system's picture
system HF staff
language: en
- license
- sentence-classification
- scancode
- license-compliance
license: apache-2.0
- bookcorpus
- wikipedia
- scancode-rules
version: 1.0
# `lic-class-scancode-bert-base-cased-L32-1`
## Intended Use
This model is intended to be used for Sentence Classification which is used for results
analysis in [`scancode-results-analyzer`](
`scancode-results-analyzer` helps detect faulty scans in [`scancode-toolkit`]( by using statistics and nlp modeling, among other tools,
to make Scancode better.
## How to Use
Refer [quickstart]( section in `scancode-results-analyzer` documentation, for installing and getting started.
- [Link to Code](
Then in `NLPModelsPredict` class, function `predict_basic_lic_class` uses this classifier to
predict sentances as either valid license tags or false positives.
## Limitations and Bias
As this model is a fine-tuned version of the [`bert-base-cased`]( model,
it has the same biases, but as the task it is fine-tuned to is a very specific task
(license text/notice/tag/referance) without those intended biases, it's safe to assume
those don't apply at all here.
## Training and Fine-Tuning Data
The BERT model was pretrained on BookCorpus, a dataset consisting of 11,038 unpublished books and English Wikipedia (excluding lists, tables and headers).
Then this `bert-base-cased` model was fine-tuned on Scancode Rule texts, specifically
trained in the context of sentence classification, where the four classes are
- License Text
- License Notice
- License Tag
- License Referance
## Training Procedure
For fine-tuning procedure and training, refer `scancode-results-analyzer` code.
- [Link to Code](
In `NLPModelsTrain` class, function `prepare_input_data_false_positive` prepares the
training data.
In `NLPModelsTrain` class, function `train_basic_false_positive_classifier` fine-tunes
this classifier.
1. Model - [BertBaseCased]( (Weights 0.5 GB)
2. Sentence Length - 32
3. Labels - 4 (License Text/Notice/Tag/Referance)
4. After 4 Epochs of Fine-Tuning with learning rate 2e-5 (60 secs each on an RTX 2060)
Note: The classes aren't balanced.
## Eval Results
- Accuracy on the training data (90%) : 0.98 (+- 0.01)
- Accuracy on the validation data (10%) : 0.84 (+- 0.01)
## Further Work
1. Apllying Splitting/Aggregation Strategies
2. Data Augmentation according to Vaalidation Errors
3. Bigger/Better Suited Models