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8d64962 verified
license: llama3
- DevQuasar/brainstorm_vicuna_1k
pipeline_tag: text-generation
# Brainstorm GGUF
Quantized GGUF model files for [DevQuasar/llama3_8b_chat_brainstorm](https://huggingface.co/DevQuasar/llama3_8b_chat_brainstorm)
Brainstorm facilitates idea exploration through interaction with a Language Model (LLM). Rather than providing direct answers, the model engages in a dialogue with users, offering probing questions aimed at fostering deeper contemplation and consideration of various facets of their ideas.
## Usage
### LMStudio
With https://lmstudio.ai/ use the `brainstorm.preset.json` preset
### llama.cpp
`./main -m llama3_8b_chat_brainstorm.Q2_K.gguf -p "### HUMAN: I'd like to build an online marketplace\n ### ASSISTANT:" -n 400 -e -ins -r "### HUMAN:\n" -r "### ASSISTANT: "`