EvoLLM-JP-v1-7B / README.md
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# 🐟 EvoLLM-JP-v1-7B
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<!-- Provide a quick summary of what the model is/does. -->
**EvoLLM-JP-v1-7B** is an experimental general-purpose Japanese LLM. This model was created using the Evolutionary Model Merge method. Please refer to our [report](TOOD) and [blog](TODO) for more details. This model was produced by merging the following models. We are grateful to the developers of the source models.
- [Shisa Gamma 7B v1](https://huggingface.co/augmxnt/shisa-gamma-7b-v1)
- [WizardMath 7B V1.1](https://huggingface.co/WizardLM/WizardMath-7B-V1.1)
- [Abel 7B 002](https://huggingface.co/GAIR/Abel-7B-002)
## Usage
Use the code below to get started with the model.
<summary> Click to expand </summary>
import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
# 1. load model
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "CPU"
repo_id = "SakanaAI/EvoLLM-JP-v1-7B"
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(repo_id, torch_dtype="auto")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(repo_id)
# 2. prepare inputs
text = "ι–’θ₯ΏεΌγ§ι’白い冗談を言ってみて下さい。"
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "あγͺγŸγ―ε½Ήη«‹γ€γ€εθ¦‹γŒγͺγγ€ζ€œι–²γ•γ‚Œγ¦γ„γͺγ„γ‚’γ‚·γ‚Ήγ‚Ώγƒ³γƒˆγ§γ™γ€‚"},
{"role": "user", "content": text},
inputs = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, return_tensors="pt")
# 3. generate
output_ids = model.generate(**inputs.to(device))
output_ids = output_ids[:, inputs.input_ids.shape[1] :]
generated_text = tokenizer.batch_decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]
## Model Details
<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this model is. -->
- **Developed by:** [Sakana AI](https://sakana.ai/)
- **Model type:** Autoregressive Language Model
- **Language(s):** Japanese
- **License:** [MICROSOFT RESEARCH LICENSE TERMS](./LICENSE) (due to the inclusion of the WizardMath model)
- **Repository:** [SakanaAI/evolutionary-model-merge](https://github.com/SakanaAI/evolutionary-model-merge)
- **Paper:** TODO
- **Blog:** TODO
## Acknowledgement
We would like to thank the developers of the source models for their contributions and for making their work available.
## Citation
title = {Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes},
author. = {Takuya Akiba and Makoto Shing and Yujin Tang and Qi Sun and David Ha},
year = {2024},
eprint = {TODO},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.CV}