File size: 4,371 Bytes
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# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
import argparse
import logging
import os
import subprocess
# Modify the following value during release
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Current version:
# We use the version of the incoming release for code
# that is under development.
# It is also fallback version to be used when --git-describe
# is not invoked, or when the repository does not present the
# git tags in a format that this script can use.
# Two tag formats are supported:
# - vMAJ.MIN.PATCH (e.g. v0.8.0) or
# - vMAJ.MIN.devN (e.g. v0.8.dev0)
# ---------------------------------------------------
__version__ = "0.1.dev0"
PROJ_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)))
def py_str(cstr):
return cstr.decode("utf-8")
def git_describe_version():
"""Get PEP-440 compatible public and local version using git describe.
pub_ver: str
Public version.
local_ver: str
Local version (with additional label appended to pub_ver).
- We follow PEP 440's convention of public version
and local versions.
- Only tags conforming to vMAJOR.MINOR.REV (e.g. "v0.7.0")
are considered in order to generate the version string.
See the use of `--match` in the `git` command below.
Here are some examples:
- pub_ver = '0.7.0', local_ver = '0.7.0':
We are at the 0.7.0 release.
- pub_ver = '0.8.dev94', local_ver = '0.8.dev94+g0d07a329e':
We are at the 0.8 development cycle.
The current source contains 94 additional commits
after the most recent tag(v0.7.0),
the git short hash tag of the current commit is 0d07a329e.
cmd = [
with subprocess.Popen(
) as proc:
(out, _) = proc.communicate()
if proc.returncode != 0:
msg = py_str(out)
logging.warning("git describe: %s", msg)
return None, None
describe = py_str(out).strip()
arr_info = describe.split("-")
# Remove the v prefix, mainly to be robust
# to the case where v is not presented as well.
if arr_info[0].startswith("v"):
arr_info[0] = arr_info[0][1:]
# hit the exact tag
if len(arr_info) == 1:
return arr_info[0], arr_info[0]
if len(arr_info) != 3:
logging.warning("Invalid output from git describe %s", describe)
return None, None
dev_pos = arr_info[0].find(".dev")
# Development versions:
# The code will reach this point in case it can't match a full release version, such as v0.7.0.
# 1. in case the last known label looks like vMAJ.MIN.devN e.g. v0.8.dev0, we use
# the current behavior of just using vMAJ.MIN.devNNNN+gGIT_REV
if dev_pos != -1:
dev_version = arr_info[0][: arr_info[0].find(".dev")]
# 2. in case the last known label looks like vMAJ.MIN.PATCH e.g. v0.8.0
# then we just carry on with a similar version to what git describe provides, which is
dev_version = arr_info[0]
pub_ver = f"{dev_version}.dev{arr_info[1]}"
local_ver = f"{pub_ver}+{arr_info[2]}"
return pub_ver, local_ver
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Detect and synchronize version.")
help="Print version to the command line. No changes is applied to files.",
help="Use git describe to generate development version.",
parser.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true")
pub_ver, local_ver = git_describe_version()
opt = parser.parse_args()
pub_ver, local_ver = None, None
if opt.git_describe:
pub_ver, local_ver = git_describe_version()
if pub_ver is None:
pub_ver = __version__
if local_ver is None:
local_ver = __version__
if opt.print_version:
if __name__ == "__main__":