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| Entity | Description |
| PER | Individual identified in the context, could be a complainant, accused, witness, or another actor in the case. |
| FECHA | Relevant date in the context of the case, such as date of birth, date of the incident, etc. |
| DIRECCION | Physical address associated with some aspect of the case. |
| DNI | National Identity Document number of a person identified in the context. |
| TEXTO_ANONIMIZAR | Text that requires anonymization or protection of sensitive data. |
| LOC | Location or geographic place relevant in the context of the case. |
| NUM_EXPEDIENTE | Identifying number of the case file related to the case. |
| NUM_ACTUACION | Number of actions within the legal process. |
| CUIJ | Judicial Unique Identification Code. |
| TELEFONO | Relevant telephone number in the context of the case. |
| EDAD | Age of the person at the relevant moment of the case. |
| LINK | Relevant web link or URL in the context of the case. |
| CORREO_ELECTRONICO | Email address associated with a person in the case. |
| BANCO | Name or relevant banking entity in the context of the case. |
| NACIONALIDAD | Nationality of a person identified in the context. |
| MARCA_AUTOMOVIL | Brand of the relevant automobile in the context of the case. |
| PATENTE_DOMINIO | License plate or domain number of a vehicle related to the case. |
| CUIT_CUIL | Unique Tax Identification Code of a person or entity. |
| ESTUDIOS | Level of formal studies achieved by a person identified in the case. |
| CBU | Banking Unique Code associated with a bank account in the context of the case. |
| NOMBRE_ARCHIVO | Name of the relevant file or document in the case. |
| USUARIX | User on digital platforms or social networks. |
| NUM_MATRICULA | Professional registration number associated with a person in the context of the case. |
| IP | IP address associated with some activity in the context of the case. |
| NUM_CAJA_AHORRO | Savings account number related to the case. |