opus-mt-afa-afa / README.md
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language: afa
  - translation
license: apache-2.0


  • source languages: afa

  • target languages: afa

  • OPUS readme: afa-afa

  • dataset: opus

  • model: transformer

  • source language(s): apc ara arq arz heb kab mlt shy_Latn thv

  • target language(s): apc ara arq arz heb kab mlt shy_Latn thv

  • model: transformer

  • pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)

  • a sentence initial language token is required in the form of >>id<< (id = valid target language ID)

  • download original weights: opus-2020-07-26.zip

  • test set translations: opus-2020-07-26.test.txt

  • test set scores: opus-2020-07-26.eval.txt


testset BLEU chr-F
Tatoeba-test.ara-ara.ara.ara 4.3 0.148
Tatoeba-test.ara-heb.ara.heb 31.9 0.525
Tatoeba-test.ara-kab.ara.kab 0.3 0.120
Tatoeba-test.ara-mlt.ara.mlt 14.0 0.428
Tatoeba-test.ara-shy.ara.shy 1.3 0.050
Tatoeba-test.heb-ara.heb.ara 17.0 0.464
Tatoeba-test.heb-kab.heb.kab 1.9 0.104
Tatoeba-test.kab-ara.kab.ara 0.3 0.044
Tatoeba-test.kab-heb.kab.heb 5.1 0.099
Tatoeba-test.kab-shy.kab.shy 2.2 0.009
Tatoeba-test.kab-tmh.kab.tmh 10.7 0.007
Tatoeba-test.mlt-ara.mlt.ara 29.1 0.498
Tatoeba-test.multi.multi 20.8 0.434
Tatoeba-test.shy-ara.shy.ara 1.2 0.053
Tatoeba-test.shy-kab.shy.kab 2.0 0.134
Tatoeba-test.tmh-kab.tmh.kab 0.0 0.047