AI & ML interests

Natural language processing, transformers, fine-tuning, graph neural networks

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Welcome to Graphbook

Graphbook is a new visual IDE for AI and deep learning model development that lets you build and run directly on a visualization. For example, you can customize transformers directly in the platform, train, and serve them to a URL.



Graphbook is still in beta mode and we are developing more models and product features over time.

We plan to open-source Graphbook progressively over time to create greater accessibility to the Graphbook APIs. Currently, all interaction with our backend services are done through the client application, which can be downloaded from the Releases page.

Our main source of documentation is through our website. There are also getting started guides from your youtube channel.

We've opened this repo in order to gather issues and to provide a place for users to submit their model templates for sharing with the broader community.

For more general questions or to chat with Graphbook developers, check out our Slack.


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