File size: 66,293 Bytes
    "language": "en",
    "title": "Pesach Haggadah",
    "versionSource": "",
    "versionTitle": "A. Alexander 1787",
    "status": "locked",
    "license": "Public Domain",
    "versionNotes": "First English Haggadah",
    "versionTitleInHebrew": "",
    "versionNotesInHebrew": "讛转专讙讜诐 讛讗谞讙诇讬 讛拽讚讜诐 讘讬讜转专 砖诇 讛讛讙讚讛",
    "actualLanguage": "en",
    "languageFamilyName": "english",
    "isBaseText": false,
    "isSource": false,
    "direction": "ltr",
    "heTitle": "讛讙讚讛 砖诇 驻住讞",
    "categories": [
    "text": {
        "Kadesh": [
            "<small><i>(if on Friday Night begin as follows)</i></small>",
            "The sixth day, the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them, and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made: and he rested on the seventh day from all work which he had made, and God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his works, which God created and made. ",
            "<small><i>(If on any other Night of the week begin here.)</i></small>",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord our God, king of the universe, who created the fruit of the wine.",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord! our God, kind of the universe, who hast chosen us from all other nations, and hast exalted us from all other languages, and sanctified us with thy commandments and given to us with love, O lord! our God,<small><i>(if on Sabbath say)</i></small> the Sabbath of resting and the Festival for Rejoycing, to celebrate the seasons, to rejoice (if on Sabbath say, this day of Sabbath and) this day the festival of unleavened bread, it being the time of our redemption, the time of rejoicing (in love) and holy convocation, as a memorial of the redemption from Egypt, for us hast thou chosen, and us hast thou sanctified from all other nations <small>(Sabbath)</small> and the sanctified Festival <small>(with love and pleasure)</small> with rejoicing and mirth have we inherited it;",
            "<small>blesses art thou, O lord! that sactifieth (the Sabbath) Israel, and the season.</small>",
            "<small><i>If on Saturday Night include as follows.</i></small>",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord! our God, king of the universe, who createth the light of fire.<br>Blessed arth thou, O lord! our God, king of the universe, who divides the holy from the unholy, between light and darkness, between Israel and other nations, between the seventh and the sixth day of the creation, between the holy Sabbath to the sanctified Festival hast thou divided and the seventh day<br>Blessed arth thou, O lord! our God, king of the universe, who divides the holy from the unholy, between light and darkness, between Israel and other nations, between the seventh and the sixth day of the creation, between the holy Sabbath to the sanctified Festival hast thou divided and the seventh day from, people Israel with holiness.",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord! the divider of the holy from the most holy. ",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord! our God, king of the universe, who hast maintained us, and hast let us remain to enjoy this season.",
            "<small><i>Then the Glass or Cup of Wine is drank,</i></small>"
        "Urchatz": [
            "<small>afterwards the Master saith. Blessed art thou, O lord! our God kind of the universe, who hast sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to cleanse our hands.</small>"
        "Karpas": [
            "<small><i>(Then the Master of the family takes some charvil, and dips it in salt-water and saith. After which, the Master of the family breaks the Cake which lays in the dish, with the two notches, and saves one half of it till after Supper under his pillow*, and the other half remains in the dish)</i></small> \n",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord! our God, king of the universe, who creates the fruit of the ground"
        "Yachatz": [],
        "Magid": {
            "Ha Lachma Anya": [
                "<small><i>Then they take the egg and shank-bone from off the dish, and every one round the table puts one hand to the dish where the cakes are in, and says the follows.</i></small>",
                "The Likeness of this poor bread did our ancestors eat in the land of Egypt; all those that are hungry, let them approach and partake, all those that are in want, let them come and partake of the Paschal; at present we are here, but the next year we hope to be in the land of Israel, at present we are in servitude, but the next year we hope to be Children of Freedom."
            "Four Questions": [
                "<small><i>Then fill the glass with wine the second time, and say</i></small>",
                "Wherefore differs this night from all other nights? other nights we eat leavened, or unleavened bread, this night we eat only leavened? All other nights we eat any sort of herbs, but this night only bitter herbs? other nights we do not dip even once, but this night twice? all other nights we eat either setting or leaning, but this night we all lean?"
            "We Were Slaves in Egypt": [
                "We were servants unto Pharaoh in Egypt, and the lord our God! delivered us from thence, with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm; had not he, blessed be his holy name, brought out ancestors forth from Egypt, verily we, our children, and our children's children, would have been in servitude to Pharaoh in Egypt; for even if we were all wise, all men of knowledge, all aged, or understanding in the law of God, it is commanded us, that we shall discourse of the Redemption of Egypt; and every one who discourses of the Redemption is praised."
            "Story of the Five Rabbis": [
                "It happened that Rabbi Eleazer, and Rabbi Joshuah, and Rabbi Eleazer the son of Azaria, Rabbi Akeva, and Rabbi Tarphon, were entertained amongst the children of Berak, and discoursed all that night of the Redemption of Egypt, until their disciples came unto them, and said, the time is approached for saying the chapter of the Morning.",
                "Rabbi Eleazer the son of Azariah saith, verily I am as a man of seventy years, and never had the happiness of knowing, that the saying of the redemption of Egypt was to be said by night, till it was expounded by the son of Zomah: as it is written, thou shalt remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt, all the days of thy life: the days of thy life is meaning days, and all the days of thy life is meaning night: but the wise saith, the days of thy life is meaning this world, and all the days of thy life is meaning futurity, in the days of the Messiah."
            "The Four Sons": [
                "Blessed is the Creator, blessed is he, blesses is he who gave the law to his people Israel, blessed is he whose law expresseth of these four different sorts of children. The wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one not having the capacity of asking.",
                "The wise saith, what mean these testimonies, statutes, and judgments, which the lord our God hath commanded us? then thou shalt say unto him according to the Paschal, as it is ordered us.",
                "The wicked saith, what mean you by this service? by which expression, he draweth himself from the community and denies the omnipotence. Then shalt thou say unto him, on this account did the lord do this unto me, on my going out of Egypt, to me and not to thee, for hadest thou been there, thou wouldest not have been redeemed.",
                "The simple saith, what is this? and thou shalt say unto him, by strength of the lord he brought us out from Egypt from the house of bondage.",
                "And to him not in capacity of asking, thou must inculcate knowledge into him, as it is written, and thou shalt declare unto thy son, in that day, saying, this is done because of that which the lord did unto me, when I came forth from Egypt."
            "Yechol Me'rosh Chodesh": [
                "It may be thought that this ceremony ought to be begun on the first of the month, it is declared on the same day, if on the same day, it may be thought, whilst it is day, it is declared on that account, this is not to be said, but at the time appointed, when the unleavened and bitter herbs do lay before thee."
            "In the Beginning Our Fathers Were Idol Worshipers": [
                "At the beginning, our ancestors were worshippers of idols, but the lord has now advanced us to his service, as it is written, and Joshua said unto all the people, thus saith the lord God of Israel, your father dwelt on the other side of the flood, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nahor; and they served other Gods.",
                "And I took your father Abraham, from the other side of the flood, and I led him thro' all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac, and I gave unto Isaac Jacob and Esau: and I gave unto Esau Mount Seir to possess it; but Jacob and his children went down into Egypt.",
                "Blessed is he that keepeth his promise unto Israel. Blesses is he, and holy be his name, for he accounteth the end to perform, as he said unto Abraham our father, at the covenant betwixt the pieces, as it is written, and he said unto Abram, know as a surety, that thy feed shall be a stranger in a land that is not their's, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them four hundred years, and also that nation whom they shall serve will I judge, and afterwards shall they come out with great substance.",
                "And the same stood in the favour of our ancestors, and unto us, for it was not one who arose up against us the destroy us, but even in several generations they arose up against us to destroy us, but the lord delivered us out of their hands."
            "First Fruits Declaration": [
                "Go forth and learn how Laban the Amarite thought to serve our father Jacob, for Pharaoh did decree only to destroy the males, but Laban though to root out the whole, as it is written, a Syrian would have caused my father to have perished, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous.",
                "And he descended into Egypt, according to the word of the lord, and dwelt there, from whence it is learned, that Jacob did not descend thither for to continue, but only to dwell there, as it is written, and they said moreover unto Pharaoh, for to sojourn in the land are we come: for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks, for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore we pray thee, let thy servant dwell in the land of Goshen.",
                "With a small number of people, as it is written, with seventy souls did your father descend into Egypt, and now the lord thy God has made thee as the stars of the heavens for multitude, ",
                "and he became there a nation, from which it is learned, that Israel dwelled and were noted there, great and mighty, as it is written, and the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, and multiplied and waxed exceeding mighty, and the land was filled with them.",
                "And populous, as it is written, I have caused thee to multiply as the bud of the field, and thou hast increased and waxen great, and thou art come to excellent ornaments: thy breasts are fashioned, and thine hair in grown, whereas thou wast naked and bare.",
                "And the Egyptians did evil treat, afflict, and laid upon us hard bondage, and the Egyptians did evil treat us, as it is written, come on, let us, deal wisely with them; least they multiply, and it come to pass, that when there falleth out any war,they join also our enemies, and fight against us, and get them out of the land.",
                "And they afflicted us, as it is written, they did set over them task-makers, to afflict them with their burdens, and they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Rameses,",
                "and they laid upon us hard bondage, as it is written, and the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour.",
                "And we cried unto the lord God of our fathers, and the lord heard our voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labour, and our oppression; ",
                "and we cried unto the lord God of our fathers, as it is written, and it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died, and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage: and the cried, and their cry came unto God, by reason of their bondage: ",
                "and God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.",
                "And he saw our affliction, meaning the separating the custom of the land, as it is written, and God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.",
                "And our labour, meaning the male children, as it is written, every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive.",
                "And our oppression, as it is written, and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppressed them.",
                "And the lord took us out of Egypt with a strong hand, and with a stretched-out arm, and with great terror, and with signs and with wonders,",
                "and the lord God brought us forth from Egypt, not by the hand of an angels, neither by the hand of a seraph, nor by the hand of a messenger, but the lord God, himself in his glory, as it is written, And I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the Gods of Egypt I will execute judgment, I am the lord.",
                "For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, myself without an angel and I will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt myself without a seraph; and against all the Gods of Egypt I will execute judgment, I am the lord! I am he, and not a messenger, I am the lord! I am he, and there is no other.",
                "With a strong hand (meaning the murrain) as it is written, behold, the hand of the lord is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep, there shall be a very grievous murrain.",
                "And with a stretched-out arm (meaning the sword) as it is written, and his sword drawn in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem,",
                "and with great terror (meaning the glory of the lord) as is written, hath God assayed to go and take unto him a nation from the midst of another nation, by temptations, by signs, by wonders, by way: and with a mighty hand, by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors, according to all the lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes.",
                "And with signs (meaning the rod) as is written, and thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs. ",
                "And with wonders (meaning the blood) as it is written, and I will give wonders in the heavens and on earth, blood and fire; and pillars of smoke"
            "The Ten Plagues": [
                "Otherwise with a strong hand, is meant two plagues and with a stretched-out arm is two, and with great terrors is two, and with signs is two, and with wonders is also two.",
                "These are the ten plagues, which the lord brought on the Egyptians in Egypt. ",
                "frogs, ",
                "and slaying the first born.",
                "Rabbi Judah makes remarks thereon, (and takes the first letter of each of the ten plagues, which makes, 讚爪讱 注讚砖 讘讗讞'讘\n",
                "Rabbi Jose of Gallicia, faith, from whence dost thou learn that the Egyptians were smitten in Egypt with ten plagues, and upon the sea they were smitten with fifty plagues? it is written, and the magicians said unto Pharaoh, this is the finger of God: and by the sea, it is written, and Israel saw the mighty hand which the lord did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the lord, and believed the lord, and his servant Moses. Thus they were smitten with the finger with ten plagues, saying, from thence in Egypt they were smitten with ten plagues, and upon the sea they were smitten with fifty plagues.",
                "Rabbi Eleazer saith, from whence is it proved that each plague, which the lord brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt, consisted of four plagues? it is written, he casted upon them the fierceness of his anger with wrath, and indignation, and trouble, sending evil angels. Fierceness of his anger is one plague, wrath is two, indignation is three, trouble and sending evil angels is four; saying from thence in Egypt they were smitten with forty plagues, and upon the sea with two hundred plagues.",
                "Rabbi Akeba saith, from whence do we learn that every plague, which the lord brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt, consisted of five plagues? for it is said, he cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, indignation, and trouble, sending evil spirits. The fierceness of anger is meant one, the wrath is two, indignation is three, trouble is four, and sending evil angels is five. Saying from thence, if in Egypt they received fifty, and every one to be ten, they received fifty in Egypt, and upon the sea, two hundred and fifty plagues"
            "Dayenu": [
                "How many degrees of goodness has the lord performed towards us?",
                "if he had taken us out of Egypt and had not executed judgment upon them, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had executed judgment upon them, and not on their Gods, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had executed judgment on their Gods, and not have slain their first-born, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had slain their first-born, and not have given us their wealth, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had given us their wealth, and had not cloven the sea for us, it would have been sufficient.",
                "if he had cloven the sea for us, and not have caused us to pass through on dry land, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had caused us to pass through on dry land, and had not plunged our oppressors in the midst thereof, it would have been sufficient",
                "If he had plunged out oppressors in the midst thereof, and had not supplied us with necessaries in the wilderness forty years, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had supplied us with necessaries in the wilderness forty years, and had not fed us with Manna, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had fed us with Manna, and not have given us the Sabbath, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had given us the Sabbath, and had not brought us to Mount Sinai, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had advanced us before Mount Sinai, and had not given us his law, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had given us his law, and now have brought us to the land of promise, it would have been sufficient.",
                "If he had brought us to the land of promise, and had not built the temple, it would have been sufficient.",
                "Upon each, how much and many goodnesses doubly repeated hath the lord wrought towards us? taken us out of Egypt, executing judgment on them, and on their Gods, slain their first-born, and gave us their wealth, cloven the sea for us, caused us to pass through dry land, and plunged out oppressors in the midst thereof, supplied us with necessaries in the wilderness forty years, fed us with Manna, and gave us the Sabbath, brought us to Mount Sinai, and gave us his law, and brought us to the land of promise, and builded the temple for the forgiveness of our sin."
            "Rabban Gamliel's Three Things": [
                "Raban Gamliel saith, and person not discoursing on the Passover of the following, does not discharge his duty: (these are they,) the Paschal, the unleavened cake, and the bitter herbs.",
                "The Paschal, which our ancestors did eat at the time when the sanctuary was established, on account of the lord passing by the houses of our ancestors in Egypt, as it is written, that they shall say, it is the sacrifice of the lord 's Passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt. when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered out houses, and the people bowed their heads, and worshipped.",
                "<small><i>Then touch the dish with the Cakes which lay on the table and say.</i></small>",
                "This sort of unleavened which we eat, is on account that there was not time sufficient for the dough of our ancestors to rise, until the blessed lord! the king of kings, did reveal himself for to redeem them, as it is written, and they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened, because they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for themselves any victuals.",
                "<small><i>Touch the Horse Reddish which lays on the Table, and say.</i></small>",
                "Bitter herbs which we eat, is on account that the Egyptians embittered the lives of our ancestors, as it is written, and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar and brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service wherein they made them serve was with rigour",
                "Therefore in every generation every person is obligated to look upon himself, and is he himself had gone forth out of Egypt, and it is written, and thou shall declare unto thy son in that day, saying, this is done because of that which the lord did unto me, when I came forth out of Egypt. Not only our ancestors did he redeem, blessed be his holy name, but even us did he redeem with them, as it is written, and he brought us forth from thence, in order to approach and to possess the land, as he had sworn to our ancestors. \n"
            "First Half of Hallel": [
                "<small><i>Then take the cup or glass of wine in the hand, and say.</i></small>",
                "Therefore it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge, to praise, thank, adore, exalt, extol, bless, aggrandize, and to gratify him who wrought all these signs unto our ancestors, and to us, for bringing us forth from mourning unto holiday, and from obscurity unto light, and from servitude onto redemption, so let us sing songs and praises. Praise ye the lord, Hallelujah.",
                "Praise ye the lord. Praise, O ye servants of the lord, praise the name of the lord. Blessed be the name of the lord, from this time forth and for evermore. From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the lord 's name is to be praised. the lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heaven's. Who is like unto the lord our God, who dwelleth on high? who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill: that he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people. He maketh the barren women to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the lord.",
                "When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language: Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion. The sea saw it, and fled; Jordan was driven back. The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs. What ailed thee, O though sea! that thou fleddest? thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back? ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, and ye little hills like lambs? tremble thou earth at the presence of the lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, which turned the rock into a standing water, and the flint into a fountain of waters."
            "Second Cup of Wine": [
                "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe, who redeemed us, and our ancestors from Egypt, and hast approached unto us this night, to eat thereon unleavened cake, and bitter herbs, so mayest thou, O lord our God! and God of our ancestors, cause unto us to approach unto other times and seasons, approaching towards us, in peace and joyfulness, to rebuild thy city, and to be gladsome in thy service, and there to partake of the sacrifices, and of the Paschal's, which their blood is sprinkled on the sides of the altar with willingness, that we may praise thee with a joyful song, on account of our deliverance and for the redemption of our souls. Blessed art though, O lord! the redeemer of Israel.",
                "Blessed art though, O lord our God! king of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine."
        "Rachtzah": [
            "<i>Then drink the glass of wine, and the Master of the family washes his hands, and sayeth,</i>",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe, who hath sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to cleanse our hands."
        "Motzi Matzah": [
            "<i>Then the Master of the family breaks the uppermost Cake in the dish, and sayeth,</i>",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe, who brought forth bread from the earth.",
            "Blessed art though, O lord our God! king of the universe, who hath sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to eat the unleavened bread"
        "Maror": [
            "<small><i>Then he gives every one at the Table of each of the two Cakes that be broke, and every one says the two last blessings; then he takes the green top from the Horse-Reddish, and puts on some of the round balls, as mentioned before in the ceremonies, and sayeth,</i></small>",
            "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe, who sanctified us with thy commandments, and commanded us to eat bitter herbs."
        "Korech": [
            "<small><i>Then he gives every one at the Table the same, and they say the same blessing, then he takes the bottom Cake with three notches, and cuts a piece of Horse-Reddish, and puts one on the other and says,</i><small></small></small>",
            "In remembrance of the sanctuary, like unto Hillel, for so did he at the existence of the Temple,",
            "put and eat the unleavened Cake with the bitter herb together, to perform, as it is written, and thou shalt eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs."
        "Shulchan Orech": [],
        "Tzafun": [
            "<small><i>Then they Sup, and after Supper say grace after meals as follows.</i></small>"
        "Barech": {
            "Birkat Hamazon": [
                "Grace After Meals",
                "<small>(He that says Grace says.)</small>",
                " We will bless our God of whose victuals we have eaten.",
                "<small><i>(The rest answers,)</i></small>",
                "blessed is our God of whose victuals we have eaten, and by his goodness we live.",
                "<small><i>(Then he that says Grace, says)</i></small>",
                "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe, who feedest the world with goodness, grace, favour, and with compassion, givest bread to all creatures, for his mercy endureth for ever; and with his constant great goodness there is no want unto us, and there will be no want of food for ever and ever, for the sake of his great name, for he feedeth and provideth for all, and bestoweth his goodness unto all, and provideth good for all his creation which he hath created. Blessed art thou, O lord! who giveth food unto all.",
                "We give praise unto thee, O lord our God! for thou hast made our fathers inherit the delightful, good, and extensive land; and for that htou hast brought us O lord our God! from the land of Egypt, and didst relieve us from the house of servitude, and for the covenant with which thou hast sealed in our flesh, and for thy law which thou hast taught unto us, and for thy statutes, which thou hast made known unto us, and for the life, favour and grace, which thou hast favoured us, and for meals of food wherewith thou dost feed and maintain us continually, daily and at all times, and at all hours.",
                "And for all these, O lord our God! we do praise, worship, and bless thee and thy name, In the mouths of all living continually for ever and ever, as it is written, and when thou hast eaten and filled thyself, bless the lord thy God, for the good land which he hath given thee. Blessed art thou, O lord! on the earth, and for the food that thou hast given thereon.",
                "Have compassion, we beseech thee, O lord our God! on Israel thy people and on Jerusalem thy city, and on Zion thy tabernacle of glory, and on the royal house of David thine anointed, and on thy great and holy temple, the convocation of thy name, O our God! our father, our shepherd, feeder, provider, cherisher, and our retriever: retrieve us, O lord our God! speedily out of all our troubles. and we beseech thee, O lord our God! let us not need any gifts from the hands of flesh and blood, nor need any of the lendings, but to depend only on thine hands, which are full and open, holy and extensive, that we may not be made ashamed, not be despised for ever and ever.",
                "<small><i>On Sabbath, say as follows.</i></small>",
                "Let it be thy will, to protect us, O lord our God! in thy commandments, and in the commandment of the seventh day, the great and holy Sabbath; for this day is great and holy before thee to rest thereon, according as it was thy pleasure to command, to make it a resting day for us, O lord our God! That there shall be no afflications, anxiety, or groaning's on the day of resting; and let us see, O lord our God! the comforts of Zion thy city, and the building of Jerusalem thy holy place, for thou art the lord of salvation, and the lord that comforts.",
                "Our God, and the God of our fathers, shall cause our prayers to ascend and come, approach, be seen accepted, heard, and be though on, and be remembered in remembrance of us, and in remembrance of our father's and in the memory of thy anointed Messias, the son of David, thy servant, and in remembrance of Jerusalem thy holy city, and in commemoration of all thy people the house of Israel, before thee to a good issue with favour, and with grace, and with compassion over us and save us, for unto thee are our eyes: for a good God, king, favourable and compassionate thou art. And thou shalt build up the holy city of Jerusalem soon in our days; blessed art thou, O lord! the merciful builder of Jerusalem. Amem. \n",
                "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe; Almighty father, our king, creator, redeemer, former, and our sanctifier, the sanctifier of Jacob our shepherd, the shepherd of Israel, the king and performer of goodness unto all, the Almighty which reneweth daily his goodness to us, shall continue his goodness, he hath, doth, and will perform unto us for ever, favour, grace, mercy, relief, fortunate blessings, and salvation, comfort, maintenance and compassion, with life and peace, and all that his great goodness can bestow shall not be wanting to us.",
                "O the merciful! he shall be blessed in heaven and on earth. O the merciful! he shall be praised throughout all generations, and shall be exalted and adored by us to everlasting eternity. O the merciful! he shall support us in glory. O the merciful! he shall break the yoke of captivity from our necks, and shall lead us with uprightness into our land. O the merciful! he shall send blessings in abundance on this house, and on this table from which we have eaten. O the merciful! he shall send unto us Elias the prophet of gracious memory, and he shall foretell us good news, salvation and comfort. O the merciful! he shall bless** my father and mother, their family and their posterity, and all that belong to them, us and all that belong to us, as he blessed out ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, thus shall he bless us together with a complete blessing, and ye shall say, Amen. In the heaven shall he study our merits, that we may be preserved in peace, and have the blessing of the lord, and the charity of the God of our salvation, that we may find favour and good understanding in the eyes of God and men. <small><i>If on Sabbath say this</i></small> <small>(O the merciful! he shall let us inherit the day which is all Sabbath, and resting life for everlasting.)</small> O the merciful! he shall let us inherit the day which is all good. O the merciful! he shall make us worthy of seeing the days of Messias the anointed and let us enjoy life in futurity: great is the salvation of his kingdom and he sheweth grace unto his anointed, and to David and his posterity for ever. The Creator of peace in his sanuary shall create peace unto us, and to all Israel. And ye shall say, Amen. Fear the lord, ye saints, for nothing wanteth to them that fear him: the lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they who seek the lord shall want nothing that is good. Praise ye the lord, because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever."
            "Third Cup of Wine": [
                "Fear the lord, ye saints, for nothing wanteth to them that fear him: the lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they who seek the lord shall want nothing that is good. Praise ye the lord, because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever."
            "Pour Out Thy Wrath": [
                "Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not call upon thy name, for they have devoured Jacob, and laid waste his dwelling place. Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them, persecute and destroy them in anger, from under the heavens of the lord. \n"
        "Hallel": {
            "Second Half of Hallel": [
                "Not unto us, O lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth's sake, wherefore should the heathen say, where is not their God? but our God is in the heaven's, he hath done whatsoever he pleased. Their idols are silver and gold, the word of mens hands. They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not. They have ears but they hear not; noses have they, but they smell not. They have hands, but they handle not; feet have they, but they walk not; neither speak they through their throat. They that make them, are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them. O Israel trust thou in the lord: he is their held and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in the lord, he is their help and their shield. Ye that fear the lord, trust in the lord, he is their help and their shield. the lord hath been mindful of us, he will bless us, he will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless them that fear the lord, both small and great. the lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children. You are blessed of the lord, which made heaven and earth. The heavens, even the heavens are the lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. The dead praise not the lord, neither any that go down into silence. But we will bless the lord from this time forth, and for evermore. Praise the lord.",
                "I love the lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplication. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the name of the lord; O lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. Gracious is the lord, and righteous: yea, our God is merciful. the lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low; and he helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul, for the lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk before the lord in the land of the living. I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted. I said in the haste, all men are liars.",
                "What shall I render unto the lord, for all his benefits towards me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the lord. I will pay my vows unto the lord, not in the presence of all his people. Precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his saints. O lord, truly I am thy servant, I am thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid: tough hast loosed my bonds. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the lord. I will pay my vows unto the lord, now in the presence of all his people: In the courts of the lord 's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the lord.",
                "O Praise the lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great towards us: and the truth of the lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the lord.",
                "I called upon the lord in distress: the lord answered me, and set me in a large place. the lord is on my side; I will not fear, what can man do unto me? the lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. It is better to trust in the lord, than to put confidence in princes. All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the lord will I destroy them. They compassed me about, yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the lord I will destroy them. They compassed me about like bees, they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the lord I will destroy them. Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall, but the lord helped me. the lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the lord doth valiantly. The right hand of the lord is exalted: the right hand of the lord doeth valiantly. I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the lord. the lord hast chastened me sore; but he hath not given me over unto death. Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the lord: this gate of the lord, into which the righteous shall enter.",
                "I will praise thee, for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. The stone, which the builders refused, is become the head stone of the corner. This is the lord 's doing, it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which the lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.",
                "Save now, I beseech thee, O lord: <small>(Repeated)</small> O lord I beseech thee, send now prosperity. <small>(Repeated.)</small>",
                "Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the lord: we have blessed you, out of the house of the lord. God is the lord, which hath shewed us light; bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. Thou art my God, and I will praise thee; thou art my God, I will exalt thee. O give thanks unto the lord, for he his good: for his mercy endureth for ever.",
                "All thy works shall praise thee, O lord our God! and thy saints, and the righteous, who perform thy will, and thy people, the house of Israel, shall all of them with songs gratefully confess, bless, praise, adore, exalt, glorify, and sanctify thee, and crown thy name with majesty, for unto thee it is good to render thanksgiving, and pleasant to sing praise unto thy name for thou art God for ever and ever. Blessed art thou, O lord! the supreme king, adored with praises."
            "Songs of Praise and Thanks": [
                "O give thanks unto the lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks to the God of Gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks to the lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him who alone doeth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever. The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever. The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, that smote Egypt in their first-born: for his mercy endureth for ever. And brought out Israel from among them: for his mercy endureth for ever. With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, which divided the red sea into parts: for his mercy endureth for ever. And made Israel to pass through the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever. But overthrew Pharaoh, and his host in the red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, which led his people through the wilderness: for his mercy endureth for ever. To him, which smote great kings: for his mercy endureth for ever. And slew famous kings: for his mercy endureth for ever. Sihon, king of the Amoriates: for his mercy endureth for ever. And Og the king of Bashan: for his mercy endureth for ever. And gave their land for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for ever. Even an heritage unto Israel his servant: for his mercy endureth for ever. Who remembered us in our low estate: for his mercy endureth for ever. And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth for ever. Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.",
                "The souls of all the living shall bless thy name, O lord our God! and the spirit of all flesh glorify and exalt thy memorial. O our king! continually from everlasting unto everlasting thou art Almighty God! and without thee, there is not unto us any king, redeemer and savious, thou redeemest, protestest, feedest, and compassionatest; in all time of trouble and affliction, there is not unto us any king, but thee. The God of the first, and of the last, the God of all creaters, lord of all generations, who is adored with all praises, that governeth his world with kindness, and his creatures with mercy. the lord is ever awake, he neither slumbereth now sleepeth, he stirreth up those that sleep, and awaketh those that slumber: giveth speech to the dumb, looseth the captives, supporteth the fallen and that raiseth up the drooping: unto thee alone do we render adoration; ",
                "and although our mouth should be filled with song as the sea, and our tongues with tunes, as the sounding billows thereof, and our lips with praises, like the wide extended heaven, and our eyes sparkling brightness, as the sun and as the moon, and our hands extended as the eagles wings under the heavens, and our feet as the hinds of swiftness, it would not suffice us to give praise unto thee, O lord our God! and the God of our fathers, and to bless thy name, for the innumerable occasions of thy goodness that thou hast done unto our fathers and to us; from Egypt thou hast redeemed us, O lord our God! and from the house of bondage thou hast relieved us, in times of famine thou hast sustained us, and with plenty thou didst feed us, from thy sword thou didst deliver us, from the pestilence thou didst withdraw us, and from many sore diseases thou didst screen us,",
                "until now thy compassion hath been our help, and thy graciousness hath not adandoned us; and let them not forsake us, O lord our God, for evermore! therefore the members wherewith thou hast adorned us, and the spirit and soul wherewith thou hast suspired us, and the tongue thou hast set in our month, shall all of them continually confess, bless, praise and glorify, extol, applaud, sanctify thee, and they shall give sovereignty unto thy name, O our king! for unto thee shall every mouth confess, and every tongue shall satisfy, and every knee bend, and every just one before thee shall bow down, every heart shall fear thee, and all bowels and kidnies shall sing praises unto thy name, as it is written, all my bones shall say, O lord! who is like unto thee? who deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from their oppressors. Who is like unto thee? and who is comparable unto thee? and who shall contend with thee, Almighty! the great, the strong and tremendous, most high God, possessor of heaven and earth? we shall contend with thee, Almighty! the great, the strong and tremendous, most high God, possessor of heaven and earth? we will praise, applaud and glorify thee, and we will bless thy holy name, as David said, bless the lord, O my soul! and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Almighty God! who art strong in my power, the great one, who art glorious in thy name, the mighty one for evermore, the tremendous one in thy fearfulness, the king that fitteth on the throne, high and exalted, thou inhabiteth eternity in heaven, and thy name is holy, as it is written, rejoice in the lord, O ye righteous! for praise is comely for the upright. In the mouth of the upright thou shalt be praised, and with the words of the righteous thou shalt be blessed, and with the tongues of the saints thou shalt be exalted, and amongst the holy ones thou shalt be sanctified.",
                "And in the many assemblies of thy people of the house of Israel, thy name with rejoicing shall be extolled, O our King! from generation to generation, for thus is the duty of all created beings, before thee, O lord our God! the God of our fathers, to render thanks, to sing hymns, praise, glorify, exalt, adore, bless and to excel with all the songs and praises of David the son of Jesse, thy servant, thine anointed.",
                "May thy name be praised for ever, our king the Almighty, the king, the great, the holy, in heaven and upon earth; for unto thee appertain, O lord our God, and the God of our fathers! songs and praises, hymns and psalms, might and dominion, victory and power, greatness, adoration, glory, holiness and majesty; blessing and thanksgiving are thine from henceforth unto everlasting. Blessed art thou, O lord! Almighty King, Great with praises. Almighty to be adored, lord of wonders, who hast accepted songs of psalmody, King, Almighty, who livest eternally."
            "Fourth Cup of Wine": [
                "Blessed art thou, O lord! our God, king of the universe, on account of the wine, and the fruit of the wine, and the good, delightful, extensive land, which thou didst favour our ancestors to inherit, O lord our God! we beseech thee to have mercy on us, on Israel thy people, and on Jerusalem thy city, on Zion thy glorious residence, on thy temple, and the altar: and we beseech thee to cause Jerusalem, thy holy city. to be rebuilt speedily, in our days, and cause that we may go there, and make us joyful with its buildings. and that we may eat of the fruit thereof with satisfaction, and enable us to praise thee in sanctity and purity, with a deliverance (on this Sabbath) and make us joyful on this festival of unleavened bread, for thou art abundant in goodness to all, therefore we thank thee, O lord! on account of the land and fruit of the wine. Blessed art thou, O lord, on the earth, and for the fruit of the wine."
        "Nirtzah": {
            "Chasal Siddur Pesach": [],
            "L'Shana HaBaa": [],
            "And It Happened at Midnight": [
                "<small><i>On the first Night say as follows</i></small>",
                "And it came to pass at midnight.",
                "Thou didst many marvelous signs by night. At the beginning of the morning watch of this night (a)\n",
                "The righteous stranger didst thou cause to prevail at midnight (b) And it came to pass at midnight\n",
                "Thou didst judge king of Gerar in a dream of the night. (c) Thou didst terrify the Syrian with terror in the night. (d)\n",
                "And Israel sung unto God (e) which caused them to prevail in the night. And it came to pass at midnight.",
                "The first born seed of Pharaoh didst thou wound at midnight(f) Their treasure they did not find when they arose in the night.\n Thou didst vanquish the host of Harosheth by the revolution of the planet of the night. (g)\nAnd it came to pass at midnight.\n\n",
                "He who concealed blasphemy, desiring exaltation, his corps didst thou cause to purify at night. Bel and his host was humbled in the darkness of the night. (h) To the chosen man didst thou reveal the mistery of the night. And it came to pass at midnight.",
                "He who revealed with the holy vessels was slain that same night. Thou didst releave from the lion's den, (Daniel) he who interpreted the horrors of the night. Agagi retained an aversion, and wrote in the books at night. And it came to pass at midnight.",
                "Thou didst awake thy subjection on him, with dispelling the sleep of the night. Thou didst trample the vault of the watchman, calling what of the night, calling like unto a watchman, saying, the morning is come, also the night. And it came to pass at midnight.",
                "We beseech thee to cause the approach of that time, which will neither be day not night. Thou most exalted, we acknowledge thou rulest day and night. Those watching the visitation of thy city, all the day and all the night, enlighten to them we beseech thee (like unto the light of the day) the darkness of the night. And let thus come to pass at midnight."
            "Zevach Pesach": [
                "<small><i>On the second Night say this:</i></small> And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.",
                "The strength of thy might didst thou wonderfully display on the Passover. The principal of all seasons hast thou exalted the Passover. Thou didst reveal thyself unto the Arrahite, (Abraham) on the midnight of the Passover.And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.",
                "Thou didst call on him in the heat of the day of the Passover. He entertained the angels with unleavened cakes on the Passover. He run unto the herd in remembrance of the steer which was to be prepared on the Passover. And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.",
                "The people of Sodom did offend the lord, and were destroyed by fire on the Passover. He delivered Lot from among them, and at the end he baked unleavened cakes on the Passover. Thou didst clear the land of Moph and Noph (Ezek. chap. 30, ver. 13) in thy passing over on the Passover.And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.\n",
                "O lord! thou didst wound every first born on the night of the Passover. And passed over each first born son marked with the blood of the Passover. Not admitting the destroyer to enter within their gates on the Passover. And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.",
                "Jericho was shut up in the season of the Passover. Midian was overthrown (according to the dream) of the cake of barley in the omer of the Passover. The chiefs of Pul and Lud (2 Kings 15, 19) were burnt like the burning of the Passover. And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.",
                "A day was prolonged at Nob, to wait until the approach of the time of the Passover. The hand wrote (Dan, 5, 5.) to root out the root on the Passover. Watch, prepare the table on the Passover. And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice.",
                "Ester gathered the congregation to fast on the Passover. Thou didst bruse the head of the wicked on the tree of fifty cubits, (Haman) on the Passover. May thy hands be strengthened, and thy right hand exalted on the sanctified night of Passover. And thus shall ye say, it is the paschal sacrifice."
            "Ki Lo Na'e": [
                "To him (i.e. God) belongeth all honour and praise,",
                "for he is mighty in his kingdom, singular are his way, his multitude (i.e. Angles) declare unto him, unto him only are all dominions, and to him alone belongeth all honour and praise.",
                "O thou that art exalted in thy kingdom, durable and powerful are thy way. they that trust in thee declare unto thee, unto thee only are all dominions, and to thee alone belongeth all honour and praise.",
                "O though that art purest in thy kingdom, powerful in thy way, thy princes declare unto thee, unto thee only are all dominions, and to the alone belongeth all honour and praise.",
                "O thou that art to eternal, and in thy kingdom mighty in thy way, thy learned declare unto thee, unto thee only are all dominions, and to thee alone belongeth all honour and praise.",
                "Thou that art the only ruler of thy kingdom, enlighten us in thy way, those that surround thee declare unto thee. unto thee only are all dominions, and unto thee only belongeth all honour and praise.",
                "Thou that art sole and for everlasting in thy kingdom, redeeming in thy way, thy righteous declare unto thee are all dominions, and unto thee only belongeth all honour and praise.",
                "Thou only, art holy in thy kingdom, supporting in thy way, thy faithful ones declare unto thee, unto thee only belongeth all honour and praise."
            "Adir Hu": [
                "O thou that are magnificent build thy temple speedily in our days, quickly build thy temple, and draw nigh unto us soon. O Almighty build thy temple, O God! built thy temple speedily.",
                "O thou whom we have chosen draw nigh unto us, build thy temple, and draw nigh unto us soon. O Almighty build thy temple, O God! built thy temple speedily.",
                "O though that art might, great, majestic and surest God, build thy temple, and draw nigh unto us soon. O Almighty build thy temple, O God! built thy temple speedily.",
                "O thou that art pure, benificious, eternal, and powerful, build thy temple, and draw nigh unto us soon. O Almighty build thy temple, O God! built thy temple speedily.",
                "O thou most exalted king, thou tremendous, thou beholder, thou mighty righteous redeemer, build thy temple, and draw nigh unto us soon. O Almighty build thy temple, O God! built thy temple speedily.",
                "O thou most holy, thou compassionate Almighty God who are mighty, build thy temple, and draw nigh unto us soon. O Almighty build thy temple, O God! built thy temple speedily."
            "Sefirat HaOmer": [
                "Blessed art thou, O lord our God! king of the universe, that sanctified us with thy commandments and commanded us to count the days of the sheaf-offering. (Levit. 23, Ver. 15.) This is the first day of the sheaf-offering \n"
            "Echad Mi Yodea": [
                "One, who knoweth one? I know one. One is our God, that ruleth the heaven and the earth.<br>Two, who knoweth two? I know two. Two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Three, who knoweth three? I know three. Three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Four, who knoweth four? I know four. Four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Five, who knoweth five? I know five. Five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Six, who knoweth six? I know six. Six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Seven, who knoweth seven? I know seven. Seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Eight, who knoweth eight? I know eight. Eight is the eighth-day of circumcision, seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Nine, who knoweth nine? I know nine. Nine is the nine months of pregnance, eight is the eighth-day of circumcision, seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Ten, who knoweth ten? I know ten. Ten is the ten commandments, nine is the nine months of pregnance, eight is the eighth-day of circumcision, seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Eleven, who knoweth eleven? I know eleven. Eleven is the eleven starts, ten is the ten commandments, nine is the nine months of pregnance, eight is the eighth-day of circumcision, seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Twelve, who knoweth twelve? I know twelve. Twelve is the twelve tribes, eleven is the eleven starts, ten is the ten commandments, nine is the nine months of pregnance, eight is the eighth-day of circumcision, seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth.<br>Thirteen, who knoweth thirteen? I know thirteen. Thirteen is the thirteen attributes of the lord, twelve is the twelve tribes, eleven is the eleven starts, ten is the ten commandments, nine is the nine months of pregnance, eight is the eighth-day of circumcision, seven is the Sabbath -day, six is the mishna, five is the five book of Moses, four are the mothers, three are the fathers, two is the tables of Moses, one is our God, that ruleth heaven and earth."
            "Chad Gadya": []
    "schema": {
        "heTitle": "讛讙讚讛 砖诇 驻住讞",
        "enTitle": "Pesach Haggadah",
        "key": "Pesach Haggadah",
        "nodes": [
                "heTitle": "拽讚砖",
                "enTitle": "Kadesh"
                "heTitle": "讜专讞抓",
                "enTitle": "Urchatz"
                "heTitle": "讻专驻住",
                "enTitle": "Karpas"
                "heTitle": "讬讞抓",
                "enTitle": "Yachatz"
                "heTitle": "诪讙讬讚",
                "enTitle": "Magid",
                "nodes": [
                        "heTitle": "讛讗 诇讞诪讗 注谞讬讗",
                        "enTitle": "Ha Lachma Anya"
                        "heTitle": "诪讛 谞砖转谞讛",
                        "enTitle": "Four Questions"
                        "heTitle": "注讘讚讬诐 讛讬讬谞讜",
                        "enTitle": "We Were Slaves in Egypt"
                        "heTitle": "诪注砖讛 砖讛讬讛 讘讘谞讬 讘专拽",
                        "enTitle": "Story of the Five Rabbis"
                        "heTitle": "讻谞讙讚 讗专讘注讛 讘谞讬诐",
                        "enTitle": "The Four Sons"
                        "heTitle": "讬讻讜诇 诪专讗砖 讞讜讚砖",
                        "enTitle": "Yechol Me'rosh Chodesh"
                        "heTitle": "诪转讞讬诇讛 注讜讘讚讬 注讘讜讚讛 讝专讛 讛讬讜 讗讘讜转讬谞讜",
                        "enTitle": "In the Beginning Our Fathers Were Idol Worshipers"
                        "heTitle": "讗专诪讬 讗讘讚 讗讘讬",
                        "enTitle": "First Fruits Declaration"
                        "heTitle": "注砖专 讛诪讻讜转",
                        "enTitle": "The Ten Plagues"
                        "heTitle": "讚讬讬谞讜",
                        "enTitle": "Dayenu"
                        "heTitle": "驻住讞 诪爪讛 讜诪专讜专",
                        "enTitle": "Rabban Gamliel's Three Things"
                        "heTitle": "讞爪讬 讛诇诇",
                        "enTitle": "First Half of Hallel"
                        "heTitle": "讻讜住 砖谞讬讛",
                        "enTitle": "Second Cup of Wine"
                "heTitle": "专讞爪讛",
                "enTitle": "Rachtzah"
                "heTitle": "诪讜爪讬讗 诪爪讛",
                "enTitle": "Motzi Matzah"
                "heTitle": "诪专讜专",
                "enTitle": "Maror"
                "heTitle": "讻讜专讱",
                "enTitle": "Korech"
                "heTitle": "砖讜诇讞谉 注讜专讱",
                "enTitle": "Shulchan Orech"
                "heTitle": "爪驻讜谉",
                "enTitle": "Tzafun"
                "heTitle": "讘专讱",
                "enTitle": "Barech",
                "nodes": [
                        "heTitle": "讘专讻转 讛诪讝讜谉",
                        "enTitle": "Birkat Hamazon"
                        "heTitle": "讻讜住 砖诇讬砖讬转",
                        "enTitle": "Third Cup of Wine"
                        "heTitle": "砖驻讜讱 讞诪转讱",
                        "enTitle": "Pour Out Thy Wrath"
                "heTitle": "讛诇诇",
                "enTitle": "Hallel",
                "nodes": [
                        "heTitle": "诪住讬讬诪讬诐 讗转 讛讛诇诇",
                        "enTitle": "Second Half of Hallel"
                        "heTitle": "诪讝诪讜专讬 讛讜讚讬讛",
                        "enTitle": "Songs of Praise and Thanks"
                        "heTitle": "讻讜住 专讘讬注讬转",
                        "enTitle": "Fourth Cup of Wine"
                "heTitle": "谞专爪讛",
                "enTitle": "Nirtzah",
                "nodes": [
                        "heTitle": "讞住诇 住讬讚讜专 驻住讞",
                        "enTitle": "Chasal Siddur Pesach"
                        "heTitle": "诇砖谞讛 讛讘讗讛",
                        "enTitle": "L'Shana HaBaa"
                        "heTitle": "讜讬讛讬 讘讞爪讬 讛诇讬诇讛",
                        "enTitle": "And It Happened at Midnight"
                        "heTitle": "讝讘讞 驻住讞",
                        "enTitle": "Zevach Pesach"
                        "heTitle": "讗讚讬专 讘诪诇讜讻讛",
                        "enTitle": "Ki Lo Na'e"
                        "heTitle": "讗讚讬专 讛讜讗",
                        "enTitle": "Adir Hu"
                        "heTitle": "住驻讬专转 讛注讜诪专",
                        "enTitle": "Sefirat HaOmer"
                        "heTitle": "讗讞讚 诪讬 讬讜讚注",
                        "enTitle": "Echad Mi Yodea"
                        "heTitle": "讞讚 讙讚讬讗",
                        "enTitle": "Chad Gadya"