sherpa_onnx_models /
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# k2_zipformer2_english_v1
- Zipformer2 recipe derived from :
- Training data : CommonVoice, VoxPopuli (speed-perturb 3x):
- cca 1500 + 3x500 hours of training data
- Output text/symbols include:
- TrueCase capitalization
- punctuation `[,.?!]` as standalone tokens
## Config:
--num-epochs 20 \
--base-lr 0.04 \
--causal 1 \
--use-transducer 1 \
--use-ctc 0 \
--num-encoder-layers 2,2,2,2,2,2 \
--feedforward-dim 512,768,768,768,768,768 \
--encoder-dim 192,256,256,256,256,256 \
--encoder-unmasked-dim 192,192,192,192,192,192 \
## Results
| ID | System | cv-dev | cv-test | vp-dev | vp-test | Comment |
| A | small (24M) | 18.57 | 21.98 | 13.66 | 13.26 | ep20,avg4 |
- non-streaming results from [](
- cv = CommonVoice, vp = VoxPopuli
- exported the model averaging : ep20,avg4
## Note
- Not the best possible results, this model is for integration tests