bartowski's picture
Llamacpp quants
fda72d9 verified
library_name: transformers
license: apache-2.0
  - en
  - example_title: Reasoning
    text: >

      You are Hyperion, an AI assistant developed by Sebastian Gabarain with a
      focus in reasoning, coding, science, and other general-purpose subjects.
      You are an AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well. Help as
      much as you can.



      In this task, you are given a description of an object and its
      surroundings. Your

      task is to describe the motion of the object mentioned in the description

      differential equations. The answer should be a mathematical expression in
      t. Description:

      A ball is thrown up at 30 ft/sec from 3 feet off the ground. Solve this

      explaining each step in detail.


      text: >
        Hyperion here. The task requires you to describe the motion of a ball
        thrown up using differential equations. Here's the detailed explanation
        of how to solve it:

        1. Identify the given information:
           - Initial velocity (v0): 30 ft/sec
           - Initial height (y0): 3 feet off the ground

        2. Determine the acceleration due to gravity (g) at sea level, which is
        approximately -32.2 ft/s^2. Since we're dealing with a short distance
        and not very high altitudes, we can consider this value of g as

        3. Use Newton's second law of motion to find the differential equation
        that describes the motion:
           - The net force acting on the ball is the sum of gravity (mg) and air resistance (which we will neglect for simplicity). So, Fnet = mg.
           - Since acceleration equals force divided by mass, a = Fnet/m. In this case, m cancels out, so a = g.
           - The motion equation becomes: dv/dt = g = -32.2 ft/s^2 (since we're moving upwards). This is the first differential equation.

        4. Since we want to describe the ball's position (y) as well, we need
        another differential equation. We can use kinematics equations:
           - The velocity equation is v = v0 + at. Substitute the value of a from step 3:
             dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2. Rewriting it as an integral:
              ∫dv = -32.2 ft/s^2 * dt
           - Integrating with respect to time, we get v(t) = -16.1 t + C (constant of integration).

        5. Now we have two equations, one for velocity and another for position:
           - dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2 (equation 1)
           - v(t) = -16.1 t + C (equation 2)

        6. We need to find the constant C using the initial conditions given in
        the problem. We know that initially, at time t=0, the ball's velocity is
           - Equation 2 becomes v0 = -16.1 * 0 + C, which simplifies to C = v0 = 30 ft/sec (initial velocity).

        7. Now we have both equations with the constants filled in:
           - dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2 (equation 1)
           - v(t) = -16.1 t + 30 ft/sec (equation 2)

        8. Finally, we need to find the ball's position (y) as a function of
           - Use the second kinematics equation y = y0 + v0*t + ½*a*t^2 (since acceleration is constant, it can be moved outside the integral).
           - Substitute the values for v0 and a:
             y(t) = 3 ft + (30 ft/sec) * t + (-½ * 32.2 ft/s^2) * t^2

        That's it! The differential equation describing the motion of the ball
           - dv/dt = -32.2 ft/s^2 (equation 1)
           - v(t) = -16.1 t + 30 ft/sec (equation 2)
           - y(t) = 3 ft + (30 ft/sec) * t - (16.1 t^2) ft (equation 3)
  - Locutusque/hyperion-dpo-v1.0
quantized_by: bartowski
pipeline_tag: text-generation

Llamacpp Quantizations of Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO

Using llama.cpp release b2440 for quantization.

Original model:

Download a file (not the whole branch) from below:

Filename Quant type File Size Description
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q8_0.gguf Q8_0 7.69GB Extremely high quality, generally unneeded but max available quant.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q6_K.gguf Q6_K 5.94GB Very high quality, near perfect, recommended.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q5_K_M.gguf Q5_K_M 5.13GB High quality, very usable.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q5_K_S.gguf Q5_K_S 4.99GB High quality, very usable.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q5_0.gguf Q5_0 4.99GB High quality, older format, generally not recommended.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q4_K_M.gguf Q4_K_M 4.36GB Good quality, similar to 4.25 bpw.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q4_K_S.gguf Q4_K_S 4.14GB Slightly lower quality with small space savings.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-IQ4_NL.gguf IQ4_NL 4.15GB Good quality, similar to Q4_K_S, new method of quanting,
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-IQ4_XS.gguf IQ4_XS 3.94GB Decent quality, new method with similar performance to Q4.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q4_0.gguf Q4_0 4.10GB Decent quality, older format, generally not recommended.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-IQ3_M.gguf IQ3_M 3.28GB Medium-low quality, new method with decent performance.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-IQ3_S.gguf IQ3_S 3.18GB Lower quality, new method with decent performance, recommended over Q3 quants.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q3_K_L.gguf Q3_K_L 3.82GB Lower quality but usable, good for low RAM availability.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q3_K_M.gguf Q3_K_M 3.51GB Even lower quality.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q3_K_S.gguf Q3_K_S 3.16GB Low quality, not recommended.
Hyperion-3.0-Mistral-7B-DPO-Q2_K.gguf Q2_K 2.71GB Extremely low quality, not recommended.

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