Biomedical and Data Lab, Mahidol University's profile picture

Biomedical and Data Lab, Mahidol University


AI & ML interests

Applied machine learning, Applied Natural Language Processing, Data Science

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Biomedical and Data Lab @ Mahidol University 👋

  • 💫 Biomedical and Data (BioDat) lab at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mahidol University runs by Titipat Achakulvisut, titipata since February 2022.
  • 🍙 Our lab works in an intersection of applied natural language processing, applied machine learning, and science of science (or so called metascience).
  • 🧠 We aim to build tools to make better science and build ML applications for biomedical science.
  • 🌟 Applied machine learning for biomedical science, Applied machine learning for science of science

  • 🤖 This space is used for hosting models and demos from the lab