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Migrate model card from transformers-repo
language: zu
# zuBERTa
zuBERTa is a RoBERTa style transformer language model trained on zulu text.
## Intended uses & limitations
The model can be used for getting embeddings to use on a down-stream task such as question answering.
#### How to use
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead
>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("MoseliMotsoehli/zuBERTa")
>>> model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("MoseliMotsoehli/zuBERTa")
>>> unmasker = pipeline('fill-mask', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
>>> unmasker("Abafika eNkandla bafika sebeholwa <mask> uMpongo kaZingelwayo.")
"sequence": "<s>Abafika eNkandla bafika sebeholwa khona uMpongo kaZingelwayo.</s>",
"score": 0.050459690392017365,
"token": 555,
"token_str": "Ġkhona"
"sequence": "<s>Abafika eNkandla bafika sebeholwa inkosi uMpongo kaZingelwayo.</s>",
"score": 0.03668094798922539,
"token": 2321,
"token_str": "Ġinkosi"
"sequence": "<s>Abafika eNkandla bafika sebeholwa ubukhosi uMpongo kaZingelwayo.</s>",
"score": 0.028774697333574295,
"token": 5101,
"token_str": "Ġubukhosi"
## Training data
1. 30k sentences of text, came from the [Leipzig Corpora Collection](https://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/en/download) of zulu 2018. These were collected from news articles and creative writtings.
2. ~7500 articles of human generated translations were scraped from the zulu [wikipedia](https://zu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:AllPages).
### BibTeX entry and citation info
@inproceedings{author = {Moseli Motsoehli},
title = {Towards transformation of Southern African language models through transformers.},