AI & ML interests

AI/ML company founded in 2015. Pioneering ClassificationAI for CPU with Random Contrast Learning. Available for Windows & via API.

Organization Card
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Lumina AI leverages innovative machine learning techniques, like our proprietary Random Contrast Learning (RCL) algorithm, to deliver cutting-edge solutions for classification problems.

Key Projects

Random Contrast Learning (RCL)

Random Contrast Learning (RCL) is an unconstrained classification algorithm and a new approach to machine learning. Optimized for CPU-chipsets, RCL enhances both speed and accuracy without the need for AI-specific chipsets, reducing costs in data, time, energy and hardware. RCL can be utilized via our API and PrismRCL, our Windows application.


PrismRCL is our Windows-based application designed to run on CPU hardware, providing accessible AI solutions for a broad range of users. Try PrismRCL free for 30 days at [Website] (


Explore our curated datasets optimized and structured for use with RCL and other machine learning algorithms. All datasets currently hosted have been referenced in our research, available at


Team Members

  • Allan Martin (CEO & Co-Founder)
  • Dr. Morten Middelfart (Chief Data Scientist & Co-Founder)
  • Fadi Farhat (SVP, Operations)
  • Daniella Diaz (VP, Sales & Marketing)

Community and Collaboration

We invite collaboration with AI practitioners and researchers. Join our community to contribute and share insights.


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