AI & ML interests

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We are a founding partner of “Collaboration Betters The World” (CBTW) - an independent global tech group & ecosystem with a team of 4,000 tech talents located in 35+ cities across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Africa.

As part of this ecosystem, Positive Thinking Company delivers end-to-end tech solutions through a global delivery model. Our objective? To create positive business outcomes that support our clients through their ever-changing business environments so they can thrive in our global economy.

Through 1,400 local tech specialists on the ground in over 21 cities across Europe, America, Asia, Australia and Africa, we offer a full portfolio of services that draw on a wide array of expertise, including software product engineering, security, cloud, data & analytics, hyperautomation and digital workplace. The industries that benefit include, among others, banking and financial services, insurance, healthcare, retail, transportation, telecom and public sector. We serve each of them with a meaningful and collaborative mindset, always keeping at heart our historic motto: Collaboration betters the world.


Positive Thinking Company – let’s do something great together!


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