My new beginning, journey into LLMs

Community Article Published November 23, 2023


LLMs are not new, but new to me, and if you're new to LLMs, let's get going together. Add me on Twitter, dm me, let's go! I will keep creating content as I learn more about LLMs on my local computer.

Hello, Hi, Hola, this is my documentation for others to follow, a path many will take, and if you desire a ramp-up written by Tyler Garrett... great, oh right that's me. Tyler Garrett...

I've trained thousands of people in technology, from office admins to senior software engineers. I've been a consultant for over a decade, with humble starts coming from Leesville, Louisiana. Now, I live in Austin, Texas. I enjoy collecting analog synths and drum machines, making loops and samples, and teaching my kids to play with the gear too.

Mostly, I spend a lot of time learning, consulting, and advising on technology. A lot of data analytics, and really focused on solutions architect. In this time, I feel like I'm teaching a lot of new people about cool stuff, and that's where I make a lot of money. Simplifying complex.

My journey in LLM

People are asking me to start using LLMs to ask questions about their data. This is good because it's time to teach them about a lot of basics; Stats, Data Science, but hey do we even have a data warehouse to begin with?

I want to start by creating a prototype, all good product managers start with an MVP, which means I desire to create a device that's able to take my text inputs and give me well written output, of course ChatGPT is there but they just had a major outage, and I need high availability in all solutions available to myself, users, and future users in an analytics ecosystem.

First, I'm going to start with a "make it easy" app, let's start with, a product that sounds similar to an idea I had when OpenAI was in beta for ChatGPT.

At this point I question needing this app, but excited i am, and worry I could do this in python sooner, but hey lets give it a shot.

Every journey into LLMs starts with documentation.

My goal with this LLM journey is to document, make it simple, and easy for others to pursue.

  1. Step 1. Try to prototype.
  2. Step 2. Find better learning, links to follow.
  3. Step 3. Try to teach what I learn.
  4. Step 4. Explore other ways of creating X.
  5. Step 5... more to come

Best Tyler Garrett


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