Richard A Aragon


AI & ML interests

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Posts 5

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I can do Time Series Predictions with Swarm Algorithms! When all you know how to use is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. An LLM model is a hammer. It is not a deity. It has computational and mathematical limitations. Very big ones. Swarm Algorithms do not have this same problem. They are like a screwdriver. The screwdriver is not better than the hammer, both are useful. Why are LLM models bad at things like Time Series Predictions and Function Calls? Because those are jobs better fit for a screwdriver as opposed to a hammer.
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I have invented a method that is better than Diffusion. A company got a billion dollar valuation yesterday for less than what I am currently giving the world for free. I am starting to suspect that is the issue, I am giving it away for free. I meant it to be a gift to the world, but no one will even look at it. I am changing the licensing soon. It will no longer be free. At the moment, you can view exactly how Swarm Neural Networks can do everything Reverse Diffusion can do, for far less money. It can even make API calls.

SNN Image Generator: TuringsSolutions/SNN-Image-Generator

SNN Function Caller (Controlled By TinyLlama): TuringsSolutions/Qwen-2.0.5B-Swarm-Function-Caller