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# Erlangshen-SimCSE-110M-Chinese
- Main Page:[Fengshenbang](https://fengshenbang-lm.com/)
- Github: [Fengshenbang-LM](https://github.com/IDEA-CCNL/Fengshenbang-LM)
## 简介 Brief Introduction
**Erlangshen-SimCSE-110M-Chinese** is based on the unsupervised version of simcse, And training simcse supervised task with collected and sorted chinese NLI data for. It has good effect on the task in Chinese sentences pair.
## 模型分类 Model Taxonomy
| 需求 Demand | 任务 Task | 系列 Series | 模型 Model | 参数 Parameter | 额外 Extra |
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
| 通用 General | 自然语言生成 NLU | 二郎神 Erlangshen | Bert | 110M | 中文 Chinese |
## 模型信息 Model Information
In order to obtain a general sentence-embedding-model, we use a large number of unsupervised data and supervised data for comparative learning based on the Bert-base model, and finally obtained a model that can use the [CLS] output from the model to judge the similarity without fine-tuning. Different from the sentence similarity task after fine tuning the task with the bert model, our model has the ability to extract sentence vectors directly after pre training. In some tasks, the evaluation results are as follows:
|模型 | LCQMC | BQ | PAWSX | ATEC | STS-B |
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
|Bert | 62 |38.62 |17.38 |28.98 |68.27|
|Bert-large| 63.78| 37.51| 18.63| 30.24| 68.87|
|RoBerta| 67.3| 39.89| 16.79| 30.57| 69.|36
|RoBerta large |67.25 |38.39 |19.09 |30.85 |69.36|
|RoFormer| 63.58| 39.9 |17.52| 29.37 |67.32|
|SimBERT| 73.43| 40.98| 15.87| 31.24| 72|
|Erlangshen-SimCSE-110M-Chinese|74.94| 56.97| 21.84| 34.12| 70.5|
*备注:我们的模型是直接用[cls],无whitening;其余模型是last avg + whitening*
*ps:Our model use [cls] directly,and no whitening;Other model use last avg and do whitening*
## 使用 Usage
### 加载模型 Loading Models
from transformers import AutoTokenizer,AutoModelForMaskedLM
model =AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('IDEA-CCNL/Erlangshen-SimCSE-110M-Chinese')
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('IDEA-CCNL/Erlangshen-SimCSE-110M-Chinese')
### 使用示例 Usage Examples
import torch
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
texta = '今天天气真不错,我们去散步吧!'
textb = '今天天气真糟糕,还是在宅家里写bug吧!'
inputs_a = tokenizer(texta,return_tensors="pt")
inputs_b = tokenizer(textb,return_tensors="pt")
outputs_a = model(**inputs_a ,output_hidden_states=True)
texta_embedding = outputs_a.hidden_states[-1][:,0,:].squeeze()
outputs_b = model(**inputs_b ,output_hidden_states=True)
textb_embedding = outputs_b.hidden_states[-1][:,0,:].squeeze()
# if you use cuda, the text_embedding should be textb_embedding.cpu().numpy()
# 或者用torch.no_grad():
with torch.no_grad():
silimarity_soce = cosine_similarity(texta_embedding.reshape(1,-1),textb_embedding .reshape(1,-1))[0][0]
## 引用 Citation
If you are using the resource for your work, please cite the our [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.02970):
author = {Jiaxing Zhang and Ruyi Gan and Junjie Wang and Yuxiang Zhang and Lin Zhang and Ping Yang and Xinyu Gao and Ziwei Wu and Xiaoqun Dong and Junqing He and Jianheng Zhuo and Qi Yang and Yongfeng Huang and Xiayu Li and Yanghan Wu and Junyu Lu and Xinyu Zhu and Weifeng Chen and Ting Han and Kunhao Pan and Rui Wang and Hao Wang and Xiaojun Wu and Zhongshen Zeng and Chongpei Chen},
title = {Fengshenbang 1.0: Being the Foundation of Chinese Cognitive Intelligence},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2209.02970},
year = {2022}
You can also cite our [website](https://github.com/IDEA-CCNL/Fengshenbang-LM/):