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# LJSpeech
[LJSpeech]( is a public domain TTS
corpus with around 24 hours of English speech sampled at 22.05kHz. We provide examples for building
[Transformer]( and [FastSpeech 2](
models on this dataset.
## Data preparation
Download data, create splits and generate audio manifests with
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.preprocessing.get_ljspeech_audio_manifest \
--output-data-root ${AUDIO_DATA_ROOT} \
--output-manifest-root ${AUDIO_MANIFEST_ROOT}
Then, extract log-Mel spectrograms, generate feature manifest and create data configuration YAML with
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.preprocessing.get_feature_manifest \
--audio-manifest-root ${AUDIO_MANIFEST_ROOT} \
--output-root ${FEATURE_MANIFEST_ROOT} \
--ipa-vocab --use-g2p
where we use phoneme inputs (`--ipa-vocab --use-g2p`) as example.
FastSpeech 2 additionally requires frame durations, pitch and energy as auxiliary training targets.
Add `--add-fastspeech-targets` to include these fields in the feature manifests. We get frame durations either from
phoneme-level force-alignment or frame-level pseudo-text unit sequence. They should be pre-computed and specified via:
- `--textgrid-zip ${TEXT_GRID_ZIP_PATH}` for a ZIP file, inside which there is one
[TextGrid]( file per sample to provide force-alignment info.
- `--id-to-units-tsv ${ID_TO_UNIT_TSV}` for a TSV file, where there are 2 columns for sample ID and
space-delimited pseudo-text unit sequence, respectively.
For your convenience, we provide pre-computed
[force-alignment]( from
[Montreal Forced Aligner]( and
[pseudo-text units](s3:// from
[HuBERT]( You can also generate them by yourself using
a different software or model.
## Training
#### Transformer
fairseq-train ${FEATURE_MANIFEST_ROOT} --save-dir ${SAVE_DIR} \
--config-yaml config.yaml --train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--num-workers 4 --max-tokens 30000 --max-update 200000 \
--task text_to_speech --criterion tacotron2 --arch tts_transformer \
--clip-norm 5.0 --n-frames-per-step 4 --bce-pos-weight 5.0 \
--dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 --activation-dropout 0.1 \
--encoder-normalize-before --decoder-normalize-before \
--optimizer adam --lr 2e-3 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 \
--seed 1 --update-freq 8 --eval-inference --best-checkpoint-metric mcd_loss
where `SAVE_DIR` is the checkpoint root path. We set `--update-freq 8` to simulate 8 GPUs with 1 GPU. You may want to
update it accordingly when using more than 1 GPU.
#### FastSpeech2
fairseq-train ${FEATURE_MANIFEST_ROOT} --save-dir ${SAVE_DIR} \
--config-yaml config.yaml --train-subset train --valid-subset dev \
--num-workers 4 --max-sentences 6 --max-update 200000 \
--task text_to_speech --criterion fastspeech2 --arch fastspeech2 \
--clip-norm 5.0 --n-frames-per-step 1 \
--dropout 0.1 --attention-dropout 0.1 \
--optimizer adam --lr 5e-4 --lr-scheduler inverse_sqrt --warmup-updates 4000 \
--seed 1 --update-freq 8 --eval-inference --best-checkpoint-metric mcd_loss
## Inference
Average the last 5 checkpoints, generate the test split spectrogram and waveform using the default Griffin-Lim vocoder:
python scripts/ --inputs ${SAVE_DIR} \
--num-epoch-checkpoints 5 \
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.generate_waveform ${FEATURE_MANIFEST_ROOT} \
--config-yaml config.yaml --gen-subset ${SPLIT} --task text_to_speech \
--path ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --max-tokens 50000 --spec-bwd-max-iter 32 \
which dumps files (waveform, feature, attention plot, etc.) to `${SAVE_DIR}/generate-${CHECKPOINT_NAME}-${SPLIT}`. To
re-synthesize target waveforms for automatic evaluation, add `--dump-target`.
## Automatic Evaluation
To start with, generate the manifest for synthetic speech, which will be taken as inputs by evaluation scripts.
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.evaluation.get_eval_manifest \
--generation-root ${SAVE_DIR}/generate-${CHECKPOINT_NAME}-${SPLIT} \
--audio-manifest ${AUDIO_MANIFEST_ROOT}/${SPLIT}.audio.tsv \
--output-path ${EVAL_OUTPUT_ROOT}/eval.tsv \
--vocoder griffin_lim --sample-rate 22050 --audio-format flac \
Speech recognition (ASR) models usually operate at lower sample rates (e.g. 16kHz). For the WER/CER metric,
you may need to resample the audios accordingly --- add `--output-sample-rate 16000` for `` and
use `--sample-rate 16000` for ``.
#### WER/CER metric
We use wav2vec 2.0 ASR model as example. [Download](
the model checkpoint and dictionary, then compute WER/CER with
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.evaluation.eval_asr \
--audio-header syn --text-header text --err-unit char --split ${SPLIT} \
--w2v-ckpt ${WAV2VEC2_CHECKPOINT_PATH} --w2v-dict-dir ${WAV2VEC2_DICT_DIR} \
--raw-manifest ${EVAL_OUTPUT_ROOT}/eval_16khz.tsv --asr-dir ${EVAL_OUTPUT_ROOT}/asr
#### MCD/MSD metric
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.evaluation.eval_sp \
${EVAL_OUTPUT_ROOT}/eval.tsv --mcd --msd
#### F0 metrics
python -m examples.speech_synthesis.evaluation.eval_f0 \
${EVAL_OUTPUT_ROOT}/eval.tsv --gpe --vde --ffe
## Results
| --arch | Params | Test MCD | Model |
| tts_transformer | 54M | 3.8 | [Download]( |
| fastspeech2 | 41M | 3.8 | [Download]( |