by DeepMount00 - opened

Please can you share the list of tags that the model is able to recognise. Thanks a lot!

Clinical-AI-Apollo org

@DeepMount00 , you can find it on config.json file

i want to use this model but don't know how to get complete code from this.. will you please let me know about this??

@Thelion what do you mean with complete code?

Clinical-AI-Apollo org

@Thelion , what code are you referring to ?

can you provide how a dataset should look like, so it can be used to train this model?

Thank you for the work you did on this model. I would like to know 1) what does 'I' and 'B' refer to in medical entities? What is the significance?; and 2) are these medical entities mapped to any existing medical coding system such as LOINC or SNOMED CT?


  • B- (Beginning): Marks the beginning of a named entity. The tag is followed by a label that indicates the type of the entity (e.g., PER for person, LOC for location).
    Example: "Barack" in "Barack Obama" would be tagged as "B-PER".

  • I- (Inside): Indicates that a token is inside a named entity and is a continuation of an entity started by a "B-" tag. The tag is followed by the same label as the preceding "B-" or "I-" tag to show it is part of the same entity.
    Example: "Obama" in "Barack Obama" would be tagged as "I-PER".

can I know how did you train this model?

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