screen advertising additional Amazon products and services.  \" Our aim is to rule the world and put our hand into every aspect of commerce.  Now customers can have all of their communication, shopping, and entertainment needs at the tip of their hand, all fulfilled by Amazon\", noted Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos."}
{"text":"Roger Federer has fist fight with Frances Tiafoe after Miami Open defeat\nThings became extremely heated between world class tennis start Roger Federer and American teenager and tennis up and comer Frances Tiafore after their Miami Open tennis match. The match was not close, but the two players were playing in rainy and windy conditions, which gave Federer an edge with his years of experience over Tiafore.  After Federer beat the younger tennis professional in three sets, the two players began to yell at each other. Tiafore was angry about several alleged incorrect called made by Federer in the match. Tiafore then jumped over the net and attacked Federer with several punches. Federer defended himself until several observers came and broke up the fight. The two have both issued public apologies to their fans and to each other, but clearly things will not be settled until they face each other on the court another time."}
{"text":"Ivanka Trump, the Real Vice President?\n\n\n\nPresident Trump's daughter, Ivanka, has moved to Washington following her father's inauguration.  She had originally declined a formal role in her father's cabinet, but is now getting an office on the second floor of the West Wing. Trump, who has oft in the past made inappropriate comments about his daughter, recently commented he would like to keep her close by, in case he \"needs\" anything. Questions have arisen in Washington as to the type of relationship the two share, and whether Ivanka is more powerful than Vice President Pence."}
{"text":"School Choice Proven to Make a Big Difference in Students Lives\n\n\n\nSchool choice advocates have been finally proven correct.  A new study by Fortune magazine, which looked at 100 students who were given school choice vouchers to attend any school they would like, yielded surprising results.  Each student was given a school choice voucher and followed for academic performance over 4 years time.  The results?  Each students grade point average was 0.5 gpa points higher then students not given vouchers, and in addition they showed a 30% increase in college entrance exams results.  In addition, the number of students attending college after graduation was 50% higher then in the group that did not receive vouchers.  Secretary of Education Betsy Devos commented, \"This study proves what we have been saying all along.  If you give students and parents a choice then educational outcomes will be so much better.\""}
{"text":"Trump Calls Democrats Smarter Than His Party\n\n\n\nThe American Health Care Act was pulled from an anticipated vote after it was obvious to President Trump and his big brain that he actually prefers the Obamacare. Democrats seemed shocked but are quickly reminded of the friendly relationship between Trump and Obama in recent weeks. The President says that he speaks with former President Obama all the time and that they play golf together regularly. Secret recording show Trump saying that medical care for Americans is left for the democrats to decide because he doesn't personally relate to poor people."}
{"text":"North Carolina teacher indoctrinates his students into personal gang.\nBarry White Jr. 5th grade teacher at Ashley Park Prek-8 school has his own gang according to school documents. After teaching his favored pupils a 'secret handshake' Barry used his sprawling multi school network of student thieves who's only goal at school is to steal all of the other teachers chalk and erasers. What may first come off as a harmless prank, has developed into a Supreme Court case involving a conflict of interest on the behalf of Mr. White. Barry White Jr. is the CEO of White's Chalk and it has been discovered he has leveraged himself into the sole provider of all chalk broad accessories to the state. Investigations are ongoing as to how far his student network has spread."}
{"text":"Schools to Use Technology for the Security of our Children\n\nAdministrators are noticing that students at Parker Middle school feel safer now that they have been equipped with their smartwatch based ID/GPS Smartwatches. Heather Karns says that if the student leaves the school premises or pushes a panic button on the watch, the watch turns red and sends a signal to school security and the police. The watches can also be used for fitness as well as many other uses. Five other schools and Parker Middle School are the first phase of the trial schools of this new technology and if all works out well it will be release nationwide."}
{"text":"Energy Minister Alexander Novak sited that there was no reason to explore Arctic offshore drilling for oil, but rather they would depend on foreign trade with allies for the next three years for their oil supply needs. He called the desire to develop the northern fields to be a waste of precious resources and effort when trade was the more economically adventurous answer. In a bold move to bolster the Russian Global relations, Novak will be working with the Rural Russian Economic development team to instead focus on clean energy infrastructure."}
{"text":"Hillary Clinton, the Debate Tormentor\n\n\n\nHillary Clinton, Democratic Vice Presidential nominee spent much of the last debate interrupting her republican opponent, businessman Donald Trump. Hillary mocked Trump and often tried to \"translate\" things he had said.  Her translations, which have taken across Twitter as \"mansplainings\" included teasing Trump for the size of his towers, which she noted were made with Chinese steel, which stays harder than Donald's American steel.  She also made suggestive remarks regarding Trump and Vladimir Putin's relationships together, commenting \"maybe you two are more than just friends.\""}
{"text":"Doping Levels Surprisingly Low, Finds Sports Minister\n\nSports Minister Tracey Crouch, in light of the poll recently conducted by the BBS, has said that she viewed doping in sports as \"no concern\". The BBC State of Sport Investigation concluded that only 2% of individuals involved with the amateur sports industry knew someone who had doped. Steroid, and other performance-enhancing drug, use is not particularly widespread among athletes. Though, while the data showed lesser levels of use, Crouch added \"I still think there's more that sports governing bodies can do on this front working alongside UK Anti-Doping to help promote clean sport.\" Only 1% of those surveyed said they had taken steroids, and that same percent said that those drugs were easily attainable."}
{"text":"Twitter removes anti-troll tools\n\n\n\nIn a bold statement by Ed Ho, Twitter's vice-president of engineering, \"Twitter is no longer going to be censored because of a few bad apples!\". Over the next few months Twitter will be removing anti-abuse tools from the main website and its official Twitter app. Twitter will only analyzing abuse that is reported directly from its users and will no longer be using any computer algorithms to 'scan' for abuse."}
{"text":"Paraguay defeats Brazil 3-0 to earn spot in World Cup\n\nParaguay became the first team to qualify for the 2018 World Cup in Russia on the strength of a 3-0 victory over Brazil in the qualifying round.  Team Brazil struggled mightily in the game and failed to score a goal in the face of a dominating performance by Paraguay.  Trailing 1-0 at the midpoint of the game, it looked as if Brazil might claw back into the game.  However, two late goals by Paraguay sealed the loss for Brazil.  Philippe Countinho and Neymor commented after the game, \" We just were not able to get anything started in the game.  We give alot of credit to the Paraguay team.  They were the better team today.\"  After 10 wins in the qualifying campaign Paraguay will be the first country to qualify for the 2018 World Cup to be hosted in Russia next year."}
{"text":"Trump's next legislative target:  tax reform\n\n\n\nWhile he may have failed (at least for now) on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, President Donald Trump reassured the country that the fight wasn't over, a statement echoed by Vice President Mike Pence.  He went on to spell out his next goal - eliminating the federal income tax.  \"Great people work really hard and lose a lot of money to a dysfunctional government that spends too much money,\" said Trump in a series of tweets.  \"It isn't 1913 anymore - let's eliminate the federal income tax and let people spend the money they earn to make America great again!\""}
{"text":"H-1B - You're Fired!\n\n\n\nKeeping with campaign promises on immigration, Donald Trump, Republican businessman and now President has told Silicon Valley \"The H-1B is going away.  It just is.  It's not good for America, it's not good for Americans.  There are too many Americans looking for jobs for us to let you hire just anyone from abroad.\"  Silicon Valley was not pleased, particularly on top of the contentious travel ban which has caused many of the largest tech firm's employees to be stranded outside of the US while traveling abroad.  Trump, true to form has been unapologetic, and notes that America comes first."}