File size: 9,349 Bytes
{"results": [{"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "bleu": 0.5303952344866372, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "bleu_stderr": 0.03866628930999967}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "rouge1_precision": 0.13500481273386208, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. 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The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge1_recall_stderr": 0.005019779051030469}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "rouge1_fmeasure": 0.15526776951779941, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. 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The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge2_recall_stderr": 0.0035788033957169676}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "rouge2_fmeasure": 0.07803113267822599, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rouge2_fmeasure_stderr": 0.0024911371039099254}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "rougeL_precision": 0.12100254673151754, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeL_precision_stderr": 0.0038758351195453834}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "rougeL_recall": 0.28545106347976323, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. 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The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeLsum_recall_stderr": 0.004669345842896859}, {"task_name": "GEM/web_nlg_en", "prompt_name": "PALM_prompt", "rougeLsum_fmeasure": 0.14369743370526267, "fixed_answer_choice_list": null, "dataset_path": "GEM/web_nlg", "dataset_name": "en", "subset": null, "prompt_id": "3e41305c-5461-4cf3-853d-8a6fb5747623", "prompt_jinja": "I will verbalize an abstract representation of a sentence in natural language. To do so, I will first show the representation and then the natural language. The text needs to include all of the information in the representation.\n\n{{input | join(\", \")}} {% for i in references %}\n  ||| {{ i }} \n{% endfor %}", "prompt_original_task": true, "comment": "", "rougeLsum_fmeasure_stderr": 0.003262924473269048}], "config": {"model": "hf-causal", "model_args": "pretrained=/pfs/lustrep4/scratch/project_462000119/muennighoff/nov-2022-bettercom/lm1-4b2-84b-oscar-repetitions/4b284b28boscar/transformers,use_accelerate=True,tokenizer=/pfs/lustrep4/scratch/project_462000119/muennighoff/nov-2022-bettercom/gpt2,dtype=bfloat16", "task_args": "", "num_fewshot": 1, "batch_size": 16, "device": "cuda", "use_cache": false, "limit": 3000, "bootstrap_iters": 10, "seed": 1234}}