# CodeTrans transfer learning pre-trained model |
Pretrained model on programming languages using the t5 base model architecture. It was first released in |
[this repository](https://github.com/agemagician/CodeTrans). |
## Model description |
This CodeTrans model is based on the `t5-base` model. It has its own SentencePiece vocabulary model. It used transfer-learning pre-training on 7 unsupervised datasets in the software development domain. |
The model was trained on a single TPU Pod V3-8 for half million steps in total, using sequence length 512 (batch size 4096). |
It has a total of approximately 220M parameters and was trained using the encoder-decoder architecture. |
The optimizer used is AdaFactor with inverse square root learning rate schedule for pre-training. |
It could be used to fine-tune other tasks in the software development domain. |
> Created by [Ahmed Elnaggar](https://twitter.com/Elnaggar_AI) | [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/prof-ahmed-elnaggar/) and Wei Ding | [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/wei-ding-92561270/) |