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NTELS Co., Ltd.



NTELS is a premier Information and Communications Technology (ICT) company in Korea, distinguished by its trailblazing solutions in areas such as energy management, smart buildings, digital signage, and more. Our mission is centered around innovation and the satisfaction of our customers, propelling us to offer a broad spectrum of services and solutions to both the commercial and consumer sectors. These include cutting-edge telecommunications, information technology, and network solutions designed to meet the dynamic needs of our clients worldwide.

Our Services

  • Energy Management: Transforming energy utilization with efficient, sustainable solutions.
  • Smart Buildings: Advancing building management through IoT-driven automation and systems.
  • Digital Signage: Providing versatile and custom digital display solutions for varied applications.
  • IoT Platform: Delivering a powerful platform for the development and deployment of IoT applications.
  • Business Support System (BSS): Offering comprehensive business support through our advanced BSS platform.
  • AI and Chatbot Technologies: Featuring state-of-the-art AI capabilities, including a RAG-based chatbot technology that enhances customer interaction and service provision.

Key Achievements

  • Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Platform: Leading the development of a sophisticated platform for electric vehicle charging, emphasizing efficiency and dependability.
  • Rotating Machine Fault Management System: Innovating in the monitoring and management of rotating machinery faults, improving safety and operational performance.

Commitment to Innovation

NTELS is unwavering in its commitment to technological innovation and excellence. Our dedicated team continually explores new avenues to develop technologies and solutions that surpass our customers' expectations. By fostering progress in the ICT industry and beyond, we aim to contribute to a smarter and more interconnected world.

Contact Us

To learn more about our services, solutions, or how we can support your business, please visit our website: https://www.ntels.com


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