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AI & ML interests

- Experience writing code in Python - 2 years (middle) - Data analytics: numpy, pandas, visualization - matplotlib, seaborn, networks, geophi (for graphs) - Machine learning: sklearn, tensorflow (GPU/CPU), pytorch (multilayer neural networks), graph embedding (social network), cluster analysis (DB Scan, K-medois, Affinity propagation), DeepWalk - Attacks on ML algorithms: poison attacks, adversarial attacks, deflection attacks, for privacy (ART, Advertorch, Foolbox) - Some experience in writing machine learning algorithms in R: classification by logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors (forecast bankruptcy of the company), adaptive models of time series (estimation economic indicators of the regions), consumer basket analysis (rule-based machine learning) - I work with any IDE, mainly Spyder, PyCharm and Google Colab, VK Cloud - Worked in MATLAB, SQL basics - VCS (Git + git bush) - Encryption (python - AES, fernet) - I work with any office programs - Word, PowerPoint, Excel (macros in VBA)


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