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language: id
- text: "Wahai rembulan yang tertutup awan hujan"
# Indonesian GPT-2 finetuned on Indonesian poems
This is the [Indonesian gpt2-small model](https://huggingface.co/flax-community/gpt2-small-indonesian) fine-tuned to Indonesian poems. The dataset can be found in [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/id_puisi) All training was done on Google Colab Jupyter Notebook (soon).
The dataset is splitted into two subset with details belows:
| split | count (examples) | percentage |
| ---------- | ---------- | -------------- |
| train | 7,358 | 80% |
| validation | 1,890 | 20% |
### Evaluation results
The model evaluation results after 10 epochs are as follows:
| dataset | train/loss | eval/loss | eval perplexity |
| ---------- | ---------- | -------------- | ---------- |
| [id puisi](https://huggingface.co/datasets/id_puisi) | 3.324700 | 3.502665 | 33.20 |
The logs can be found in [wandb page here](https://wandb.ai/ayamerushia/gpt-2_poem/runs/36ymudz9/overview?workspace=user-ayamerushia) or tensorboard [here](https://huggingface.co/ayameRushia/gpt2-small-indonesia-fine-tuning-poem/tensorboard)