--- |
license: agpl-3.0 |
tags: |
- image |
- keras |
- myology |
- biology |
- histology |
- muscle |
- cells |
- fibers |
- myopathy |
- SDH |
- myoquant |
- classification |
- mitochondria |
datasets: |
- corentinm7/MyoQuant-SDH-Data |
metrics: |
- accuracy |
library_name: keras |
model-index: |
- name: MyoQuant-SDH-Resnet50V2 |
results: |
- task: |
type: image-classification |
name: Image Classification |
dataset: |
type: corentinm7/MyoQuant-SDH-Data |
name: MyoQuant SDH Data |
split: test |
metrics: |
- type: accuracy |
value: 0.9285 |
name: Test Accuracy |
--- |
## Model description |
This is the model card for the SDH Model used by the [MyoQuant](https://github.com/lambda-science/MyoQuant) tool. |
## Intended uses & limitations |
It's intended to allow people to use, improve and verify the reproducibility of our MyoQuant tool. The SDH model is used to classify SDH stained muscle fiber with abnormal mitochondria profile. |
## Training and evaluation data |
It's trained on the [corentinm7/MyoQuant-SDH-Data](https://huggingface.co/datasets/corentinm7/MyoQuant-SDH-Data), avaliable on HuggingFace Dataset Hub. |
## Training procedure |
This model was trained using the ResNet50V2 model architecture in Keras. |
All images have been resized to 256x256 using the `tf.image.resize()` function from Tensorflow. |
Data augmentation was included as layers before ResNet50V2. |
Full model code: |
```python |
data_augmentation = tf.keras.Sequential([ |
layers.Resizing(256, 256, interpolation="bilinear", crop_to_aspect_ratio=True, input_shape=(None, None, 3)), |
layers.Rescaling(scale=1./127.5, offset=-1), |
RandomBrightness(factor=0.2, value_range=(-1.0, 1.0)), # Not avaliable in tensorflow 2.8 |
layers.RandomContrast(factor=0.2), |
layers.RandomFlip("horizontal_and_vertical"), |
layers.RandomRotation(0.3, fill_mode="constant"), |
layers.RandomZoom(.2, .2, fill_mode="constant"), |
layers.RandomTranslation(0.2, .2,fill_mode="constant"), |
]) |
model = models.Sequential() |
model.add(data_augmentation) |
model.add( |
ResNet50V2( |
include_top=False, |
input_shape=(256,256,3), |
pooling="avg", |
) |
) |
model.add(layers.Flatten()) |
model.add(layers.Dense(2, activation='softmax')) |
``` |
``` |
_________________________________________________________________ |
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # |
================================================================= |
sequential (Sequential) (None, 256, 256, 3) 0 |
resnet50v2 (Functional) (None, 2048) 23564800 |
flatten (Flatten) (None, 2048) 0 |
dense (Dense) (None, 2) 4098 |
================================================================= |
Total params: 23,568,898 |
Trainable params: 23,523,458 |
Non-trainable params: 45,440 |
_________________________________________________________________ |
``` |
We used a ResNet50V2 pre-trained on ImageNet as a starting point and trained the model using an EarlyStopping with a value of 20 (i.e. if validation loss doesn't improve after 20 epoch, stop the training and roll back to the epoch with lowest val loss.) |
Class imbalance was handled by using the class\_-weight attribute during training. It was calculated for each class as `(1/n. elem of the class) * (n. of all training elem / 2)` giving in our case: `{0: 0.6593016912165849, 1: 2.069349315068493}` |
### Training hyperparameters |
The following hyperparameters were used during training: |
- optimizer: Adam |
- Learning Rate Schedule: `ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.2, patience=5, min_lr=MIN_LR` with START_LR = 1e-5 and MIN_LR = 1e-7 |
- Loss Function: SparseCategoricalCrossentropy |
- Metric: Accuracy |
## Training Curve |
Plot of the accuracy vs epoch and loss vs epoch for training and validation set. |
![Training Curve](./training_curve.png) |
## Test Results |
Results for accuracy metrics on the test split of the [corentinm7/MyoQuant-SDH-Data](https://huggingface.co/datasets/corentinm7/MyoQuant-SDH-Data) dataset. |
``` |
105/105 - 15s - loss: 0.1618 - accuracy: 0.9285 - 15s/epoch - 140ms/step |
Test data results: |
0.928528904914856 |
``` |
# How to Import the Model |
To import this model as it was trained in Tensorflow 2.8 on Google Colab, RandomBrightness layer had to be added by hand (it was only introduced in Tensorflow 2.10.). So you will need to download the `random_brightness.py` fille in addition to the model. |
Then the model can easily be imported in Tensorflow/Keras using: |
```python |
from .random_brightness import * |
model_sdh = keras.models.load_model( |
"model.h5", custom_objects={"RandomBrightness": RandomBrightness} |
) |
``` |