Mainak Manna
First version of the model
history blame
2.66 kB
language: Deustch Italian
  - translation Deustch Italian  model
  - dcep europarl jrc-acquis
  - text: >-
      Die Mitgliedstaaten müssen bei Verstößen gegen die Pflicht, beim
      Überschreiten der Außengrenzen der Europäischen Union Bewegungen von
      Barmitteln anzumelden, wirksame, angemessene und abschreckende Strafen

legal_t5_small_trans_de_it model

Model on translating legal text from Deustch to Italian. It was first released in this repository. This model is trained on three parallel corpus from jrc-acquis, europarl and dcep.

Model description

legal_t5_small_trans_de_it is based on the t5-small model and was trained on a large corpus of parallel text. This is a smaller model, which scales the baseline model of t5 down by using dmodel = 512, dff = 2,048, 8-headed attention, and only 6 layers each in the encoder and decoder. This variant has about 60 million parameters.

Intended uses & limitations

The model could be used for translation of legal texts from Deustch to Italian.

How to use

Here is how to use this model to translate legal text from Deustch to Italian in PyTorch:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead, TranslationPipeline

pipeline = TranslationPipeline(
tokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path = "SEBIS/legal_t5_small_trans_de_it", do_lower_case=False, 

de_text = "Die Mitgliedstaaten müssen bei Verstößen gegen die Pflicht, beim Überschreiten der Außengrenzen der Europäischen Union Bewegungen von Barmitteln anzumelden, wirksame, angemessene und abschreckende Strafen verhängen."

pipeline([de_text], max_length=512)

Training data

The legal_t5_small_trans_de_it model was trained on JRC-ACQUIS, EUROPARL, and DCEP dataset consisting of 5 Million parallel texts.

Training procedure



An unigram model with 88M parameters is trained over the complete parallel corpus to get the vocabulary (with byte pair encoding), which is used with this model.

Evaluation results

When the model is used for translation test dataset, achieves the following results:

Test results :

Model BLEU score
legal_t5_small_trans_de_it 43.3

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