system's picture
system HF staff
language: en
- license
- sentence-classification
- scancode
- license-compliance
license: apache-2.0
- bookcorpus
- wikipedia
- scancode-rules
version: 1.0
# `false-positives-scancode-bert-base-uncased-L8-1`
## Intended Use
This model is intended to be used for Sentence Classification which is used for results
analysis in [`scancode-results-analyzer`](
`scancode-results-analyzer` helps detect faulty scans in [`scancode-toolkit`]( by using statistics and nlp modeling, among other tools,
to make Scancode better.
#### How to use
Refer [quickstart]( section in `scancode-results-analyzer` documentation, for installing and getting started.
- [Link to Code](
Then in `NLPModelsPredict` class, function `predict_basic_false_positive` uses this classifier to
predict sentances as either valid license tags or false positives.
#### Limitations and bias
As this model is a fine-tuned version of the [`bert-base-uncased`]( model,
it has the same biases, but as the task it is fine-tuned to is a very specific field
(license tags vs false positives) without those intended biases, it's safe to assume
those don't apply at all here.
## Training and Fine-Tuning Data
The BERT model was pretrained on BookCorpus, a dataset consisting of 11,038 unpublished books and English Wikipedia (excluding lists, tables and headers).
Then this `bert-base-uncased` model was fine-tuned on Scancode Rule texts, specifically
trained in the context of sentence classification, where the two classes are
- License Tags
- False Positives of License Tags
## Training procedure
For fine-tuning procedure and training, refer `scancode-results-analyzer` code.
- [Link to Code](
In `NLPModelsTrain` class, function `prepare_input_data_false_positive` prepares the
training data.
In `NLPModelsTrain` class, function `train_basic_false_positive_classifier` fine-tunes
this classifier.
1. Model - [BertBaseUncased]( (Weights 0.5 GB)
2. Sentence Length - 8
3. Labels - 2 (False Positive/License Tag)
4. After 4-6 Epochs of Fine-Tuning with learning rate 2e-5 (6 secs each on an RTX 2060)
Note: The classes aren't balanced.
## Eval results
- Accuracy on the training data (90%) : 0.99 (+- 0.005)
- Accuracy on the validation data (10%) : 0.96 (+- 0.015)
The errors have lower confidence scores using thresholds on confidence scores almost
makes it a perfect classifier as the classification task is comparatively easier.
Results are stable, in the sence fine-tuning accuracy is very easily achieved every
time, though more learning epochs makes the data overfit, i.e. the training loss
decreases, but the validation loss increases, even though accuracies are very stable
even on overfitting.