flair-ner-spanish-judicial / docs /en-entities-table.md
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added basic entities description
Entity Description
ART_INFRINGIDO Article(s) of the infraction(s) in the case.
CONDUCTA Indicates the action relating to the crime, contravention, or misdemeanor described in the article infringed.
CONDUCTA_DESCRIPCION Indicates that the contravention or offence infringed has some particularity, such as being aggravated by some causality.
DECISION Fragment of text denoting a decision taken by the court regarding the case.
DETALLE Specifies OBJETO_DE_LA_RESOLUCION as to what was resolved.
EDAD_AL_MOMENTO_DEL_HECHO Indicates the age of the person at the time of the event.
FECHA_DEL_HECHO Date on which the reported event occurred.
FECHA_RESOLUCION Day of resolution. In the case of oral hearings, it is the day of the beginning of the hearing.
FRASES_AGRESION Transcription of the phrases described by the victim as the verbal aggression suffered and that are part of the facts of the case. Applies to cases of verbal violence.
GENERO Gender.
HIJOS_HIJAS_EN_COMUN Indicates whether the accused person and the complainant have children in common.
HORA_DE_CIERRE Time of end of court hearing.
HORA_DE_INICIO Court hearing start time.
LUGAR_DEL_HECHO Indicates the physical place (environment or public road) where the facts occurred or if it was committed by technological means.
MODALIDAD_DE_LA_VIOLENCIA The way in which the different types of violence manifest themselves. For example: domestic, institutional, media, labor, reproductive freedom, obstetric, in public or private spaces, and political and public violence.
N_EXPTE_EJE Case identifier number.
NIVEL_INSTRUCCION Level of formal education attained by the individual.
OBJETO_DE_LA_RESOLUCION About what was resolved.
PERSONA_ACUSADA_NO_DETERMINADA In case the accused person is not a natural person or is not determined. For example: legal entity, social network user, etc.
RELACION_Y_TIPO_ENTRE_ACUSADO/A_Y_DENUNCIANTE Indicates the type of relationship the accused person has with the complainant.
TIPO_DE_RESOLUCION Interlocutory decisions are those that define a specific issue during the process of the proceeding, or final decisions are those that put an end to the process of the case.
VIOLENCIA_DE_GENERO If the fact under investigation is within a context of gender violence.