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Quantization made by Richard Erkhov.



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Hebrew-Gemma-11B-Instruct - GGUF

Original model description:

license: other license_name: gemma-terms-of-use license_link: language: - en - he library_name: transformers


Base Models:

Instruct Models:

The Hebrew-Gemma-11B-Instruct Large Language Model (LLM) is a instruct fine-tuned version of the Hebrew-Gemma-11B generative text model using a variety of conversation datasets.

It is continued pretrain of gemma-7b, extended to a larger scale and trained on 3B additional tokens of both English and Hebrew text data.

Instruction format

This format must be strictly respected, otherwise the model will generate sub-optimal outputs.

Write a hello world program<end_of_turn>
Here is a simple hellow world program<end_of_turn><eos>
  • The conversation starts with <bos>.
  • Each turn is preceded by a <start_of_turn> delimiter and then the role of the entity (user or model).
  • Turns finish with the <end_of_turn> token.
  • Conversation finish with the <eos> token.

You can follow this format to build the prompt manually, if you need to do it without the tokenizer's chat template.

A simple example using the tokenizer's chat template:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM

model_id = "Hebrew-Gemma-11B-Instruct"

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_id, device_map="cuda")

chat = [
    { "role": "user", "content": "讻转讜讘 拽讜讚 驻砖讜讟 讘驻讬讬转讜谉 砖诪讚驻讬住 诇诪住讱 讗转 讛转讗专讬讱 砖诇 讛讬讜诐" },
prompt = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(chat, tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True)

Terms of Use

As an extention of Gemma-7B, this model is subject to the original license and terms of use by Google.

Benchmark Results

  • Coming Soon!


Hebrew-Gemma-11B is a pretrained base model and therefore does not have any moderation mechanisms.


  • Trained by Yam Peleg.
  • In collaboration with Jonathan Rouach and Arjeo, inc.