bartowski's picture
891f9cd verified
- en
license: other
- axolotl
- instruct
- finetune
- chatml
- gpt4
- synthetic data
- science
- physics
- chemistry
- biology
- math
- qwen
- qwen2
base_model: Qwen/Qwen2-7B
- allenai/ai2_arc
- camel-ai/physics
- camel-ai/chemistry
- camel-ai/biology
- camel-ai/math
- metaeval/reclor
- openbookqa
- mandyyyyii/scibench
- derek-thomas/ScienceQA
- TIGER-Lab/ScienceEval
- jondurbin/airoboros-3.2
- LDJnr/Capybara
- Cot-Alpaca-GPT4-From-OpenHermes-2.5
- STEM-AI-mtl/Electrical-engineering
- knowrohit07/saraswati-stem
- sablo/oasst2_curated
- lmsys/lmsys-chat-1m
- TIGER-Lab/MathInstruct
- bigbio/med_qa
- meta-math/MetaMathQA-40K
- openbookqa
- piqa
- metaeval/reclor
- derek-thomas/ScienceQA
- scibench
- sciq
- Open-Orca/SlimOrca
- migtissera/Synthia-v1.3
- TIGER-Lab/ScienceEval
- allenai/WildChat
- microsoft/orca-math-word-problems-200k
- openchat/openchat_sharegpt4_dataset
- teknium/GPTeacher-General-Instruct
- m-a-p/CodeFeedback-Filtered-Instruction
- totally-not-an-llm/EverythingLM-data-V3
- HuggingFaceH4/no_robots
- OpenAssistant/oasst_top1_2023-08-25
- WizardLM/WizardLM_evol_instruct_70k
- abacusai/SystemChat-1.1
- H-D-T/Buzz-V1.2
quantized_by: bartowski
pipeline_tag: text-generation
## Exllama v2 Quantizations of Einstein-v7-Qwen2-7B
Using <a href="">turboderp's ExLlamaV2 v0.1.6</a> for quantization.
<b>The "main" branch only contains the measurement.json, download one of the other branches for the model (see below)</b>
Each branch contains an individual bits per weight, with the main one containing only the meaurement.json for further conversions.
Original model:
## Prompt format
## Available sizes
| Branch | Bits | lm_head bits | VRAM (4k) | VRAM (16k) | VRAM (32k) | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ------- | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------------ |
| [8_0]( | 8.0 | 8.0 | 8.4 GB | 9.8 GB | 11.8 GB | Maximum quality that ExLlamaV2 can produce, near unquantized performance. |
| [6_5]( | 6.5 | 8.0 | 7.2 GB | 8.6 GB | 10.6 GB | Very similar to 8.0, good tradeoff of size vs performance, **recommended**. |
| [5_0]( | 5.0 | 6.0 | 6.0 GB | 7.4 GB | 9.4 GB | Slightly lower quality vs 6.5, but usable on 8GB cards. |
| [4_25]( | 4.25 | 6.0 | 5.3 GB | 6.7 GB | 8.7 GB | GPTQ equivalent bits per weight, slightly higher quality. |
| [3_5]( | 3.5 | 6.0 | 4.7 GB | 6.1 GB | 8.1 GB | Lower quality, only use if you have to. |
## Download instructions
With git:
git clone --single-branch --branch 6_5 Einstein-v7-Qwen2-7B-exl2-6_5
With huggingface hub (credit to TheBloke for instructions):
pip3 install huggingface-hub
To download a specific branch, use the `--revision` parameter. For example, to download the 6.5 bpw branch:
huggingface-cli download bartowski/Einstein-v7-Qwen2-7B-exl2 --revision 6_5 --local-dir Einstein-v7-Qwen2-7B-exl2-6_5
Windows (which apparently doesn't like _ in folders sometimes?):
huggingface-cli download bartowski/Einstein-v7-Qwen2-7B-exl2 --revision 6_5 --local-dir Einstein-v7-Qwen2-7B-exl2-6.5
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