cryptid /
amazingvince's picture
54173ea verified
license: apache-2.0
  - BEE-spoke-data/fineweb-cryptid-5k

New model tuning stratagy. Adding text to make this long enough.

Model Description

The Cryptid Detection Model is designed to generate and classify text related to cryptids, which are creatures from folklore and urban legends. The model is trained on a diverse dataset of cryptid-related content, including descriptions, stories, sightings, and various folklore sources. Intended Use

Primary Use Case: Generating and classifying text about cryptids for entertainment, research, and educational purposes.
Secondary Use Cases: Assisting in the creation of cryptid-related content for books, articles, and media.

Input and Output

Input: Text prompts or descriptions.
Output: Generated text about cryptids or classifications of the input text as related to specific cryptids.

Training Data

The model was trained on a curated dataset of cryptid-related text, including but not limited to:

Books and articles about cryptids.
Online forums and discussion boards.
Folklore databases.
User-submitted stories and sightings.

Data Preprocessing

Text cleaning: Removal of special characters, HTML tags, and excessive whitespace.
Tokenization: Breaking down text into tokens for training.

Model Performance

Metrics: [Accuracy, F1 Score, Precision, Recall, etc.]
Evaluation: The model was evaluated on a validation set consisting of [describe the validation set].

Limitations and Biases

Biases: The model may reflect biases present in the training data, such as regional biases in folklore or common myths.
Limitations: The model may not accurately generate or classify less common or very specific cryptids.

Ethical Considerations

The model is intended for entertainment and educational purposes. It should not be used as a factual source for scientific research or investigation.
Users should be aware of the potential for generating content that might be misinterpreted as factual.

Future Work

Expanding the training dataset to include more diverse sources.
Improving classification accuracy for less common cryptids.
Adding functionality for multilingual support.